What's your view on Operation Iraqi Freedom?

What's your view on Operation Iraqi Freedom?

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Operation oil field freedom was a waste of cash money.

Noble goal but with both Iraq and Afghanistan we're forgetting that they're inhabited by tribal savages who are incapable of uniting for a common cause no matter how much money and manpower we put into it. It's just like what the europeans tried to do with africa for centuries. It'll all come crashing down the moment the white man isn't there to prop it up with force because they're just too fucking stupid.

knew it was gonna be some bullshit when they slapped that stupid propaganda name on it

Got any Veterans here?

Ya, 2005 OIF vet here ama. We were training their military but they are/were all cowards and ran away at first sight of enemy.

Obama and Hillary ruined Iraq by funding terrorists. It makes me sad the way it is now. #1 reason I voted Trump is to stop Clinton from continuing their crimes.

Stupid, bungled waste of lives and treasure

total waste. should have bombed australia instead

Saddam was an evil dictator but toppling his government and putting hundreds of thousands of military age men out of work and saying they could never work in the government again demonstrated a remarkable lack of foresight.

Or a great eye for sustainability, depending on how you look at it. ISIS was created by Iraqi intelligence agents in American-run prisons.

Yeah I'm a vet

I knew it was going to be bad when before ISIS even existed I saw how poorly trained their military was and how little of what we tried to teach them rubbed off on them (entire bases would be fucking abandoned when they didn't want to come to work, multiple times we would drive onto an Iraqi base for training exercises and no one would even be guarding the gates)

Iraqi units should have been headed by American commanders and subjected to American discipline until they got their shit together

They should have called it, "Operation Kick Some Towelhead Ass".

Regrettable attempt at empire building.

FROM 1935 drawing lines in the sand for HOUSE OF SAUD...
>to fucking Quadaffis' ass w/a gurhka.

The Dying dream of Old men bent on power.

>a failed plan to own the energy OF THE WORLD FOR A THOUSAND YEARS.

...I could keep making up metaphors...but you get the idea.

>a thousand points of light

Destined to fail for the same reason Vietnam did.

We weren't willing to go the distance.

It could have been salvaged but for,
1. Hyping Zarqawi and not recognizing insurgency, or even focusing on counter-terror until 06
2. Disbanding the Iraqi Army and not state building
3. Backing the Awakening but abandoning them to Maliki
4. Hyping the Parliament and elections but leaving (or at least de-leveraging) the system of oil rents and invasive special groups

IMO, if any one if these were done with more prudence the results would be sufficient to call the war a success.

Thanks for the input and thank you for your service. I just think that with people today trying to forget this ever happened, it's kind of unfair for all the men who fought and lost their lives. No matter how this turned out it's the soldiers fault. It's a subject of dread, like some bizzaro world where things happened and didn't happen. Dunno if you share that perception.

I don't think anyone's forgot about it, my dude

The results of the Iraq War were a major reason why Trump was just elected, he spent the entire republican primary calling them idiots for how it was handled

We brought in pros to conquer, then we sent in fuckups to rebuild.
Imagine what europe woulda been like if we did the Marshall Plan like this...

True that. I was talking about how things move so fast these says and young people probably aren't very educated about things that happened a few years ago, but that's a common theme. Maybe in America it's different. (They should take veterans at schools to speak t b h). I was just under the impression that many liberals are dismissive of the army nowadays. Not to mention that people are so entrenched into pop culture that they don't care anyway.

Horrible act. Saddam Hussein was a total lad and Iraq was amazingly good under him
Americans don't understand why people hate them because of this but they honestly should

The Pashtuns and Iraqis aren't even that bad.

A military success but a political failure

On that note, from a domestic perspective I would add driving the greatest generation of military leaders since WWII out of the military and defense agencies for a few short-lived election victories.

>says the Brit

Shut up faggot. You were involved in Iraq every step of the way. Don't think you're blameless.

>blaming Iraq only to the Americans

lmao, I guess there weren't enough bus bombings.