Why do white guys like Leonardo?

Why do white guys like Leonardo?

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Why do black people like Raphael?

He a cute.

>why do they like the only Ninja Turtle with actual Swords?
Gee, makes you think

I love renaissance art.

I dont like Leondardo. At his best he's fine. A capable leader, a kind brother and an all around nice guy. At worst he's boring when he's not being an arrogant bossy jerk

I torn between Donatello and Michelangelo. Don actually makes cool stuff when he's permitted to, and Mikey is the one who is fun and manages to make the rest laugh (tho sometimes they assign the cringiest 'humor' to him only. this is the fault of bad writers, not bad characterization)
I especially liked Mikey when he won a tournament between the 4 of the turtles and Splinter said something about how it is due to Mikey being more 'zen' and 'adaptable' in a fight than the other 3. I forget how the conversation went, but my take away from it was Leo and Raph were too emotionally invested in winning their fight to prove themselves best and Don has trouble keeping interested in things that arent computers, programming and engineering. Mikey being the best all-around fighter makes for an interesting twist when Leo is the most skilled and Raph the strongest physically and Don the most tactical

They like Donetello actually because he matches their drank and church clothes.

by that (shitty) logic, they should hate donny because he talks too smart and 'doesnt sound like he knows dah hood'
also, hi Sup Forums what's the latest Alex Jones product everyone should be buying?

LIes. Leo is my favorite turtle, and I'm not white user. Try again.

I hated his voice.

Who do bitches like?

Because he run a delivery service...for pain!

I wish I were joking

>because he matches their drank and church clothes.
you are aware all whites are not into some american suburban protestant family?
by that logic i could says the favorite turtles of american blacks are Michelangelo or Raphael, one because he fit on the lazy comic relief making puns on ebonic and the other because he's a violent angry retard.

He's honorable, reliable, smart, humble, respectful, and knows when to be serious and when to relax. All really reliable to white people culture.

Everyone in this thread (especially OP) is retarded. The turtles represent personality archetypes, and so people tend to gravitate towards the turtle that they most sympathize with on an INDIVIDUAL basis. This is assuming they actually know the ninja turtles. Anyone going by weapon is clearly a dumb faggot who never watched the show.

For those people, Leonardo is the go-to because of le swords.

Anyone who answers with "i like the one who likes pizza" needs to be put in a gas chamber

I’m black and Leo’s my favorite

But my favourite was always Raphael.

Their personality change a lot from show to show though.

I like the one with the turtle shell on his back.

I started posting this
Before this
was posted

But he has the right idea...

Pics or didn't happen

me too. I think his name was Vern..on?

Fuck you I don't Raph is my main turtle

Why do white girls like Michaelangelo?

that spell isnt in my necronomicon, user. you're just gonna have to brave the waters of DA and look it up yourself

I know a black girl who ships her self-insert with Mikey.

Dunno but Donnie's my favorite.

Source on X-Men pics pls.

The fact that you specifically post that sweet katana answers your own question.

Who do faggots like OP have to bait people for (You's)?

I like swords

From my knowledge, Black people like Leo more.

Not only that ;)

But really, I just love his calm personality. I love the way he is so dedicated to protect his family. I love they way he shows his insecurities from time to time. And I love his leader side as well. He was a role model to me since childhood. Also [/spolier]

>Mikey being the best all-around fighter makes for an interesting twist when Leo is the most skilled and Raph the strongest physically and Don the most tactical

Mikey is always characterized as having the most potential to be an excellent fighter but is either not interested or just plain lazy. He clearly possesses some degree of skill; his choice of weapon is the Nunchunks, a very difficult weapon to master.

Donatello was always my favourite, but I'm gay.

Pshh, the only Turtles it's cool to like are Donatello and Ralph. Donnie because he does machines. Ralph because he's cruel but cool.


>Ralph because he's cruel but cool.

It's "cool but rude"

white guy here, he's my favourite due to his chillax, surfer dude and goofball personality.

As a white guy who has only ever liked Raff, they don't.
Leo is a dick.
Mike is a flake.
Don is... ok.
Raff is an angry fuckwit but thats what I identify most easily with.

I think we can all agree.

Leonardo - boring introverts
Raphael - smug shitheads
Michelangelo - youngest brothers
Donatello - gays

Black people I knew liked Mikey more because of how funny and chill he is.


Because Leonardo leads

They don't. If anything they like him the least.

>Leonardo - boring introverts
And weebs.
Leonardo is the most Japanese coded of the brothers.

