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nah, I don't like Pseudo-Communism in these here United States of America

old fuck will die next year while standing in a breadline

Endorsing Hillary was political suicide

Bernie Sanders sucks.

His campaign HQ will be a hospice.

Sanders 2020!

Lol is beach house bernie here to scam some milleinials again?

destroyed his sad he sold out instead of making a stand.He had truly high-energy libs on his side. I may not like his love of socialism, but I do respect the man for what he tried to do.

Time to rev up those Sup Forums Sanders memes.

99 888
Kek has spoken truth

Agreed, it should be full communism.

>Ran entire campaign rallying against the establishment
>Loses, and fully endorses said establishment
>Liberals unironically still love him

>Endorsing Hillary was political suicide
I think you mean running against Hillary was literal suicide.

"When you're white...You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car"
t. ((((((((((((((BOINIE SANDIZ))))))))))))))

Wtf i love donating now.

But we reopened /r/Sandersforpresident! C'mon, feel the Bern!

Just donated my kid's college fund ($27) who'll match me?

Where can I place bets that Bernie lives on the next 4 years?


Just donated all my savings, no bluray for me.

your glorious soviet Empire committed suicide. rembeer that, mr red army rape.

He'll be 79 next election. He should just give up

How come Sanders didn't win the nomination?

Kike? Check.
Commie? Check.
Whippable, turncoat servant? Double check, especially in hindsight.

How come he wasn't selected for running against Trump? Did (((((they))))) want to make a statement, that (((((they))))) have the power to get even the living breathing cancer that is Hillary to get elected?


open redditors should be banned here

Time to push for Stein on reddit again

Sanders is a traitor

Yup, also checking those digits, Kek's Triples of Truth

>cucks supporting their cuck king

having fun being jewed out of all your money reddit?

ex-Sanders supporter here

He showed his true colors by cucking for Clinton, and not doing a damn thing about it. Can't in good conscious vote for a spineless sell-out like that.

Fucker went up against someone who was the epitome of all he claimed against. No, it wasn't Trump, but a fucking Wall Street plant who was confirmed for having a "private" platform, I.E. lying to the public with a smile.

A traitor in his midst, and he said fucking nothing. Nothing at all.

Except maybe buy a half-million Lake House. Hope he commits suicide with a barbell at the gym.

>hating rich people so much that you would vote for a candidate that would make the country poorer

Anyone want to phone bank with me?! We got it this time guys!

If we start right now ,bernout roll call! Wewww

Not only that but not one candidate by Sanders won office in Congress of the senate. Sanders is done and the only people who missed the memo are his retarded supporters

>Sanders becomes minority leader
>Can't get shit done
>Will get blame for being such a faggot
>Dems in red states will side with Reps because Bernie is too commie
>Bernie will never ever be able to run because no one other than faggots will buy his shit
This is a great way to split the DNC.

Sanders, the man who got privately raped by Hillary, then publicly bent over and asked for more. He is not a fucking leader

You underestimate the power of the promise of free shit and taking money from people you're jealous of.

I'm sure every fag at the fed breathed a sigh of relief when trump won though since it meant those college cucks still had to repay their loans.

No. Just no. Bernie is a false "revolutionary" that succumbed to the 1% he was trying to overthrow. Also socialism and communism are horrible for countries culturally, economically, and physically. Have fun starving to death because you have no food or money.


>Supporting a faggot
See that is the problem. I knew he was a spineless fuck as soon he got dominated by two niggers on his podium. All you have to blame for yourself for supporting that fuck

>He is not a fucking leader
I do not think you realize but, the DNC is our enemy. Having a cuck leader will only bleed them even more.

Kek good image

Which season is this shot from?

that kike will be dead in 4 years tops. hopefully shillary will too

INDIA NO. What will you poo in now?

Nah, I saw the writing on the wall even before that, and knew he was gonna fuck it up when he announced running for this go around.

But he had the perfect opportunity to redeem some of that dignity back and actually call someone out on their lies and transparency.

And he did fucking nothing, but look all meek and humble, even when his supporters were getting trashed on by the DNC.

I may have been willing to vote for him when I was younger some years ago, but I can't fucking stand what the left has devolved into. Such senseless stupid selfish shit. Regressives indeed.

Isn't he like 90 in 2020?

If we help them we might be able to finish the Left in the US for good. Hopefully it'll trickle down.

>alive in 2020

sometimes I wonder which came first. Communism, or bernie.


lol fuck this has-been.

The republic was a corrupt war mongering theocracy. never forget! the jedi tried to eliminate the sith simply for being sith

the empire
>brought peace and unification to a fractured warring galaxy
>drove organized crime to fringe planets on the outer rim
>only took up arms against those that were a threat to its sovereignty
>never imposed its religious beliefs on anybody
>did not discriminate against anyone for their gender, race, species, or sexual orientation
>only imposed a flat tax of 20% on citizens
>in return they received a military, police force, and investment in infrastructure
tell me again why the radicalized terrorists trying to overthrow a democratically elected leader are the good guys?

