Hey girl...Hey girl!

Hey girl...Hey girl!
don't lie to me! .

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn, that whole sequence was neat. Really hope to see more like that later down the line.

Also,; if there was an SCP "canon" that Sup Forums would like to see made into a ocmic or animation, which would it be?

His name is Arnold

superior cover coming through


A comic adaptation of the Cool war with different art styles.

I think the one that you place on a mirror and it turns it into a portal to a post-apocalyptic world where some kind of god juice fused everyone into giant half torso zombie assimilators would make for a good game.

The problem is it would be unsatisfying if you can't actually give it an ending and are forced to leave it as you find it with none of your actions making a difference.

Ah, the Red Sea Object, and His (Un)Holy Tears, and the Unclean birthed from them. Who could ever forget living nightmare. That is funnily enough, being turned into an actual game.

Whats that?


Is this that foundation thing? Shame, good design wasted on boring stuff.

>That pic
999 does not approve. Delet dis immediately.

Bitch, don't make me get the Mother's Milk.


999 a shit.

Stay eternally salty, 682. You just can't admit that you got BTFO by a mass of slime and sugar can you?
That also happens to be your half-brother.

Does 999 have eyes? I can never tell.

You niggas as hyped as me for the Ikea episode Lord Bung is doing?

>with none of your actions making a difference.
There is a difference: you could get cleansed by the Blessed Militia, you filthy sinful unclean.

What happened?

Whats that big Cthulu/Tentacle SCP? I recognize the Deer god, and I think thats the gatekeeper, but whats the third one?

Also, keep posting art like this, its amazing, Really captures the scope of SCP.

The Clef-Kondraki SCP-239 saga.

He's doing IKEA next? That should be fun.

They put 998 in with 682 to see what would happen.
999 tickled 682 making him laugh and giggle like a school girl.
682 fucking hates 999 while 999 loves 682.

Yep one of the best SCPs

That's the leech kid from the SCP that picture is based on. You take a relatively harmless scp and dump it still alive in the pit where you're dumping dead SCPs and you get something like that.

999 also drove 682 insane with that, and caused him to start unleashing waves of raw happiness sending people into catatonic fits of bliss. 999 is strong Slimeboi.

>Do you love me brother?
>Be strong, 682. Be strong for mother.

Why is everyone freaking out about procedure 110-Montauk, the little girl gets a nice bed time story every night. Also I'm digging the idea they have about belief as a weapon with the godlike beings they have to contain.

They changed the story didn't they?

The new theory going about is that 999 is actually 231's son, successfully delivered by the Foundation, and that the whole Montauk thing is a far reaching Foundation psyop to keep the original cult from realizing they have the baby.

>682/999; Brotherly Duo
>Combating Evil in all its manifestations throughout reality
I'd read it.


But the original one wasn't the short story, the original was is to prove that the REDACTED is the scariest thing.

Wait, what? Seriously?

But I stand by what I said about it probably not going to be a satisfying conclusion since there's probably no method to unfuck that world, bring the assholes down from their magic space stations, and figure out what the god's deal is.

What Blessed Militia? They're all dead or suffering a fate worse than death. There's no one left to hand out blessings.

COTG is the best GOI


What proposal for scp001 do you like best? And what do you consider the worst proposal?

Most people seem to think that the Gate Guardian is 001 for some reason. I’m not exactly complaining but why it in particular has gathered so much support is what I don’t understand

Because Cain and Able has a connection to it. But I like The Prototype being the 001 the best.

It truly is.
>The true followers of the religion preserve knowledge in all its forms, all in order to preserve the very spirit of humanity
>Usually dont force people into becoming followers of Mekhane and accept cybernetic augments to their being. It's all up to them and their own decision
>Grant aid to those seeking shelter against all the utterly ufcked-up shit in the SCPverse
>Regularly fight against the Flesh in order to ensure that the rest of the world/universe has a future
>Universes where they succeeded are literally idyllic paradises devoid of evil forces
Truly, they are the best GOI. Fuck Yaldabaoth for fucking everything over forever, though.

That's why I asked the question because a lot of people don't know that there is more than the gate guardian under one. I like the guardian but the Prototype is probably my favorite.

>posted one minute later
I'll be sure to take your opinion serously.
>disproves of 110 mauntauk
What's there to hate about the procedure?

Normallacy will always be my favorite.

I like the Guardian, the Factory one, and the one where it was the foundation that made the SCPS but I like to believe that each of the scp001 proposals are real in different Universes so in one uinverse the prototype is real but the others aren't

>What's there to hate about the procedure?
Not enough Candy and cheesy jokes.

The closest thing to a satisfying conclusion I think would be completing a mission to save someone in there, possibly agents from a previous expedition.

I do enjoy 999 stalking 303

Would this work for the fifth church on the faction chart that we have been working on?

>That Connor



Tape: My Neighbor Totoro

Movie proceeds normally with SCP 3922-A instances in background scenes. When Mei runs away, she is swiftly found and return after being lectured on her inappropriate behavior. The Totoro instances, due to their rarity are tagged and released back into the wild for monitering


I would choice Staro for the Fith Church.

Is Dr. Bright Peter?

