Can we get one of these threads going?

Can we get one of these threads going?

>Sup Forums in a nutshell.





Recent one I found.

bump pls more.




I just wanted to know where politicians got their votes from.



Definitely one of the best





Please post ancaps, those are my favorite.





thanks friends



Ha, fuck.


this really activates my almonds






If you use this word, it's because you're mentally weak.


We've truly earned our sunglasses countryball

Fucking love this badass country. Dominance flows through my veins. Must run in my ancestors' genes.


I'm suddenly glad I don't live in Europe.

god it's so fucking true
good thing I was already a loser shut-in though



Funny cuz its true.

Someone post the transhuman (blue) ones. Those I love.

Keep dreaming kiddo


To be fair, it's the perfect political ideology for a MMOG.




Unless it was a situation of your own creation, wouldn't the NAP move be to just do nothing at all and have zero effect on the situation?


Except he hasnt flip-flopped for over 30 yrs, look up why donanld trump will be elected president or something like that on youtube

Too much text.

Proof that liberals don't understand memetic warfare.

Audible kek



Yes, considering pulling the lever would violate the NAP. If you pulled it, you would be tracked down and killed by a tactical squad of genetically engineered cyber monkeys courtesy of the mcdonalds corporation.

Yes. That is why the NAP is fucking retarded.


It's not your lever. What mental gymnastics give you the right to pull it?


you can tresspass on someones property and intervene if you see them beating a toddler to death

you can break NAP if someone else is breaking it, or if breaking it would save lives

This is how laws in burgerland currently work


How do you know the people on the tracks didn't violate the NAP?


Why would it be in the property owner's best interest to stop someone from pulling the lever to save lives? Allowing people to die on your tracks is bad for business.

I can make this argument in america today, how do i know the woman being stabbed to death in an alley didnt try to kill her attacker first?

more transhumanism ones, these are gold

You don't, so keep walking dissident.

Okay. Hwo do you prevent child sex trafficking without violating the nap?

The point is that you would help her in America, and you would help her in America with no state.

If it turns out she was the attacker you wouldn't be held liable in America because to the best of your information, she appeared the victim. Same would apply without a state

Statist scum. No rules! Fuck da police! Anarchy and shiet!

So people will enforce laws? How is that anarchy?