Legal Psychedelics

There are degenerates out there tripping right now and getting away with it.

Should legal psychedelics jews such as mushroom analogs, LSD analogs, DPT and research chemicals be banned?

Other urls found in this thread:,_California)

post links to where one could buy these degenerate evils so I can blacklist them

the jews and geaorge bush dont want you to see base reality which is what dmt and lsd uncover

you cant get to base reality with reality but since we're in a simulation when you die you just go to another one but lsd breaks the bonds

bump for truth

I can go a few miles out and literally pick psychedelic mushrooms off the ground as they grow wild.

LSD degenerative? Shit if you call laughing your ass off for hours while sucking 3 black dicks then call me a god damn degenerate!

Fruitcakes like this guy notwithstanding, psychedelics are clinically proven to be effective antidepressants without the laundry list of side effects those usually have.

If you can't climb out of the deep, dark pit you're in, eat some mushrooms for a good hard kick in the ass.

They should be fucking mandatory

Oh, I dunno about that. They can be a life ruining bad time if done carelessly, by someone who has no idea what they are doing, in a scary/uncomfortable environment.

psychedelics also cause PTSD and can result in PERMANENT hallucinations.

Citation? Bad trips are a thing, I warned about that here but I haven't heard of any cases of permanent hallucination that weren't extremely rare medical outlier cases.

Dxm aint bad either

If you get the set and setting and wrong, this might happen.

While taking acid few years back at some guy's house we did not know that well, maybe 2 hours into trip some druggies smashed in through the door, pointed a gun at the owner (he owed them lots of money) and we ended up watching the guy crying on the floor on lsd and the guys beat him up a little bit

Even though they did not do anything to me, I gotta say that I had heart rate up probably months after that because you really don´t want to end up in stressful situations like that on acid when you're in the most vulnerable state.


ive wasted my entire life and still cant find the motivation to fix it even though i know exactly what i need to do, should i smoke dmt? pop lsd? both?

High risk of self harm.

LSD will never be legal because the moment it is it's raining men literally.
Retards will be calling outta windows, pumping trains and trick en masse.

It's not that hard. Just don't be somewhere you are unfamiliar with, be warm, be dry, have positive music playing and don't trip in the dark unless you're experienced.

I am convinced bad trips come from fart retards thinking mushrooms are like on TV, they'll see some cartoon dragons or whatever and have a blast. So they down 5 grams totally unaware and wind up wandering naked at 3am in a rainstorm losing their mind

It's speculation that psychedelics cause HPPD, there's no actual link showing that it does.

You should only need to do psychs a few times to get all the benefits you're going to. The safest bet is LSD. Mix in a little MDMA and a bad trip becomes less likely. Mushrooms are more powerful but have higher bad trip potential.

When my life was still good and I was not depressed I had good trips. When my life turned shitty (medical problems) and depression I ended up having very bad trips.

Last time I did LSD I dropped it with my friend. 30 minutes in and I left his house and walked back home, went into dark room and just prayed it to end. Basically it was all about my subconscious mind telling me "UNIVERSE IS A HIERARCHY STRUCTURE WITH POLICE ON THE TOP KEEPING THE MAN DOWN"
Fucking pyramids within pyramids and some energy lizards in the dark. Made me only realize how fucking shit this current society is.

ive done shrooms 3-4 times. each time beside the first which was low dose was horrible. is it likely lsd will just be the same?

>tfw eating caramel shroom patties while camping in Ely, MN

The stars were so bright and no one could say a word without all of us busting out laughing.

Things got tense when a bear showed up and we almost died from hypothermia when we couldn't assemble a tent and a huge storm almost opened up but the tension only made us laugh harder.

Psychedelics are the white man's drug

Shrooms and LSD affect individuals very differently.

The best explanation for shrooms: you're strapped onto a rocket and along for the ride. LSD you're controlling the rocket.

You need to really dive deep and see why you have those bad trips when taking shrooms, find out what's the cause. You also really need to approach them more safely in the sense that you should not take them while you feel like shit. LSD gives a nice euphoric high, only thing is the sense of ego death can happen easily at higher doses, which is quite humbling. You just need to realize that your emotions are intensified and thoughts can feel like they're becoming reality.



I don't know. Some people don't mix with mushrooms. But I would be shocked if your LSD experiences were all bad.

I am loathe to recommend NBOMEs because they are a poor man's LSD and are somewhat dangerous (You can overdose with as little as 4mg) but if you know for sure it's NBOME and take no more than 1mg to be safe, it is the least likely to turn bad on you.

