Should we implement state/province flags?

Should we implement state/province flags?

I'm pretty sure that if we did, we'd immediately find out that all the stormfags come from a bunch of shitty states in the south.

Other urls found in this thread:

>all of the leaf shitposters are Ontario

The flag of California should be pic related.

even out worst states are still better than Europe suck it faggot The South Shall Rise Again

you mugs should get the state/county flag add on

Hawaii's flag is based tbqh.

I imagine a lot of the really bad leaf posting would come from Quebec

>Pennsylvania flag becomes super ultra rare because they haven't invented computers yet.

It would be nice to see who my fellow state bros are. Maybe there can be a 2 flag thing where left flag is your country and the right flag is your state/province/town/whatever if apply.

Only for Texas

>Oregon gets 2 flags
eat shit other states

oh, you didn't get the memo?

Keep the US flag but when you hover over it, it says the state the user is in

this. Quebec & Ontario. Fuck those guys for ruining Canadians. I would literally buy a Sup Forums pass to get provincial flags.

oslofaggots would get exposed. i would like this.

I think most of it comes from BC and Ontario

I'd like it desu. It would be nice to see who is from what state.

>Fuck those guys for ruining Canadians

t. second generation immigrant Hans McGregor from the west. East Canada IS Canada

>East Canada
Fuck off. My family's been in Nova Scotia for 300 years. Maybe "East Canada IS Canada" but we predate Canada. Forums

>not Quebec

Hawaii has the best flag, but I just cant put my finger on why though...

Now we should implement our open addresses so government agents lurking in that site can find us easily smart leaf.