Should people who don't pay taxes be allowed to vote?

Should people who don't pay taxes be allowed to vote?

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same for spouses who do not work.

Should people pay taxes?
Should people be managed?
Should people vote?
Should people be?

thats the point of democracy, you retard.


That's kind of unfair, what if someone is unemployed and looking for work but can't find any yet?

No. pic related


Trump wouldn't be able to vote then.


You should only vote if you make more than $50,000.

*buys a pepsi*
There, I paid sales taxes so I can now vote.

Checkm8 atheists.

I don't pay income tax. I'm not rich, but I get by without any issues. Retirement plus ssdi.

The US should repeal the 16th Amendment, and then not let people vote who can't pass a comprehensive test on how our government is supposed to work.

That is reallly making me think.

Yep. Now for the most relevant question. Should anyone that is not a land owning make br allowed to vote?

I would say no but for the following:

1) what about sales tax? everyone pays sales tax regardless of whether they earn a living or are a welfare queen
2) what about people who work, but receive a tax refund greater than the amount of tax they owed?
3) what if they owe tax at the state level, but not the federal level?

Certainly no. That encourages government to keep population in poverty on gibesmedats and voting for them to keep it that way. The social spending will increase constantly, until government changes or economy collapses.

I think it should be against the law not to vote. This is literally your nation's future and if you don't vote you're saying "meh just give me whatever"

How's that extra chromosome treating you, special Edward

>Literally letting the state decide who can vote and who cannot


Absolutely, but a better way to put it is people should have the right to not pay taxes in protest. Henry David Thoreau wrote an essay from jail about it in 1849--Civil Disobedience. The idea is, if you don't support a war or building a wall, you should be able to withdraw your support from these things by not paying taxes.

i am cuck

Jobs are everywhere

Yes, just like people who don't pay taxes are allowed to run for President.

This is a good idea though, even if it would be a logistical nightmare. I suppose you could make people register to vote and then include such a test in part of the registration; some people would just have others do it for them but there would be an overall positive outcome I think.

If you have absolutely no doubt in what the outcome will be in your state there's no harm in not bothering. Besides even people who do vote still throw it away, such as those (11k I think?) who voted for Harambe.

See, my issue is that if people don't pay taxes, they don't really have any incentive to support low-taxation, low-spending political candidates. That's why natives always vote NDP, and blacks on welfare in the states always vote Democrat.

I used to say no but when you think about it state is not only about money. Parliment decides on things like criminal codes which have pretty much nothing to do with money so everyone should vote or it would be tyranny.


>Citizens of the state discussing who should be allowed to vote is the state deciding it
>Implying the state already doesn't decide who can and can't vote

According to you the state shouldn't be preventing non-citizens or 4-year-olds from voting.

Only landowners that served in the military should be allowed to vote.
That way you prove that you have a stake in this country and ready to give your life to protect it. Everyone else should fuck off.

No but there are obvious exceptions

>According to you the state shouldn't be preventing non-citizens or 4-year-olds from voting.
here, check for "strawmen" here

No, it's too easy to suppress voting like this.

Better option, people who receive a certain amount of subsidies shouldn't vote.

For 3rd world immigrants.

The entire point of the Revolutionary War was that the American colonies were being taxed without due representation. Representation (and the war) would have been unnecessary if they had not been taxed, or at least no unduly taxed.
If the only tax you pay is sales tax, you are either a child or a leech and do not deserve representation. You don't contribute to the state, why should the state care for your interests?

we should allow only the poorest 10% of the population to vote. that way everyone is so busy trying to be poor so they can vote to change the law that they will give all their money away to poor people thus making them rich.

>pay 1c of sells tax
>can vote

I agree with this. I think mandatory 2 year service should be implemented in the US so people can really experience >muh hurt feelings. The only people that claim the military is for idiots are the ones that couldn't get their 350 lb ass out of their chair for a jog.

Voting rights at a minimum should be restricted to people that did service for their country and actually felt what life was like under the President's rule.

>If not retired or disabled, must work an average of 35 hours or more per year
>Must not be a recipient of government assistance of any kind
>Must be 30 or older
>Must be a legal resident of the US for 8 years or longer
>Must pass a basic test every four years to prove competency and understanding of how the US Government functions

Yes. Also the votes of billionaire Jews should count even more.

>Rich jews
>Actually paying taxes

Make the tax rate a flat percentage and we'll talk.

>3 million illegal immigrants lost clinton's popular vote over trump
>why doesnt their vote count
shill thread

>The only people that claim the military is for idiots are the ones that couldn't get their 350 lb ass out of their chair for a jog.

They still pay taxes.

>A FUCKING LEAF doesn't understand tax tiers
Color me surprised

No. Everyone pays taxes in the US, if they buy any kind of good or service.

>should people who don't pay property tax be able to vote.

My reasoning behind this is that if you are not going to put in the labor for the system, why should you reap the rewards of it? Therefor, if you don't pay taxes, why should you have a say in how the country works? You're practically a leach.

Not to mention that if this was a rule, it'd create a larger desire to actually pay fucking taxes. We might not be in trillions of debt for once.

Should people who are dead be allowed to vote?

Oh, I understand it. I just think it's bullshit.

People whine about fairness constantly, but then they kick you in the teeth if you actually strive to improve yourself and your financial situation in a lawful manner.

My father worked two jobs while studying software engineering. Our budget was calculated down to pennies. After working his ass off for years, he got to the point where his federal+provincial income taxes alone come out to over 50%. Because clearly he doesn't deserve his money.

>live entirely on welfare/autismbux
>still deserve a vote because you pay sales tax (with the state's money)


I have a cousin that thinks he has the right to be upset about who gets elected as the president. Yet he's also been gaming the welfare system for the last 10+ years. So this guy that has been using food stamps and living off my taxes should be allowed to vote? I agree that if someone is recently unemployed/laid off should have that right, but they need to be under a system of surveillance like meeting up with a job coordinator once a week or twice a month or something. If you're claiming the benefits you paid taxes for, its not wrong, its when the system has no checks and balances to keep the leeches out that things go to shit. Especially when these people are allowed to vote.