This is because it's an agonist for many of the same pleasure receptors as MDMA. You could get the same effect by candy flipping (LSD+MDMA) but that becomes expensive quickly. NBOMES are dirt cheap at roughly $1 per 1mg tab.

I would assume any LSD could be NBOME anyways as shady online dealers often sell NBOMEs as LSD. A lot of people OD that way because there's essentially no upper limit to how much LSD you can safely take, it's nontoxic. You almost can't even fit enough tabs in your mouth to get into trouble with it.

Not so with NBOME. If you do a ten strip of NBOME thinking it's acid, you might die. So always assume it's NBOME even if you bought LSD and dose accordingly.

Legalised, taxed drugs, it's the only sensible course.
Maybe specific licenses to buy for each drug qualifying based on your state of health and mental well being.
In shit countries without universal healthcare they could take out health insurance to be treated properly if health issues occur.

I have hit cyclical bad-thoughts even with just weed. Hard to describe the exact thoughts but it is like a very fevered dream happening IRL and all I cam do is breathe heavily and pray for the end. DMT makes it much more psychological than the physiological weed trip.

Either way all these drugs only increased and punctuated periods of depression (and HOLY FUCK ANXIETY) in my life so I am happily done with them.

You are literally under mk-ultras thumb. Pretty sure it's sub project 56

LSD visually projects what your subconscious mind is communicating. If you're seeing yourself sucking three black dicks, then that's an issue with you, buddy.


Yea well I'm not doing any psychedelics anymore ever, I'm off weed for 3 months now and this is the longest I've ever been, wasted too many years living in a fucking cloud can´t even remember much from those times. The fucked part about weed for me it that it destroys your long-term memory

no because niggers are too dumb to know how easy it is to get research chemicals and the 2-fa will be all mine. And if they do learn how they'll get some fucked shit like 5-mapb, not test it, and then fry their brain. win win

This is not true, unless you're a pussy, in which case you deserve to be stuck in a thought loop for the rest of your life. Kys

They also keep "the man" from murdering, stealing, and raping.

aren't they illegal already?

>people try to reach chaos without stims
>some actually achieve it

>new perspective
>increases understanding
>you can see outside of your programming
>can show you beauty
>this is judaism
Why do you imply that judaism can do any of that? Judaism is: keeping you here as a gullible slave, forever, and as superficial, mundane, indifferent and silent as possible.



That's the mentality behind national socialism - the Aryans are nature's police and lords. It's also the traditional, pagan mentality. It also happens to be reality.

In small doses. Not the average hippies recommended dose. It wasn't until westerners went to the Mexican Indians that somehow these plants and fungi could help you find God or anything of that sort. The Indians never used the psychotomemetics as a spiritual aid. It was all about healing. Cia agents infiltrated and used techniques developed by the soviets and modified by British and American 'cultural anthropologists' to start the so called 'archaic revival'. All of the counter cultural icons were agents or useful idiots.

What about it?
Biggest problem that I saw was my stoner friends literally doing nothing but smoking and playing video games outside of their fast food jobs. Hard to respect someone when they are 22 and their room is smelly and dirty and they argue with their parents when they are asked to mow their tiny lawn.

I am not perfect by any means but these people are pathetic. Joining the Navy now and hoping my drug experimentation won't bar me from getting Secret security clearance

There are plenty of stories of kesey kicking people off the bus 'because they couldn't hang' when in reality those folks were in the depths of a drug induced psychotic break.

No. Find something grounded and pursue that. Everything coming from the so called 'counter culture' was a cia front

bull fucking shit

those claims are not informed by science in the slightest

You are naive. The scheduling made studies of these drugs illegal.

I've read lots about this, especially the history of Pharmaceutical grade LSD-25

It's funny how especially in California there arose lots of "Spiritual Cults" at the same time and likeminded "Psychedelic Prophets"

Solar Lodge of California (They disbanded when infamous 'Boy in the Box' cased was discovered) Lots of pharmaceutical grade LSD-25 in initiation ceremonies used. They recruited people from the campus and the founders of the lodge had connections to Psychological departments. After boy in the box case the head of the Solar Lodge fled to Mexico to escape the authorities. FBI got some of them.

At the same time as the "boy in the box" 1969, Manson conducted the murders with his little cult, they also used LSD in their ceremonies.

Lots of other interesting stuff. But the Solar Lodge/Manson connection is one of the most interesting ones.

Nice lie you fucking christcuck. What you speak of is called HPPD, and it's not permanent you idiot.

they used as high or higher doses than the westerners started taking and mckenna advocated with his heroic doses

show me evidence to the contrary or evidence of any of the bullshit you claimed in your post

Is DMT easy to make? About how long will it take to make a good batch?