Please change the GAW from Johnny Test, not even they deserve that

Don't lie to your self. It is either that or the chicks from foam adventures.

Have you read their content

I agree that Johnny Test shouldn't GAW, but not because they "Don't deserve him", just cause it doesn't seem to really fit.

GAW are basically liberal meme activists. Johnny Test is a meme but not particularly liberal or activist.

Literally who?

Literally "how new r u"

That or dropping 682 into it and watch it destroy the unclean and also the god that made them.

It doesn't matter because those people aren't Sup Forums, so we wouldn't use that anyway.

the guardian was the first judeo christian scp I read, thought it was really neat to see something like that framed as an eldritch being beyond comprehension.
But i didn't hate cain either though so who knows. It did always seem kind of off though, for reasons obvious to me now.

You know what would be a great fit for GAW? Freakazoid. Think about it. Internet based pranksters with insane powers.

You are correct, I apologize. May I attempt to restore my honor by suggesting Bat-mite.

This niggas a better fit anyways,

Who would GRU Division "P" be? any Russian anomalies Sup Forums characters?

Probably someone from hellboy

Hell you could probably fill most of the chart with people from hellboy

>A hill again, under skies of darkness. Three figures, raised high above a crowd of humanity.

>On the right, a slave to base desire. A predator: hungry, lustful. Uncaring of consequence. Spiteful in its damnation. Its music is frenzy.

>On the left, another slave, looking for freedom through plans and designs. Analysing the predicament and trying to reason a way out. A thinker: denying the base motives of its companion, of its own past self. Its music is calculation.

>These two bicker and spit, their melodies clashing in raucous counterpoint, as the crowd below looks on.

>The figure in the centre is above the other two - apart from them. Beyond them. Their petty squabbles are nothing. The outcome matters not. At the appointed time, the melodies of raw power and cold reason will no longer hold any meaning. They will be absorbed into an infinite song - into the coming perfection.

>The central figure is the centre - it is everything and eternity. It is not a being - it is existence. It is called a saint, but it is not holy, it is holiness - it is the stuff of which gods are made. No-one can find it, but all are guided by it. No-one can know it, but all will feel it. It has always been, it has returned, it will return again. It is outside time. At the appointed time, time itself will cease to be.

>And all will come together in perfect harmony.

you rang?

Who's this?

varavara demon loli

>Page 6
No way in hell.

I hope to go we see 354 in Condiment.
It would so much fun

>There is a fucking utterly revolting thread that has been shitting up the Catalog for one entire HOUR, and has just descended into total porn-posting chaos now.
>Mods do absolutely nothing about this
>Yet the vast majority of SCP threads and other genuinely good crosspost threads end up getting deleted without warning despite genuinely staying on topic almost all the time

What thread ? ill delete it

You'll know it when you see it



>paradises devoid of evil forces

and all other emotions (The Necrons)

I'd much prefer having no emotions whilst living in a world without evil to living in a world where I have to go to bed each night fearing that some unholy thing will eat my soul whilst I sleep, or suck my intestines out through my nose, or assimilate my bones and organs into itself whilst I'm fully aware of it all, or drink me like a bloody smoothie, or erase my own personality and will before using my body as a puppet, or even going to sleep fearing whether or not my fucking kids will get smashed open like containers by a fucking demonic pinata, amongst countless other potentially far worse things.

I can't wait for Captain Alexei to make an appearance. Oh yeah, and fuck Chechens.

To be fair, SCP isn't really Sup Forums related. Only Confinement is.


Can't you make the exact argument for Star Wars? there's animated stuff but it's a movie series first.

I'd like to see a mini comic based on the UIU handling shit the foundation deemed low priority

Ahh the human chicken that cannot go extinct really love the story :)

I could see that working and if you want a downer finale I have an idea the team you grow to love is "accidentally"(could be argued either way) given a case meant for the foundation and it becomes a wholesale slaughter of the team as they attempt to deal with something that is even is troubling for the foundation

>Blessed Militia
Everyone is fucking dead, mane.
Only torsos now

>That Spoiler
How cruel, but rather fitting given the nature of the SCPverse.

Also, I found spoiler related browsing through fanfic archives looking for good SCP crossover stuff. Enjoy.

>shit the foundation deemed low priority
So UIU being forced to round up actual lucky pennies that AWCY? made or having to deal with some wondertainment shit. Might be nice if you can ground it maybe have hints about the more sinister shit


Man, that AWCY logo really sucks. A lot of the other ones are pretty good though, like the Marshall Carter and Dark and ORIA.

>Man, that AWCY logo really sucks.
They're post-modern artists, user; what did you expect?

something dumb, absurd, annoyingly minimalist and pretentious. the weird grungy horror aesthetic was not what i was expecting. i can imagine the words "WHY SO SERIOUS?" in the same font and overall style

>something dumb, absurd, annoyingly minimalist and pretentious.
Aside from the minimalism, that's exactly what it is.

not really. it just looks like something you'd see on a band shirt at hot topic.

Which is dumb, absurd, annoying (in general), and pretentious.

let's agree to disagree.

no u

The other guy

scp-wiki.net/scp-1993 I miss my leg