What went wrong?

What went wrong?

This isnt bad at all, the feminist shit in TLJ and poor writing was bad, but just having a female droid isnt wrong at all


I suppose not being canon anymopre would put her out of the running.

Kathleen Kennedy.

But that's wrong.

Droids have genders now?
And wasn't R2D2 always female tho? I imagine her as a sassy african american lady, and C3PO is her gay bestie.

Those are male droids. They just had female voice actors.


>male voiced characters cant be female

Check your privelege

What defines a female droid? Didn't the silver C3PO at the start of Episode 1 have a female voice?

Does this mean that sex robots are ruled out of the Star Wars canon?

This one is still canon

Just because xir programming is binary doesn't mean xir sexuality is, you fucking sithlords.

No they were in clone wars.

Kek Nu Star Wars can't get that right

How is a droid female? It has no gender

Based Lucas

EV-9D9 is referred to with female pronouns in the books she appears in.


>"female" droid

Oh good, an article written by a complete retard.

Return of the fucking Jedi

Better than Disneywars

>First Female Droid
Maybe they mean by relevance and not chronologically? Is the droid a main character? I think that'd be a first, unless you think R2 is female.

If it's a story about Han Solo, I hate to break it to you but guess what it's gonna be.

>You wanna cup o'jawa juice??

>Other thread gets deleted
>just make a new one

Keep shit in Sup Forums, report and hide. This is neither comics or cartoons.