Help me formulate a one line red pill to blow them the fuck out

Help me formulate a one line red pill to blow them the fuck out

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Send them this:

WW3 is a dealbreaker for me.

Building 7 fell because of explosion
7/7 was another scare tactic
government helped with the mess and now they must live on it

>Have you ever thought, even for a moment, that your view as Trump and/or his proposed polices as racist just might not be correct? That a good chunk of the population doesn't see what you're seeing, and the best term for that is a hallucination? What kind of racist reaches out to the black community and offering them a chance for actual change, instead of just more Democrat emptiness or just being ignored by traditional Republicans? What kind of racist fights to include minorities communities into his club(literally)?

If racism is intrinsic to Trump's campaign, ask this person to describe what would change if this racism was somehow removed.

If they reply, and Trump's campaign begins to sound remarkably like he is running as Democrat, then you know that this person's issue is not with "intrinsic racism". It is with conservatism.

I don't support any group that targets and murders police.

If you don't understand that we'll never come to an agreement.

>one line to red pill
It doesn't exist. Pulling them up takes more than that. Ask what policies he has proposed that is racist and break it done piece by piece. Give them enough rope to hang themselves.

>Trump isn't a racist, idiots
ur welcome, that'll be $20 plus tip

Fuck Niggers
Race war now, gas the kikes

Muslims and illegals aren't races.

You engaged them on their terms. That is why you lost.

If someone makes false claims you don't say "that's false." You say "prove it" or they are shown to be wrong to everyone else.

Make her prove trump had done or said something racist. If she goes mexicans say "mexicans aren't a race. you are ignorant. You say people don't know what racism is and you don't even know what race is yourself." With islam do the same thing. If KKK endorsement say the "California KKK endorsed hillary. denounce her or you are a racist."

As Andrew Breitbart said, politics is bloodsport. You can't politely engage and expect to win. Especially with leftists who have no scruples or decency.

God I fucking hate the word "divisive." Another word that now stands along others like "problematic," "diverse" and "inclusive" in the libcuck lexicon

Digits says you must post this

Nobody thought Trump was racist until he ran against the Democratic nominee.

Guys, you realize that WE are racist, right?

Why are you guys so fucking annoying that you go out of your way to deny it when you're literally posting on a Nazi-sympathizing forum.

I'm racist, you're racist, own it.

Tell them that their rhetoric is indicative of critical theory which derives form Marxist ideology and therefore is a false narrative based on puesdo-intellectualism

>critical theory which derives form Marxist ideology

It actually derives from (((kabbalah))).

Wham! Digits confirm

You could set this up for a logic proof

"I actually am a racist. And so what?"

I myself am a racist and do not see it as a bad quality.

(well said!)
Also tell them that their high standards of skepticism when applied to any evidence you can give them for your opinion is unfairly balanced with the low skepticism with which they evaluate their own positions, resulting in the death of objectivity and irrational fossilization of their mental state.

Just say "Hitler did nothing wrong"

Pol is satire

>This is why you're losing

considering black lives matter was born on the hands up don't shoot lie, it is illegitimate.

War is peace.
Ignorance is strength.
Freedom is slavery.

I don't want to launch a whole fucking facebook argument. I need a one liner that i can drop and nope the fuck out. so far "this is why you're losing" and to a lesser extent "hitler did nothing wrong" is winning.

There is no actual arguing with these fucks.

You point to the fact that they lost, they'll claim the majority is with them since we lost the popular (despite 3m illegals on their side)

You claim Trump isn't racist, they think registering Muslims is racist.

They think grabbing pussy is misogynist.

It never ends.

The war isn't over until these weak ass people are silent.

This video is pretty good

Do "inherent" and "intrinsic" mean you dont have to prove shit?
So i can basically translate that by saying you have a magical racism radar, right?
Find me one Trump quote that is clearly racist or STFU you commie fuck.