Japan's opinion on Trump

Asked by a Japanese person


Asked by a SJW weeaboo bitch


Notice how the first video is more objective and the Japanese even knows that Hillary is corrupt and a fraud while the second video that was made by the SJW weeaboo is extremely bias and selectively cherry-picked a bunch of morons for her interview.

Anime based on Barron's life in the white house where he rises up to become an american hero when?

Would you translate this for me.

All I care about is 2ch reaction. Did they really celebrate?


>tfw japs are more based than burgers...


They really are

Guys help me bump this. We need to expose that SJW weeaboo bitch.
Youtube has a translation option. You can set the subtitles to English.

Poplio will make Alola great again.

Was this done in Mexico?

They all look hispanic.


She was asking a bunch of dumb Gyaru bitch. What do you expect? They are the Japanese equivalent to duckface selfie whores you see in the West.

Bump because you're very pathetic, user.

where the fuck is yoko's video

All the other English teachers in my part of Japan are regressives and they're making their kids terrified of Trump. I know most of them haven't had any formal teaching training, but I find it extremely distasteful and immoral to force your own political views on children still in Junior High.

kick them out
dont let them infiltrate

you need to be the based as fuck pro trump teacher

first one says Trump, last one says: "He did it!" (yatta ze!). Seems like they did.

They all say they want Hillary because of her vagina. And they don't like Trump because the media lies to them worse than they lie to us. Trump loves Japan. He wants to strengthen our alliance with every country. But I bet Japanese media just plays out of context clips of him saying offensive things 24/7. And the part where they say his supporters are violent. They must only play clips of paid protesters attacking us at rallys and lie about who's who.

why are the japanese sjws

Thanks for translation

They can still afford to be, they don't have an unsustainable influx of immigrants coming in.

How do lefties cope with the fact that Japan generally dislikes foreigners like them?