>Leonardo: white guy, blonde hair and blues eyes.
>Raphael: polynesian/native guy, black hair and brown eyes.
>Donatello: asian guy, black hair with a dyed purple streak and brown eyes.
>Michelangelo: black guy, shaved head and green eyes.

It'd make a neat portrayal I think

You sure you didn't forget one with vitaligo and a peg leg in there?

April O'Neal as a turtle


A transgender turtle?

Keeping in mind all fanfiction and fanart, Raphael.

It would not be the worst thing to happen.

Nah, just annoying and ugly.

Learn to spoiler bracket.


I'm white and raph was my favorite growing up.

Mikey is cool too but i wish he had cooler weapons.

For me it's Kirby, the least utilized ninja turtle, he isn't even an Italian name. I'd have called him Mona Lisa

From my personal experience, I've noticed white people lean towards Leo and Mikey and black people like Raph and Donnie.

>but i wish he had cooler weapons.
Da fuck you say???

Same reason black people like Piccolo more than Vegeta or Goku.

Because he's intelligent and responsible?

because he's not aryan and focused on. blacks are hipsters. i'm using it in its literal term, not as an insult, i could not care about blacks or what they think if i tried

I still can't believe they made April a nigger

I feel you.

so this make me black inside?

Anger issues and poor impulse control.

>blacks are hipsters
Nah, senpai.
Blacks are normie as fuck.

who here team mikey and donnie?

I cannot stand those characters who are plot devices, their science or magic saves the day, when it wasn't alluded to earlier. If you mention you're working on a science floaty car in the first act and it comes back around in the final act, that's one thing, but Donnie just seems to have solutions coming out of his turtle ass. but I do like him, just not that part of him

Part of me sometimes wonders if Donnie sits around thinking about possible and absurd situations they could find themselves in just so he can think up several different solutions for it.

What genres of music do the individual turtles like?

>Leonardo: Classic Rock
>Donatello: 80s SynthRock
>Michelangelo: Surf Rock
>Raphael: Rap Rock



He's the tough, cool charismatic leader.

Donnie's a beta nerd.


Hey, in this one instance, Blacks have good taste.

Sorry, I'm not a lesbian.

What exactly is the context of this?

>r63 fanart

>Michelangelo: Surf Rock


>video game art

Black nerds like Donatello for some reason. White people like Raph.

Yeah, i'm white, I like Raphael, but I don't "like-like" him

Im watching the 2012 turtles im 21 episodes into season 1 this show is great Donnie spills so much spaghetti right infront of april

I imagine that episode where karai is trying to capture april must have created a ton of yuri fanfiction, or at least fanfiction of tat krank monster that tried to fuck the turtle's submarine

So is Donnie i the gay friendzone?

>video game fanart

Why do so many nerdy chicks like TMNT so much to begin with? I've read webcomics featuring nerdy white chicks who LOVE the turtles (with some crushing on Michaelangelo), there are articles about which turtle chicks crush on and why, there's the video of the lady who always dresses up as Leonardo, and I've met tons of chicks who admit to doing at least one of the above mentioned things in addition to sporting at least one piece of TMNT merch on a daily basis.

Is there something I'm missing about the TMNT here?


4 dashing brothers with special powers who save the day but also fight once in a while but always know how to get back up and never quit?

That's like the formula for a girl-crush, just look at Supernatural.

TMNT at least the 2012 version is basically the same as any other reverse harem anime that girls like

Raph is basically every Italian guy from Brooklyn in the 80s.

>as a kid I liked Leo
>as an adult I like Donnie
>Mikey was always middle ground
>Raph was always a fucking faggot

You don't get why which turtle has which weapon, user. It's not random, as their respecive weapons both supplement their skills and challenge their personality.

Leo is calm and calculated, he avoids taking risks. So he gets the most deadly weapon, since he won't rush to use it. But katanas also force him to be aggressive in combat to be effective and ise his skills to the fullest when he needs them.

Mikey is unfocused and easily distracted. He also has great raw talent. He gets the most difficult weapon to use, so he stays focused and has to actually train bo be effective with it and not hit himself in the head.

Raph is very aggresive and very strong. He gets a sai, a defensive blade catching weapon, which prevents him from rushing headlong into danger and/or overkill (imagine him with swords). It's short reach also keeps him close to his enemies so he can utilize his physical advantage.

Donnie is extremely smart. A trait which, while helpful in many cases, can lead him to overcomplicate things. He is also physically the weakest of brothers. So he gets a simple weapon that also helps him keep enemies at distance and multiplies the force of his swings the most.

huh, I never knew that. Thanks

>Black nerds like Donetello for some reason
>some reason
All (read: ALL) black nerds are weebs. Literally no exception.

Cry harder, cumskin.