Legalize everything I've done LSD mushrooms DMT etc. and now I'm 100% sober and have a great career plus I paid off all my debt. Fuck the Drug War, focus on creating jerbs

Look into the grateful deads connection considering their association with Owsley. I'll have to look into the boy in the box case. haven't come across it yet.

"Stories", sure. But the plural of anecdote is not data.

all drugs exist in a cultural matrix and exist as neutral chemicals

if someone like manson uses psychedelics for evil or someone's underlying psychiatric disorders manifests itself, that doesn't mean there are malicious characteristics of the drug itself

>I'll have to look into the boy in the box case. haven't come across it yet.

Lots of disinformation written about this case,_California)
>Charles Manson and the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O.

This is the best link with no historical inaccuracies or blatant lies. Most of the authorities wrote lots of disinformation about the case.

From my understanding Grateful Dead kept distributing acid long after the 60s ended?

Read interviews with Maria Sabina. Read our watch some of Jay Courtney fikes work (might be spelled with a y) there also an old Spanish book dealing with this, the name eludes me but it's not hard to find

you don't "make" dmt, unless you are a chemist and able to synthesize it

you extract it from plants using solvents

One might argue till this very day.

I was literally just in that same corner when I tripped last week. Im gunna give it a rest for a couple years.


One of the biggest reasons there is a lack of LSD on the US market is because the deadhead acid guys used their tours to keep in contact with each other but when Jerry died things changed. Idk about the modern shows, you can probably find "acid" but it's much easier and more profitable to just buy novel tryptamines online and sell them to unsuspecting customers


In 2015, I had fallen on hard times. I was starving to death and had no work. At my computer, I wrote text files begging the gods to show themselves to me - I had nothing else left. Nothing, not a grain of rice. Just a laptop, free wifi and faith.

I ate some mushrooms I found in the yard. They stained blue, but Gaia only knows. The next thing I knew, I was writing text files asking her to 'take it (The mystical state) away and never give it back.'

My ancestors showed up, and proceeded to redpill the fuck out of me. They told me that eating people, screwing family, murdering non-whites and overt sexual dominance were all totally acceptable, and that I had to promote politics which led to lawlessness. They told me to provoke blacks into a race war because we outnumbered them, and that I was a vampire. Indeed, all whites are naturally immortal superhumans whose only weakness is sunlight - before they consume food processed by the Jew-run FDA, at which point we become infected with mortal nigger epigenetics.

They told me that there were forks in the road of time, and that I could choose Clinton or Trump. I thought about it all year, and after Bernie dropped out I went with the white guy - to no woman will I fucking kneel. When Trump actually won, it was proof of my ancestors' words.

The time has come for a white dawn.

Depends on what you use.

You guys know about Alexander "Sascha" Shulgin?

This guy wrote PiHKAL and TiHKAL (From my understanding both illegal books?)
>He is credited with introducing MDMA (ecstasy) to psychologists in the late 1970s for psychopharmaceutical use and for the discovery, synthesis and personal bioassay of over 230 psychoactive compounds for their psychedelic and entactogenic potential.

FBI/DEA first gave him license to produce all these substances but later started to raid his laboratories.

I wonder the psychology behind this, why let independent researcher to produce fuck ton of different psychedelic agents and then start to raid his labs etc.

You are right... in a sense. The drug purity or it being the drug itself makes no matter. They are all weapons. Literally 2/3rds of the discovered hallucinogens were discovered by a cia contractor named alexander shulgin

>There are degenerates out there tripping right now and getting away with it.

k why do u give a fuck?

Not an independent researcher. He was a contractor.

LSD is the same shit every time, or at least you know whats coming and if you take it easy, it's jsut a really pretty time. fuck shrooms

That's basically what I meant. I was a chem major for 1.5 years and stopped being one because I didn't want to study so fucking hard just to get a B or higher in o chem.

Still wondering what´s the reason to give some people the free hands to produce these substances? Are (((they))) (MK-Ultra) still after some perfect mind control drug?


