Invincible storytime pt. 8

In which the book turns into Lethal Weapon. And Kirkman realises he doesn't know what to do with Eve's character so he decides to play the card.

Have some comics:

Previous thread:



















I abandoned the book a long time ago, and seeing these threads I took the chance to just jump back and binge it (thanks for the link, by the way).
I think the comic started losing me when the REAL gore started ramping up. I see that never stopped, just kept going and going.
I dunno, Invincible was an interesting series where it's clear that Kirkman really wanted to keep flipping the table constantly, which I'd still call a "Walking Dead" move rather than an Invincible one.
But like Walking Dead you just grow numb at some point.
It doesn't help that as many twists as the story got, about halfways in he just stopped introducing new concepts and kept using the same ones over and over.
In any case, keep on keeping on, user. It's still a fun comic to storytime.


Damn, this bitch is dead set against threesomes.

Like everyone says, it became what it satired all along.





At least they slowed down the reference wink wink nudge nudge jokes.













wtf why does he look like Heidegger now

































Having a vagina is a story both girls and boys can relate to. Thanks Marvel.

























