Be me

>be me
>be gay
what do

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Don't do it. That's terrible. Stop it!

become a dungeon master

>ask for penis
>suck penis
>put penis in your asshole

Don't fuck hundreds of different men and try not to live a hedonistic lifestyle.

There, you're good.

Free vacation to Magadan


fuck a male sheep frodo

come to burgerland and date me if ur handsome

Be my husbando ;(

Fuck men? Nobody cares. When faggots want attention for sucking cock, they usually go to Tumblr.

join the fucking club, buddy

Come to America and turn yourself in to Mike Pence. He'll sort you out.

kill self

wait what was his name?

wtf who would do something like that

Mike "if he's a queer give him an ampere" Pence

Start watching straight porn and/or find a hot girl.

When I was young I was gay cause all I did was hang around guys as a horny teenager, but I kept myself from ever coming out of the closet.

I jacked it to gay porn for a long time, but I slowly made myself watch straight porn. Eventually I found some pretty girls that wanted to fuck me at bars, even if I was miserable in bed.

Now I just found the girl I want to marry. I have never fucked a dude and I never will. But I have fucked tons of girls. I can't explain the joy of making them cum because it's something I can do despite not having their anatomy, where as same sex would feel more like masterbation.

People spout the "born gay" shit but you really can go back to being straight without regret.

Hope this helps.

>go back
I never liked girls, even as a fucking kindergartner they never interested me.

Not the fuckin icepick reference...

visit Saudi Arabia?

That's because girls are gross when they are young.

Go back may have not been a good use of words, because I never really liked girls when I was young either. But boy I sure do now.

It takes time. A lot of time. But you won't regret it.

I'm gay and I let other guys fuck me in the butt

>Be you
>Be gay
>Stop making your sexuality other peoples business
>Become normal functioning adult

It's not hard fag.