Other urls found in this thread:

Boo hoo go fuck yourself you whiny faggot. Go be a little self-worshiping libtard, you Satan-worshiping piece of worthless shit. You think you're a good guy? You're not. You're a bad person. Everyone is bad except for Jesus. I'm sorry for you, your parents must be complete retards. And you think you can spit on this peaceful and prosperous land built by my people who worshiped Jesus/God since arriving here in the 1600s, and you think you can worship Satan on this land? You should be hanged, faggot. Now that Trump is President, you better be a good little boy. We're a lot less lenient than that faggot nigger Obama. We want a comfy society for people who worship God. If you are unwilling to submit to Jesus, the one true God, we will destroy you. If we were like Jesus, we would let you overcome us, but we are flawed sinners, who want to live in a comfy society. If you want to worship your own power instead of thanking God and repenting, if you want to worship your own strength, I'm sorry for the pain you will feel. We don't give a fuck about the 'sins of our past', nigger. God forgives those who repent. If you think that was bad, our damage output is going to be off the charts after all these years of being held down by the satanic establishment. Try us, little bitch

Literally nothing wrong with that poster

>BLM constantly telling people how much they hate white people
>libcucks constantly saying how much they want white people to die
>liberals always saying how good it would be to have less white people around

And they wonder why people are fighting back? Hilarious

Have we started the fire?

Pretty convincing poster. I was never much for clubs though. They'd love it if white people formed a club, it'd give them an easy target. But dispersed, and everywhere, there's no one place for them to assault.

>whatcha doing rabbi?

>Questioning when immigration will stop?
Immigration itself isn't illegal. This is fucking stupid, unless they're just really racist.

You could still lose your job and any other social status if these acts of discrimination are ever traced back to you.

Sweet, new right-wing websites to check out.

>Country rapidly declining to sub 50% white.
>nearly half of the country by 2030 won't have ancestry here
>Greatest country on earth
>inherited not by the sons of America, but by third worlders
>still thinking immigration is good because it's legal

No different than BLM. Suck a duck faggots!

The only people who call us the alt-right are our enemies and opportunistic jews trying to cash in.

So this is a false flag or a lame advertisement. Either way we had nothing to do with it.

>my childrens caregiver
Easy to be pro diversity when you have the ethnic servants to wipe your ass. Progressives hate rich white people yet they are too sheltered to know the maid hates her children

There are no brakes on this train

I'm just starting to feel really fucking proud of being white again.

There is something brewing, something beautiful.

Least offensive poster I've seen today


>does exactly what the fifth dot says

>my wife's son found this while my wife and her boyfriend were at the park with him and now he's literally shaking, wtf END BIGOTRY NOW!!!

>my children's caregiver

Can't even raise her own fucking kids.

Picking that poster and posting it online complaining that it is "racist" is how you make "racists"

I have been openly racist as fuck on all of my social media accounts that are linked under my actual name for years. I have gotten into numerous arguments with cucks on the internet. I constantly use words like "kike," "nigger," "spic," and "gook."

I have never once had any repercussions in real life for this. Probably because I work in a non-cucked industry and nobody cares if you have an unpopular opinion.

The reason you always see office wage-slaves getting fired over SJW nonsense is because they're expendable and a fucking monkey could be taught to do the same job they have.

There's a time and a place for that. You weaken it by overreaching.

The best thing about this troll/advertisement is that the flyer literally says nothing racist. All it basically says is "hey white people, are you tired of being shit on?"

But apparently any advocacy for whites whatsoever is untenable racism.

I can almost guarantee you that it wasnt a "alt-rightist" who put it up

Man, I wish I had that luxury. Are you in a trade union or something?

I'm in healthcare, which is full of bleeding heart faggot liberals. Pays well and I like my job, but I've known people that got fired and blacklisted for yelling at BLM on their FB page because they were rioting and killing cops. No way I'll ever "come out". must feel liberating though.

No, those aren't false flags. They're legit. From the guys at TRS and daily stormer.

If you bothered to actually look at the flyer, they don't say anything bad.


what the fuck is the alt-right again?

If by alt-right you mean this and the other Sup Forums then no, fuck off, we're full, no normies needed here.

A lot of the points on the poster aren't unreasonable topics worthy of discussion as opposed to reinforcing the "YOUSSA RACIST!" mentality.

Everything there is true.

Bird dogging. Nobody is going to believe that shit.

literally nothing offensive about that poster. people complaining about it only confirm what is written there.

> be Paramedic
> work for tiny little service in East Texas
> guys who own it are two good old boys who are always hunting and fishing with the money I make them
> everybody is right wing as fuck
> say whatever I want on my FB page
> constantly say shit like "purge the Left"
> advocate gassing BLM protesters
> make posts calling to the ghost of Reagan to nuke the Chinese
> promise to hunt and kill any celebrity who moves to Canada and then returns
> the guys who own my company love that shit
> my fucking face when

this poster was put up in Canada not USA

I'm a merchant mariner. We make a fuck ton of money and there's always a demand for us. And yes, nearly all of us are unionized. To add to that, I live in Alaska. Niggers and spics don't like the cold so I don't even have to put up with them anymore.

