Why do I see so many who think that popular vote how a president should be elected?

Why do I see so many who think that popular vote how a president should be elected?

Don't they think the 1,793 rural counties should get to have a say in who's president too? America was founded on the idea that a government should represents citizens. With a popular vote, all it would take is 144 counties voting for a president with city-minded values to completely deny the rural ones a fair shot at a president that represents them -- even if the other 1,203 metropolitan counties sided with the rural ones.

>Don't they think the 1,793 rural counties should get to have a say in who's president too?

No they don't.

How can you still be this confused, leftists do not care about freedom or representative government.

They have zero problem with their hate session target not being allowed to vote.

They call those areas the fly over for a reason.

only land owners should be allowed to vote. minimum should be 5 acres. If you do not own at least 5 acres you do not get to vote... also must be white and male.

>What are cities?
>What are farm land?
>What is urban population
>What is rural population
Stay retarded Sup Forums :^)

P.S. - I love my gun totin' brothers

and more specifically, this is why liberals are constantly fearmongering about racism...they are specifically targeting these highly populated areas they know are minorities

>only land owners should be allowed to vote

Nothing wrong with that system.

This. There's a reason they're conflating "Trump resonates with Americans without college degrees" with "Trump is winning the hearts and minds of knuckle-dragging rednecks and idiots."

3 million illegals voted, meaning Trump won the popular vote in a blowout

leftists will cry over anything lad, don't worry


Lumping all libtards in together is the same as what the left is doing to the right

I want to believe this but we don't have a legit source yet.

Some dude on twitter is not enough.

"But those rural counties are full of poorly educated waycsts Mister Premblementh!"

id say only landowners that served in the military.

Thorgoth picth

Why do you think one person's vote should be worth more than someone else's just because they live in the middle of nowhere?

Found the retard.

Gib broofs, I want to have them to use.

Because rural states have zero reason to stay if they have no political voice whatsoever. Goodluck having another civil war.

>Trump won the popular vote
But that doesn't matter. Popular vote doesn't matter, and it shouldn't. It allows for a system where the majority gets to rule the minority, not where they both get represented.

How is a system that represents 49% of the public any better than a system that represents 51% of the public?

Like, I'm happy with the results of this election, but I legitimately don't know having around half the public dictating what the other half does.

because the people who are fine with the system aren't coming out in defense of it, we don't have to. that is why you only hear the loud idiots


Because they are the feeding hand you're trying to bite. If cities stopped working, rural areas would face shortages. If rural areas stopped working, cities would starve.

>Don't they think the 1,793 rural counties should get to have a say in who's president too?

What the hell are you talking about? If it's a straight vote, everyone gets the same voice. I'm touched by your compassion for minority voters and desire to protect them. Perhaps we could give other minority groups' votes more weight too. I'm thinking blacks should get 2 or 3 votes each. After all, it's not fair for whites to decide the election just because we are the majority.

Remember Hunger games? How the seemingly liberal fags ran everything with an iron fist?



They should get a say: one vote per person. They shouldn't have their votes unfairly inflated to make up for the fact they live in shit tier areas with no population.

When that minority is working to supply everyone in the country with food, then yeah, we shouldn't let them fall by the wayside. Plus it's a minority that anyone could join if they wanted, and not something that you can only be born into

I'd be fine with this if we restricted voting to citizens only and forced everyone to vote.