A genuine question

Why is it considered a double homicide when a pregnant woman is murdered, no matter the stage of her pregnancy?

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Because liberals.

consent of the mother

That doesn't explain how the fetus is considered a life that's ended in one instance and a mere mass of cells in the other.

Women place a lot of stock in consent, but it doesn't will things to life or take it away.

never considered a mass of cells. considered choice of the mother

Because it's a less controversial political statement to punish people who kill pregnant women than it is to deny women the freedom to not be pregnant anymore.
Even if you disagree with abortion surely you must have been able to figure this out.

Before exiting the vagina, it is part if the woman's body as a bundle of cells. After exiting, it has all the rights of a human being. Stop asking questions you sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, bigot, deplorable! Stop trying to infringe upon my rights as a woman! I'm being raped. Someone call the police!

because she brought it into this world and should be the only one allowed to take it out?

so taking away that choice is murder?

Is it a double murder though?
In German law (and many other European systems) you have to be born to be able to be a victim of a murder. Before that it is termination of a pregnancy (unlawful).

Are Americans retarded?

excellent quality of bait

If a pregnant mother decides to commit suicide, how many people died?

So consent equals humanity according to liberals.

legally? who cares

its double murder here.


you fail to realize that it wasn't always like that. those provisions were added to law by fundamentalist christfags over the last decade or so, specifically so they could make the same argument you're making.

congratulations at being a useful idiot.

liberals put more stock into the decision making capacity of the mother than in government theologians. keep government out of vagina etc

Yeah legally. If somebody kills a pregnant woman it's a double murder so if a pregnant woman an heros is it a murder suicide?

you abortion nuts are the same as the election protestors.
wahhhhh I don't like laws wahhhh

What, you want the actual answer?

Because the establishment needed to inflate the casualty count of its false flag mass shootings. Hispanic teenage female? Yup, probably preggo, chalk that up as another 2, Jerry

does it have any impact on the ramifications?

Europa (excluding UK.) has civil laws while Canada and America has common laws.

I have no idea.

Answer the question. How many people do you think die if a pregnant woman commits suicide?

stealth rare, thought you were like vietnam

And I want to understand American's common laws reasoning.


not up to me?

>Why is it considered a double homicide when a pregnant woman is murdered, no matter the stage of her pregnancy?
Because the fetus has a right to life. When that right to life is violated, it's a homocide.

Liberals do not claim that a fetus has no right to life. Pregnancy represents a case of competing rights however. While the fetus is physically dependent on the mother's body, it's right to life, per se, is violating her right to physical integrity. As a society we decided that while these rights conflict, the mother's right to physical integrity trumps the fetus' right to life.

A more interesting contradiction is people who claim that a fetus has an inalienable right to life, that cannot be violated by the mother. Yet these same people would allow for abortions when the pregnancy is the result of a rape. Why is that?

Is this true?

>never considered a mass of cells

Hillary Clinton and other democrats don't believe a fetus has constitutional rights.

Constitutional rights are afforded to all people.

Ergo, Hillary Clinton doesn't think a fetus is a person.

explained better here. competing rights etc

If you kill a man who is raping a woman, it is self defense and not murder.

If you kill a man who is having sex with a woman, it is murder.

It should be counted as 1 murder if the fetus is male, otherwise, no. Women are not human and shouldn't be seen as such. I was in love once, but it turned to contempt. Now I have become a seagull of solitude, I scour the seas alone, with regret as my wings


If something is not born on American soil to an American citizen does it have constitutional rights?

Consider anchor babies do they have constitutional rights?

>it's right to life, per se, is violating her right to physical integrity
What does that even mean? How many abortion cases are because the woman's life is in danger? A very small percentage, I'm assuming. So it really isn't about her 'physical integrity' at all-- it's simply inconvenient for her to have a baby due to poor life decisions, so it benefits her to abort it and say that her rights trump the baby's, or to define its existence as 'a meaningless cluster of cells'. That's pretty monstrous to me. Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control.

physical integrity meaning her control over her body/reproductive systems. we do not force her to have child against her will. her will is the key

It is because of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act apparently, which defines the fetus de jure as a person and legal victim if they are injured or killed during the commission of Numerous federal crimes of violence.

