Really makes me think

Really makes me think.

Other urls found in this thread:

Siskind or (((Siskind)))? I legit can't tell.

>Why do women hate each other
They are all shallow cunts who base their value on devaluing other women?

>women should rally around the first female candidate regardless of who the candidate is
>based solely, entirely upon her sex
>just 'cuz

Into the trash you go

If liberals keep pushing white women like this they will make them feel as alienated as white men, and they will drive them to the Republican party like they did with the working class which used to vote overwhelmingly Democrat a few decades ago.

Because they are all in direct competition with each other for the top alpha dick.

Whites are the strongest force in the western world. There is a systematic effort to make everyone, including themselves, hate them in order to make them weak and conquerable.

Don't buy into it.

all they have to do to get a female president is to field someone not corrupt and warmongering or fucking retarded. but that's too much to ask

Women hate to compete, that's why. They want everything handed to them with minimal to no effort invested to obtain it outside of laying on their backs. Women are the brainchildren behind 5th place trophies and awards for merit.

Women hate women more than men ever could because other women pose a threat to their pile of free shit men have been socially conditioned to shower them with.

anglicised form of süßkind.

smells familiar.

>all black people vote for black president
>he wins

>therefore all women should vote for a woman president

>fucking sexist, misogynist white males voting for Trump just because he's a man and not a woman, they should be voting for Hillary too!

These people should not breed.

Actually, research consistently shows that women have in-group preference for other women and will exhibit bias towards them, while men actually tend to have the same biases for women and treat them similarly favorably.

This bitch is going off of garbage anecdotal evidence. The reason women fight and compete is because they're spoiled by male attention

They invoked the white male privilege boogie man so hard they actually created it.

Next up, white female privilege.

>man vote for woman
>"how progressive!"
>woman vote for man
>"why do women hate each other???"
2016 everyone

This collectivism needs to die out. Hillary Clinton isn't all women and a woman can vote for her principles as an individual.

Reminder that mtgow is D&C
Reminder that white women rarely racemix
Don't fall for their lies

Women hate each other and that is exactly why they will never reach ranks as high as men - this is coming from numerous women I've asked btw. They admit that they are petty and simply cannot let things go. Most would rather have a male boss/leader if given the choice.

They are emotional by nature and rarely take responsibility for their own shortcomings - it's easier to blame others whether it be society, men, or fellow women for their problems. Just look at the fat acceptance movement, feminism, etc. Women will search desperately to place blame on everyone but themselves.

Females - "I'm fat but I'll blame the patriarchy instead and continue to be fat! Healthy at every size!"

Males -"I really have turned into a fat piece of shit, maybe I'll look into better eating and a gym membership".

Women are their own worst enemies. Change can't happen unless you admit your own faults and work to reverse them.


This stuff is such low level garbage. I hate Trump and Clinton, but this election has really opened my eyes to how infantile liberals are. It's actually frightening.

I seriously can't wait for 2017.

very relevant

Make women great again

>Why do women hate each other

You are right OP, really made me think

All you faggots on POL who were worried about white women and non-whites. i think they spoke too. So shut the fuck already.

Ivanka will be future President, shut these twats up

This shit makes me green of anger.
Why the fuck would you vote someone just because "vagina" and then if you don't vote for "vagina" you are a "vagina" hater.
These people are fucking retarded.
They make a big deal of gender and humanity has already passed that issue.
I want off this world.


I've never seen a group of guys turn on each other behind their backs the way women do. This is not some new thing. Fuck, years ago I realized that women go to the bathroom in groups because they don't trust leaving each other alone to talk shit about each other.


Yes, poor Hillary is a victim of shallow cunts. The mystery has been solved.


Every time they talk about slutshaming and shite, it's always other women
"Oh I dont wanna go to that guy and ask him to go see a movie, he'll think I'm a slut" they honestly believe this while no man actually does

Do women actually 'like' anyone?

Their children, perhaps?

This needs to happen

I've seen guys talking shit about other guys a lot.
Most people like gossip. People always talks shit about someone who isn't there, but that seems to not break relationships between guys.
I think that some women -the noisy ones- care more about what others think of them than most men.

do you think that makes them regret affirmative action and diversity quotas in colleges?

I have. Every single cuck who spouts the "all white men need to die out" meme while being white.

We memed them so hard they started pushing red pill philosophy.