Drumpf is a liar

How will drumpfkins ever recover? Pants are literally on fire.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Politifact trump 81

On fire like these magical digits, you cuck?

I guess i should probably kill myself huh NOT


>2 more months
What do the numbers mean tho?

wtf im an establishment cuck now

Why can't you say "TrumpTard" or "TrumpFag", is this because saying "tard/fag" would hurt your delicate sensibilities. Must be so shit to be constrained by your own language.


Weak bants. At least make it funny.

Yawn, shut up nigger.

That and the wall will be part fence.
I don't know if I can handle this anymore.

why doesn't he just donate the money? seems fishy


My parents were zoroastrian refugees from Iran and didn't have a dollar in their pockets when they came here. Today however, we're living a very nice life thanks to the west. Why are blacks and hispanics so terrible at financial planning? They spend all their money on alcohol, drugs and prostitutes and then blame poverty every time they rape, steal and murder. How is this American society's fault?

>That first fact check
That's not wrong though.

This is literally shameless

wtf i hate trump now

Is this real


>donate taxpayer money

This is CTR spam. We do not reply to CTR spam. We sage and hide it.

I want to keep my pennies on that 400k salary damn it

I seriously had to check if that was real.

I think that's just the nature of human beings. Like any organic thing, you need a certain amount of pressure to ensure it not only survives, but thrives. The largest and strongest bears are in the harshest environments, where the winters last for months, they aren't in the places that have the most readily abundant food. For optimal plant growth, you actually need to apply a little bit of poison to the plant. This forces the plant to "grow out" of its predicament as nature intended. Its roots spread deeper, it grows larger, and it produces larger fruits as well.

Too much pressure, the organism dies. Not enough pressure, the organism is dwarfed and weak. With the right amount of pressure, the organism is forced to grow stronger to overcome the pressure.

This is why blacks in the US are inferior. They have been coddled by the welfare state, and have safety net after safety net to catch them every time they fuck up. They never learn personal responsibility or maturity, they simply blame all of their shortcomings on the systems that fail to deliver them a luxurious lifestyle. People in harsh conditions develop strict, disciplined lifestyles, people with every safety net imaginable never learn to take appropriate risks or think or plan ahead.

Even African immigrants fare way better in this country than our native African Americans. Think about that...

Tandorost bashee baradar

>number is correct, but he forgot to mention that slavery and white privilege force niggers to kill whitey

>Number is correct, but fails to mention the cause (poverty, anti-black racism)
Even if that was the cause, which it isn't, that still isn't an untrue statement.
It really just shows how desperate they are to actually find something to be mad at Trump about.

Truth-o-meter thread get

Source or gtfo

Seriously, i cannot believe even libtards could be this retarded. Therefore, until i see a source, i call bullshit

>>I-it's achually a LITTLE longer than 13,000

God damn who the fuck runs that pathetic site?

wew lag

Trump is a lying bastard. He kept saying he was going to "bomb the shit out of ISIS" yet all evidence shows he's going to just bomb them and not do it in some special way that would send every ISIS members' fecal matter flying out of their body.

It's also reported that he once said "good morning" to someone, on a morning that was actually pretty bad. What a shameful, lying monster. No conscience at all.

lmgtfy.com/?q=Politifact trump 81


It astonishes me that that shit is still paraded around as fact.


Do you guys really just take every screencap posted on Sup Forums as being true just because it conforms with your world view?

I fucking hate communist stooges.

Do you still wear a dress and suck dicks just because MSNBC says it's normal now?

Not an argument.


hahaha, damn you sound salty you sad fuck

>unironic Molyneux posting
If it's not an argument how did you just prove me right?

why did you make something up and present it as true OP? You know Politifact didn't post this.

argument to rule them all?

The people responsible for these responses should be executed.

Is this the weird situation where the vast majority of people accept wikileaks are being 95% chance at being accurate but we refuse to let Julian Assange be the arbitrator of information?




Man they are desperate

This gets me so pissed