The difference to German law is that to be able to be victim of a crime a "person" needs "legal capacity" (which makes one a person) which you have automatically only with birth, precisely the first contraction or the opening of the uterus if a caesarian is performed.

So it is just a matter of definition really.

It's not considered double murder everywhere in the world. I was of the understanding pro-lifers were the ones who pushed for those double murder laws.

So you have no opinion on it? Pretend to be a judge and you have to hear the case of the pregnant woman who offed herself. In such a case, how many people died?

not an expert of the american legal system. my opinion on "common sense" would be wildly irrelevant

Because it's not up to you whether she keeps the baby or not, its up to her.

Because when you're pressing charges you always bring as many as you possibly can.

I have no sympathy for any woman who aborts a normal, healthy fetus because "well, it's just not the right time..." when birth control is readily available and relatively inexpensive.
I care more about the rights of an unborn child than a snobby bitch who couldn't be bothered to use a condom or ingest a little pill.

>unlawful killing

What's your personal reaction?

I don't get why you don't want to answer the question. Nothing rides on it

how do you know her reasoning without discussing it with her? not every abortion is made with such callousness

i don't made snap judgments on issues of great complexity

Condoms may help prevent pregnancy but it can still happen. And birth control is terrible for a woman's body. At the end of the day it's my choice. As it should be.


Well, when it is murder... its no one's choice.

Think China's forced abortions. Pissed off both the Left and Right by being left without choice and without life simultaneously.

I'm more curious about the case against the woman who had a miscarriage. I felt sure it was going to stump a lot of courtrooms in America.

It had happened before in other countries though.

Your image makes a false equivalence. The charge for killing a pregnant woman varies by state. In those where it is considered a double homicide it is explicitly written into the law that a fetus is to be viewed as a human life.

This definition has no bearing on the law for abortion because the US legal system is not streamlined and there are many contradictory definitions in other laws. Therefore so long as the abortion doctor does not kill the pregnant woman, he can only be charged for killing the fetus which, according to Roe v. Wade, is not a human life.

Condoms are 98% effective if used properly. Birth control for women is probably uncomfortable, I wouldn't know-- but is it really worth it to avoid feeling slightly uncomfortable/the occasional mood-swing when your alternative is to have someone poke around your pussy, chop up the baby's limbs one by one and then suck their brains out through a metal instrument?

> something being controversial means it can't be discussed

Taking birth control can cause my reproductive system and body a lot of problems. Much more than mood swings and being slightly uncomfortable. But like you said,you wouldn't know. I happen to know for a fact what it does to my body

> Great complexity

There's a hint for you. Two died.

What if the mother was murdered on her way to the abortion clinic?

Can always use a female condom. Or just stop having sex and birth control is no longer an issue. Men need to take responsibility in birth control via condoms and such, but that doesn't mean that women can stop protecting themselves.


if you kill a woman during an abortion is it still double murder?

Still debatable.

I could say that I commit a holocaust every time I splooge on the wall.

Oh shit, what are you doing?

Funny thing about this is, people have actually tried to do this. The idea that a pro-lifer might actually break into a clinic to kill patients still carrying is a possibility.

True, it should not be a double murder.

Stop having sex is not an option. Protection goes both ways though,I do agree with that. But taking birth control is just bad for me or any woman for that matter.

>Stop having sex is not an option

It totally is though. In fact it is the only birth control that is 100% effective. Unless of course you get raped on the regular, at which point you have more pressing problems then hormone problems.

>Birth control is bad for all women

Well we could just stop it altogether, though I have a feeling that would end poorly. It is a necessary evil. You want to do the do without kids? Deal with the inconvenience and problems that come with that decision.

Lol thanks for the insight. I'll keep lookin out for my vagina

As you should. Lord knows you can't trust anyone else to.

That's the truth lol

laws are now memes in order to shut women up, because they have voting rights now and they literally never shut up, ever.