These are cans without labels. I buy them cheap

>These are cans without labels. I buy them cheap.
What did John K mean by this?

why the fuck did he never finish this

Do they really put faces in cans?

it's supposed to be a commentary about cgi animated works that John considers to not have a unique enough design and motion

John is just saying that he buys caned food cheaper if it's not labeled at his local supermarket.

It's based on an actual story on his dad

He sort of did


Why does everything John K makes look like they sunbathed in Chernobyl?

Is that a real thing? I want to say no.



>$136,723 for this

Not that user, but here you go. The cans are CG; the cans are generic and cheap; ergo CG is generic and cheap.
A lot of jokes must fly over your head.

There's a place near me that sells rejected stuff they can't sell in supermarkets but is still safe to buy and eat. Dented cans that are still sealed, crushed cereal boxes, mislabeled items, stuff like that.

Yeah that's real. The grocery chain I work in has a 1% profit margin, meaning for every dollar they make they only get one penny back. They want people to buy their products, even if they're damaged and will sell dented cans/ripped labels/looks bad but the product is safe to consume and use, just to make some money.

you fool.


What the hell? Is that common in the industry?

Huh. That's actually a pretty good metaphor for the idea.

Breaking even would actually be more common. My store makes about 2%. Grocery has a shit load of shrink and has to compete with places like Walmart and Target.

>$110,000 goal
What the fuck went into this thing

that's what he means, every single time.

No it's fucking not, and if it is, then it's a flat and dead joke that requires deep knowledge of John K's neuroticism regarding the industry, just for the useless reward of a stiff reference to how little the creator likes CG.
John K is merely, once again, animating a funny sleazy type of guy. Ren and Stimpy are full of characters like this, overanimated wrinkled or fat old men who are unhinged over some dumb trashy shit. It's what John K likes to do, he thinks it's funny and he has focused some amount of his talent on it. This George Liquor short is the same as the bit where the angry dad yells at Ren and Stimpy, or as Powdered Toast Man, just any excuse to make funny animations.

I knew this was going to be a disaster when it was first announced.

Just like I knew Now Man's Sky was going to suck.

Just like I knew that DRM coffee-pods would wreck Keurig.


That's stupid and you're stupid for believing it.

Why the heck are there John K threads if it's nothing new and only the same sentiments repeated?
It seems like whenever there's something objectively bad,
anons are compelled by this hate boner to engage in how mediocre something is.
Like it's healthy to talk about how bad something is but to see this happen here so much is plain masturbatory.
It's like dobson, yeah he's a waste of life but why does he need to be brought up so much?

Because he thinks anything that looks weird is by definition funny.

His dad used to buy unlabeled cans of mystery substances and force him to eat the contents. John K thinks this is funny and good and looks back on it nostalgically and thinks it should be done to children today. He is criminally insane.

>Just like I knew Now Man's Sky was going to suck.
Not a vidya fag but wasnt that a stealth feminist game with tons of “strong womyn vs le evil white males” in it?

I honestly would have preferred he finish what he had already started instead of adding more half finished parts. It was a better story when it just ended at guess we're having face for dinner.

The father represents his own father like every john k father so I guess his father used to do that

>It was a better story when it just ended at guess we're having face for dinner.
Thats like at the 1 minute mark. Why the fuck would he fund such a short cartoon where nothing happens on kickstarter?

No? The premise was you in a ship exploring a randomly generated infinite universe, where you could run into other explorers. Nobody ran in to each other, the rng worlds were terrible, and the gameplay inbetween was dull and repetitive.

>DRM coffee-pods

I gave him a hundred.

Even Mighty No. 9 actually came out. John K has no excuse.

You fool! I only donated a dollar, so I ain't even mad.

I knew that game was doomed the moment expressing disappointment that this sci-fi game wouldn't have that many sci-fi elements was met with people agrily saying that it had nothing to do with science fiction and that I shouldn't expect actual diversity from 60 quintIllion worlds.

It's a reference to Dadaism and Artist's Shit.