Agrias is CUTE

Agrias is CUTE

Thank you for reminding me to catch up on Whomp.

Being a huge weeaboo, Ronnie engineered a perfect waifu.

Also, dem quads

Something tells me she will end up killing him or raping him.

Why would she rape him?

Post some Ronnie edits.

To hurt him and because you can tell she is getting obsessed with him, she wants to hurt him but she can't get him out of her head.

if she kills him she will become him, literally, remember Ronnie was killed by a serial killer who morphed into him and now has his memories, that probably isn't the first time it happened either.

I always read agrias as "airgas"

>no lewd agrias braaap art


What the fuck... This is disturbing.


So... Agrias totally has a thing for Ronnie and is just in denial, right?

There is actually a strip about that.

no I think she's just much less functional than she thinks she is, hence why she is able to be around Ronnie. She's got her own social issues but around Ronnie she looks like she's got it together in comprison - which is probably why she puts up with his antics

If she wanted to hurt him she'd make him eat chicken tenders and force him to watch a sailor moon dub.


There was that time she moved out and realized she acted like Ronnie around other people.

>the first panel is also in the rotation
kek, its the little things.

Does anybody else use Whomp! for reaction images? Ronnie really makes some great expressions

Weirdest boner..

Wait they aren't roommates anymore.

>that probably isn't the first time it happened either.
It definitely isn't. Ronnie taking over souls is the variable that Santa couldn't account for when calculating his death.

They are again. Ronnie moved into her basement.

You are a monster.