Jews put the meat of dead children in McDonald's burgers

Jews put the meat of dead children in McDonald's burgers.


Back to /x, schizo

My crazy black friend legit believes this.

>current year
>eating meat

Rofl I don't know a single person who was doing this even 3-5 years ago. Carnie cucks are like 3% of the population.

Is that why I get a boner when I eat McDonald's? Hmm.

this would not surprise me

considering that the world is ran by satanic cannibal pedophiles, I wouldn't be shocked if the internet is ran by a dead baby furnace

Kek says yes

The child content is likely pretty low. If you were gonna buy a Big Mac in Washington, you might as well just kill a DNC staffer and eat him. You're only expediting the process.


You're just finding this out?

Wasted get.

>implying McDick's burgers are made of meat

possibly, considering all that's come to light regarding the massive clinton human trafficking and cannibalism network.

The question is though, how do we find out what is safe to eat and what isn;t? We have next to no oversight here in the US

you really are in an echochamber

Considering how much Beef we eat, you don't see that many Cows.

Cheese (((Burger)))

we soylent green now

Well, the McRib was good because of that tho.

We know who you are Scott

No way to disprove it.

>The question is though, how do we find out what is safe to eat and what isn;t? We have next to no oversight here in the US

that's because we have too much government regulation. we need to repeal all food safety laws. only then can the unfettered free market take care of it.