>sanders is back to siphon more donations off of his broke supporters

no it wasnt
hes only trying to do what is the best for america in his perspective, which meant endorsing hillary to stop trump
bern supporters already know this, that political suicide thing is only a meme

Bullshit. Doing whats best for America would have been telling the truth no matter what the consequences.

not really from their perspective
they believed trump is a disaster and anything else would be better
similar to how lots of people voted for trump because they believed hillary would have been a disaster, even though they didnt support trumps policies

i'm sure soros can kick some money his way, we already know he's a sellout.

>watch them all donate millions to his primary campaign again
>watch him lose
>watch him give those donations to the next hillary



But he is shit....why bother?

>age 78-79 by 2020
He's already senile, he's just going to get even more senile as he ages.

>i'm sure soros can kick some money his way, we already know he's a sellout.

and to close the deal sanders can give him a teenage sjw to eat.

So, people can give him their money again?
Someone wanna match my 350?

bernie sanders wears depends lol

Guys just about to take out a loan to wire some money over to the Sanders campaign.

Is 5.8% py good for a 5 year loan whilst consolidating the loan I took out in April into this one?

This meme again.


All people stupid enough to believe the Bernie lie should immediately drink bleach.

SAGE /thread

don't forget the fact that they were prepping for that war from the Yuuzhan Vong which totally fucked the New Republic in the ass

Yeah, it's a good investment because the free college will pay for itself.

Still bullshit. If you cared about America and the principles on which it stands, you would want the people to be able to first and foremost make an informed decision. If people choose Trump over Hillary because you told on her, it because it's their fucking choice, not yours. That's the point, people had a right to choose trump for their own reasons and informing them would only help.

are you saying its bullshit that they are doing it that way or its bullshit, they dont do that
if former i partially agree, but the thing is that they are basically forced to do that, everybody started to have that us vs them view

>more old people
T-thanks reddit


Get a job

>Sup Forums is this scared of an old jewish man

holy shit lmao

I also felt Sanders endorsing Hillary was a mistake, but I'm not going to hold it against him because I respect what he represents. Like Trump he isn't perfect and all-seeing, but he means well. The same way I don't hold Trump's flaws against him I won't hold them against Sanders. I voted for Trump because I knew that if he won, progressives would gain an extremely powerful weapon to use against the DNC to bring the reform we want.

Either the current staff makes room for new leadership approved by Sanders, or we vote Trump right back into office in 2020. There's no longer any negotiating with these Hillary supporters, they had their turn and fucked everything completely up.

I think the reason why Sup Forums hates Sanders so much is because, deep down, they know, in their heart of hearts, that Sanders would have beaten Trump.

How right am I, anons?


He will be seen, once again, to be the wise old sensible representative struggling to make the best out of bad options. Trump is already fucking up so bad that all his previous statements of "we need to support Clinton or we might get Trump" all ring true

>No minority support

>No moderate support

>No any support really outside young voters and hard leftists

>lost the nomination by three million votes

Yeah, he sure would have beaten Trump

He is?

He ran on a platform he says is neglected by the establishment. The options in the general election were an establishment candidate with 80% agreement in same party, or a fucking loose cannon that shitposts at 3am about how fat beauty pageant winners are in their fake sex tapes.

Remember to donate your life savings.

Match me!


>he is the nominee in 2020
>Trump still wins

It'll be Michelle in 2020. Spandex ain't gonna do shit.

Every time he was given a microphone he won the debate. He crushed Clinton on policy and clarity.

Clinton, in turn, made Trump nearly meltdown 3 times in a row. Sanders would have politely and respectfully made him the icon of everything wrong, including loss of manufacturing jobs.

Sanders would have won. For the minimum of pulling 270, Sanders would not have lost any states Clinton won, and Sanders would have easily won the rust belt and ol' Jewy Florida

>I think you mean running against Hillary was literal suicide.
He literally didn't get the memo. All of her primary challengers were people who had been out of the party a while, and they all missed the DNC telling Democrats not to run against Her.

>Bernie: lifelong independent until he ran
>O'Malley: Out of office since Nov 2014
>Chaffee: Out of office since like 2006
>Webb: Out of office since like 2010, party clearly moved on without him

>implying Trump will last a year

Nope. I hate him because the faggot is a spineless communist wannabe with the most cancerous following.

If the old kike makes it to 2020

He'll be 79 in four years, or he'll be dead.

Except Sanders is a Communist and even though it's 2016 the election of Donald Trump proves that shit still doesn't fly here.

How do you win over people who want work andless taxation with welfare, gibs and higher taxes?

Yeah nutters like you and the other septuagenarians would be a problem. Luckily Sanders would beat the shit out of Trump over medicare and pull lots of old people to him

Because you articulate a point in clear English like Sanders was capable of doing every debate in the primary


>supports a Communist
>I'm the one that's a nutter

>Old people
>Voting for a communist kike
Yeah nice joke.

Okay, how do you articulate a point that the working/middle class will have to pay more in taxes to support poor people further in return for basically nothing? How do you articulate a point that there won't be jobs to people who want to work?

I'd rather slit my wrists than vote for an utopical socialistic Jew

I think if this election has proven anything it's that radical ideas and candidates aren't unelectable. Both Sanders and Trump rode a populist wave of anti-establishmentarianism.

If Trump could survive while being branded a racist, sexist, pervert, then I think Sanders could have withstood being called a communist.