Is there anything more manly than impregnating a woman? I ready don't think so

Is there anything more manly than impregnating a woman? I ready don't think so

Impregnating two women in the same night.

Impregnating a woman and then voting for Trump.

I bet the jews did this

Impregnating a man

Impregnating a woman who voted for Trump.

Impregnating a black women,

Sperm needs to be extra fertile to fight off the disease and thousands of other sperm cells left by Jamal and Tyrone.

kinda our biological purpose

its just what we do

But not to the goyim, especially the blacks.

>tfw no white eastern european qt to impregnate
Why live?

Impregnating your daughter.

Muslim tier

Putting another one in her as soon as she has the first.
Is it wrong that I want 10+ kids? Liberals seem to think so, judging from the way they talk about Santorum.

I'll allow the leaf this time.

Fuck off with that nasty shit.

Impregnating a woman who you have reason to believe will be a successful mother, based on previous examples of caretaking, nutritioning and organizational ability. She has to handle everything while you are off making the money necessary. Anyone can impregnate a thirsty chick who has so little self respect she doesn't make whatever guy she ends up with use protection.

This is my new fetish, imagine being Ghengis Khan and just impregnating EVERYONE

that's a tranny

>doing things for women
Use a surrogate and ride a cowboy

This sort of photo is gay.

charging up an unsuspecting boy with your toxic load

The most alpha thing you can do is bang a fuccboi who has grown tits, lomg hair, shaved, painted their nails and lay on their back for you. The most you can dominate another man.

Traps will usually fuck ANYTHING. They're not nearly as picky as women. Finding a homosexual is rare, finding a homosexual who's into guys who look almost identical to females is rarer. If they find one, they'll bend over for him.

being a good parent to your children.


>Is it wrong that I want 10+ kids?
Nah, that's how you're supposed to so it. She shouldn't be not pregnant for more than a month or two at a time. Fuck you, faggot.

>tfw will never have an eastern european qt to have 10+ germanic-slav racemixed white kids with

Having kids is nasty and gross.
Fuck off with your shitty
>muh wide birthing hips!!! xD
>muh bearer of my seed
>muh strong aryan children
>muh 5 white kids
Kill yourself.

it's wrong if you don't have the time or resources to support them

Why don't you have children?

Praise kek

Impregnating the throat of another man against his will

t. Roman centurion

Gas the NEETs

Because having them is weird and gross. Same with relationships.

Prisoner tier faggotry

Letting your woman get impregnated.

Are you a man enough to raise your wife's son?

You know some of the greatest men in history didn't have kids, right?

Tell me, what is the purpose of your accomplishments if you have no posterity to benefit and share in them?

That applies to geniuses not u

Once I have enough money, I will buy myself a harem of best female specimens from each human sub-species. There's absolutely no reason not to experiment with mixing if you have enough resources.

I did this this year how many internets do i win?

It's all for your own benefit

>Getting cucked by your descendants

2 internets

>>Make woman pregnant
>>Abandon her with child
It depends on the commitment to your children user. Anybody can donate sperm!

My wife's boyfriend seems to think so

even the men?

>not sharing your achievements with the world and your friends

>having kids is gross and weird, so are relationships
I may have found the youngest poster on all of Sup Forums

Still not having kids faggot

>he likes tooth jobs

Being a man the child looks up to.

Being man enough to raise her (((black))) son

I maintained that attitude until I was like 20 years old

Its been 3 years of lonely masturbation since then.

raising another man's child and fully supporting them

>taking something that is genuinely good and perverting it
its like pottery

This tbqh

>Is it wrong that I want 10+ kids?
I had a dream last night that I won the lottery, bought a Scottish castle, married a Frenchwoman, had ten sons and a daughter and then lived to be 112.

>Liberals seem to think so
Whites caused global warming, so we need to sacrifice ourselves and let the Third World take over
They can rebuild humanity after the next Great Flood with their colourful body paints and bizarre foods

>not maintaining that attitude forever
You really wanna waste money and time on kids and relationships?

Killing a pregnant woman?

Yes but, also protecting what you claimed to the very end.

This includes killing doctors and/or nurses who see your women's vagina when she's giving birth and if you have a daughter, bomb the entire hospital. Fucking pedos.

Nutting inside a girl is the best feeling in the world

I got a few:

>convincing a chick to do anal
>replacing a cracked manifold
>building a stone fire pit
>saving someone from flood waters
>rescuing someone from a burning building
>going sober
>defending a weak person (old man, crippled lady, child) from a horde of niggers
>4 inch spread from 15 yards with a 9mm

Fuck boy niggers impregnate Waffle House waitresses every day. Nothing manly about that.

Let me know when you kill a man to feed your family sissy.


Nutting between a set of fat tits is ten times more satisfying. Find you a chick with 34 E tits and titty fucked her using her saliva as lube. You'll never go back to pussy.

+10 if she's lactating.

dude give her a fucking break at least, like 6 months at the minimum

ivan knows best

Are you 6?

Ok Hernán Cortés.

>Lived to be 112

I would NEVER want to live that long. After 80 just seems like a nuisance.

Especially the men. Mmmm.

I still don't want marriage and I certainly don't want kids, but I can't fight my biological urges for physical and emotional intimacy

I just want to spend my life making a qt happy.

Sucking big fat furry penis

>gotta feed muh family!!! xD

>Is there anything more manly than impregnating a woman?

There are two things infinitely more manly than impregnating a woman. There is nothing inherently "manly" about impregnating a woman. There are two acts that determine the "manliness" of impregnating a woman. Those two things are: 1) husbanding that woman and 2) fathering that child. Without doing those two things, the mere act of impregnating a child as a measure of manliness is something only a nigger would believe.

You have to be 18 to post on this website, little boy.

Rasing the kid after Jamal is done with your wife.

What did he mean by this?

hmm that looks shopped

>but I can't fight my biological urges for physical and emotional intimacy
If I can do it, you can do it. Just hold out until they create ways to be able to shut off your biological urges.

Fuck off autist

Every time, Sweden. Every fucking time.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

Cuck detected.

It's the woman's job to raise children.

>give her a fucking break at least, like 6 months at the minimum
Why? It's a waste. A cunt should be as close to constantly pregnant as possible.

Filename related

Mate, single motherhood is putting us in this mess. A healthy family has two parents raising the child

Typical slav

>germanic-slav racemixed white kids
yeah thats just what the world needs, more poles

but that's just impregnating women with added violence.

... I guess you're right.

Nutting in her mouth beats it


Are you fucking retarded? The Mother should nurture and love while the Father teaches, teaches and loves.

There is more to the formula, but those are the basics of the successful white family unit.

Pic kind of related.

I don't particularly want to fight them either
20 was the age I learned that asexuality is fucking useless

Being alone doesn't make anyone happy, not me, not a potential partner. No one
And beyond that, if you don't have an ideal person you want to be with, you won't try to improve yourself to become worthy of that person. I literally gained all kinds of motivation simply by realizing I was heterosexual. I may still be a kissless virgin, but dammit, I'm doing more with my life than before.

How the fuck am I being retarded?

How do I stop being a virgin and get a gf?

there's no way you can have an emotional connection with 10+ kids. This isn't the 19th century where kids are just expendable farm labor. If you don't have time for them, then you're basically just being cucked by the state/society when it comes to guiding their worldview.

Anywhere from 2-4 seems good

We are going to make our country White again!

>that post

Khan was such a shit bag. Its worse than Marx I think in how people idolize Khan.

You should only be cumming in a girl's mouth if she's too young that she's too small for you to fuck her pussy. If you can get it in her pussy you should always cum in there.