Help identifying comic

A while ago, maybe around 2007, I read a short one shot comic. Pretty sure it was posted somewhere on Sup Forums.

It was sci-fi/dystopia/cyberpunk. The main character was a woman. I remember 2 sequences clearly:

A man talking about how his girlfriend slowly replaced her body parts with cybernetics and left him. The man had been having sex with his car and caught an STD from it.

Birds on the street, instead of chirping, making ringtone noises like "hello moto".

I think the title had "angel" in it.

Anyone know about this comic?

Are people so fucking stupid to actually believe parasaroliphus breathed fire?

I think it's satire, but so much effort went into it that it might be real. Thanks for the bumping.


user, there are people who think the earth is like 5k years old and that Pi is 3.0 because the bible says so. Oh yeah, and flatearthers....

It's been a long time since I read it, and the protag is a man, but that sounds... KIND OF like Transmetropolitan?

I’m curious to know myself

Yeah it's not transmet. I've considered the possibility that it might be authored by the same person though.

Yeah, I don't know then, bud, sorry.

That parasaurolophus thing looks like it comes from a ultra christian propaganda comic or the like.

Doesn't ring a bell, OP.

Can't say what it's from, because I forget the exact title, but I can confirm this is from a Christian creationist book.

There's also people who believe you can have a penis and be a girl. You're not as smart as you think you are. You are united in stupidity with the most hardcore christians and imams imaginable, it's just that your brand of stupidity is called a different name than theirs.

Now, kiss.

Whoops! spoke too soon, found it. Took like 30 seconds, but I wanted to find a good picture. I think this one that's probably Cain and Able with a Velociraptor is pretty good.

The book is called: "Dinosaurs By Design", look up some more pictures of this thing. It's fucking hilarious. Apparently, the guy who wrote it had a PhD, I'm assuming from a religious college, and had never in his life learned anything about Paleontology, but decided he wanted to write a book about Dinosaurs. The fire breathing thing was just a theory he decided to throw the fuck out there. Apparently, it's still pushed as a valid school of thought by creationists scientists. Most of the scientific community just laughed at the guy for decades though, because everything in the book is horribly stuck on the idea of trying to marry dinosaurs and religion, so it comes out crazy.

Here's the OP, but a little bit better. It's really good when you can see the faces the artist gave the two dinosaurs. I like to think the predator is yelling something like: "No Dave, god damn it, ugh. Dave I told you to stop it! UGH, DAVE."

Or possibly he's just really into this. I feel like that face could be a lot of things. Maybe the green one just happened to show off her tiddies and the orange one started breathing fire, but this is like, half of dinosaur foreplay. I don't know.

The pic related is part of a few asides that are in the book, I guess. The segments are called 'Evolutionary Fairy Tales', and they basically boil down to the guy insinuating that "According to evolutionary scientists" dinosaurs "chose" to evolve because they longed to fly/swim/whatever and that not a single transitional fossil has ever been found. He goes on to call them lizards, and seems to imply all throughout the book that they were tail draggers.

I think these segments have some of the best god damn art, because these dinosaurs look so fucking good. One of them is forlorn about his change and the other is just annoyed or something because he grew a sea tail, I guess.

Sorry I can't add anything more constructive for you, OP. I've been trying to check around and see if anything matches your descriptions, but I haven't had any luck. Wish I could be more helpful.


Actually his PhD was in biochemistry.

I own this book. It's true that it's creationist propaganda but the illustrations are excellent and I bought it because of a project I was working on where I had to draw a lot of dinosaurs.

The fire breathing hypothesis is mechanically plausible even though it has been rejected by the scientific community. If nothing else it's an interesting idea.

The difference is that one brand of "stupidity" is confirmably false, and the other is a recognition of a confirmably true fact that makes certain people uncomfortable.