Stop, I can only get so erect.

In a giant multi-center megahospital megacorp like the one I'm in, the HR department is the law of the land. You get caught saying ANYTHING not totally PC and cucky, and you're on thin ice. You say "hey, white people have a right to exist" and you get fucking fired.

I want to move to a more rural right-wing area and crush the urbanite. Fuck this shit.

>My children's caregiver
Shame it doesn't say my wife's children's caregiver.

I'm thinking of the children at the moment and I'm horny. What have you done, motherfucker?!

A salty seaman? Impressive, very nice.

Alaska sounds like a hell of a nice place to live. I wouldn't mind going there, but I don't like the idea of leaving my roots.


what are those? i've never seen any


peperoni pizza

Even worse.
>inherented by the chinese

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

I don't see a problem with this...anyone else?

The guy who put that up is based as fuck

that dude is woke af

better than what Ben Garrison or Steven Crowder would do...

Don't think we started it but the flames have not been higher in a very long time

I'm a 30 year old Polish fuck living in the UK, is it possible for me to become glorious sailor? Or am I too fucking old and Polish?

>my child's caretaker

is that the antonym of "my wife's son"?

the fire rises
Dr Pavel im CIA

Im also interested in merchant marining m8ys. How do you get into it?


lol suck my asshole

They have to go back.

This paper ad is perfect.

>my childrens caregiver
Why is that people always try to be flowery with shit nowadays?
Bitch, why can't you call her your nanny?

kek, this guy thinks he is fighting the alt-right by posting an awareness poster over twitter? Does he not see that they have legitimate points? People will read this and get red pilled. Whoever made that poster succeeded wildly.

>Probably because I work in a non-cucked industry and nobody cares if you have an unpopular opinion.

I don't know about that. People get fired for unpopular opinions because they attract attention. If you don't there's no reason to fire you.


Hey jews

-scared of a second holocaust?
-want to ensure it happens, again?

Deny white people the right to express their collective will and shape their own destinies! Join the globalist (not jewish but we're all jewish lol) uniparty today!

Are these progressive/SJW types so fucking clueless that they don't realize THEY are why white nationalism is on the rise?

you wanted identity politics you got em

Why not fight false-flag with false-flag?

Make a similar flyer about the left. And add in how they want to "murder white people" and involve in occult rituals and shit.

Just plaster those all over the place.

>there are people this cucked on pol

your right, we should keep it to ourselves because the media might bully us

maybe when Canada is 20% white it will be our time to move!

time is running out, we need a mass awakening, stop being faggots

But... but there's nothing inherently racist on that flyer. Those are some valid questions as well you never hear getting answered on mainstream media.

this desu

>let's post this poster online so everyone can see it!
>that'll ruin their advertising!

>my children's caregiver
Is this like le wife's son meme from the perspective of the wife? Lel


>Le Counterculture is just as bad as a broken 'culture' maymay

this is what i came here to say. thank you.

I can say yes to all those things

r/Ben Garrison's "hey rabbi, whatcha painting there?"

This is the best post I have ever seen from a Canadian.

You all read "my children's mother" out of habit, didn't you

We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the worlds been turning

>yfw alt-right is so much more than a american political party and has a base in nations around the world

>force identity politics down white people's throats
>surprised by the results
lmao what did these dumb fucks expect?

Why raise your own children when you can pay someone else to do it for you?


WTF, white folk, what holiday do you not celebrate because it deems you racist for your heritage??

Lets make this a meme, just start uploading ridiculous racist stories like the made of ones they put out.

I was expecting this to be KKK-level propaganda but it seems very reasonable to me.


Just remove the incentives for immigration. Do you think people would come here if we didn't hand out gibs?

They're so deluded they don't realize that 90% of the people they encounter IRL that "agree" with their views are only being polite, and are actually much closer to our views than theirs when it comes to things like immigration. It is to our benefit that they don't realize this. The dummy that posted that on their social media just granted the person that put up that poster's biggest wish; for thousands of people to see and read it, and for seeds to be planted within their minds.

Yes, they literally and unironically are.

I'm loving the fuck out of this new timeline we memed ourselves onto.

There are two things you can do here if you are a leftist and want to stop the alt right:

>tear the flyer down and go on with your life


>make a photo of the flyer, post it all over social media. Be sure to contact every big news agency to cover this. Draw as much attention as possible, be sure to get a good view of the urls so everyone can check them out. This will, in no way, backfire or help the cause of the alt-right

But atleast they got to virtue signal a little and get those sweet, sweet normie (you)s on FC and twitter.

>Bristol "too multicultural" for St George's Day celebrations

>School nativity plays under threat

>Muslims Successful in BANNING CHRISTMAS in Maryland Schools, Because it Is “Offensive”

>Sweden Bans Christmas Lights In Public To Avoid Angering Muslim Refugees

>Canadian schools struggle with what to do about Christmas


Yeah let's feed them to Hillary's buddies instead.

Okay I'm triggered.