>discovered by a cia contractor named alexander shulgin


this was a long time ago (there couldn't be someone like him today, at least not right now) and Shulgin got a lot of shit from the dea for doing what he was legally allowed to do. He was a legitimate scientist and researcher

It's happened to a friend of mine. Around six years ago we started going to festivals and were able to surround ourselves in the psychedelic community and have loads of L, fungus, and DMT at our disposal. He got a little irresponsible for a time and after a seven hit dose of L he continued to have random bursts of trippy visuals and the mindset long after it wore off. He couldn't smoke or even drink coffee without tripping out. He said it would get really bad when his surroundings were stationary, so driving wasn't difficult but going to sleep was. Anyway, lost touch with him three years ago but I imagine he still has that issue. Also knew a girl that had the same situation happen to her after dosing. I haven't taken any personally in a long time and never had that issue, but I still partake in the festival community. I don't blame the chemicals themselves but you really have to be aware that no matter who you are, you're taking a gamble when you put that paper square under your tongue.

What do you mean exactly? He was an independent researcher. He made a lot of money for DOW chemical with a insecticide he made for them but he wanted to study psychoactive drugs, specifically psychedelics since he was a teenager in the navy

He created whatever personally piqued his interests

He was friendly with a lot of people in the DEA. He had almost surely no involvement with MK Ultra (nor did Hofmann besides making the compound - by accident mind you - these guys wanted nothing to do with that aspect of the drug industry and were simply scientists)

>should the government wipe everybody's asses?
No, you fucking retard.

They're illegal because they fuck with your brain chemistry and cause a fuckload of side effects which fuck with your body which the government then has to fucking pay for because you don't have healthcare and spent your fucking money on drugs you fucked yourself with.

> banning drugs

Because this has worked so well for the past 70 years right?

Don't understand how people want to take a lot of LSD. Being on it is cool and all but I feel off. If you've ever done Adderall you would recognize the teeth grinding that LSD causes. It's not just the teeth grinding that gets to me but the heavy stimulation feeling. Being so stimulated and often isn't pleasant but I can't believe there are people that really enjoy being stimulated that much more intensely and often.

(SWIM) says you sperg canadian autists probably shouldnt get into them but if youre an easy going fellow just dip your toes in if you like it do more at a future time. it doesnt have to be

"dude lsd lmao"

(SWIM) reccomends a small dose and to watch some documentaries or go in the woods

What an uneducated and uninformed opinion

Unenlightened and blue-pilled. LSD isn't for everyone but fuck me if I'll let you get away with talking down LSD from and unexperienced position.

I keep getting reminded how uneducated, uninformed, and unintelligent some people on this board are.

documentaries? Maybe with the sound muted and music over them...

>the 1950s healthcare system in America reflected the 2013 NHS

Bullshit ex post facto justification. (((They))) openly admitted it was to imprison people against their Goldman Sachs sponsored war.

>Should legal psychedelics jews such as mushroom analogs, LSD analogs, DPT and research chemicals be banned?

Fuck that, most people don't deserve to do psychedelics or can't appreciate them appropriately

There's a reason the saying goes 'you don't find acid, acid finds you'

This shit isn't molly or blow, these are tools for heightened awareness and alternate cognitive rationalization

For most people this shit is permanent blue pill because they can't put it in perspective

Fuck off you pretentious moron, you're so full of yourself you don't even realize how ridiculous you sound.

And what makes you think you "deserve" to do them? You've put yourself on quite the pedestal there young lady!

because he read some Jung and some Casteneda books and thinks about everything so, so deeply.

He's correct.

Also, anyone using clover had this happen to them?

I got an error each time - but apparently not...

Better stop him then he's getting away with it!


>any statement without evidence can be disproved without evidence.

You're gonna find a lot of people who will do exactly what I did.

So cite evidence against their not-backed-up argument.

Then you can convince people that legalizing fucking LSD is a good idea.

Have you ever done psychedelics with a large group of people?

I threw DMT after parties when I was a raver making that shit, I handed out tabs of acid and handfuls of muggers because I was an irresponsible piece of shit level 17 shaman voodoo party priest

I watched minds break, completely, I saw people go full retard, I saw important adults revert to children, I saw groups separate by intelligence and awareness, Ive seen the fakest people become the rawest and vice versa, and I've seen maybe 10-20% of those people benefit positively from these drugs, the rest only fried their brains and got dumber

Pretentious would be me saying these drugs affect everybody the same, but they don't, at all, they're miraculous life changing cheat codes for some people, for the rest they're delusional fantasies of confusion

Hey let's legalize ketamine and foxy's too, people aren't retarded enough to lose track of reality ever even when their sober as all all evidence definitely points out


toluene glue


It's happening on all web browsers, Hiroshima shuts down servers around this time to save money because of you Ameriflabs.

Oh I've read one of his books, didn't really care for it tbqh. Journey to Ixlan I think? Something about a Don Juan?

They can fuck off.

You can't implement a system of who's stupid or not stupid in order to qualify for taking recreational drugs. It would cost too much to implement and there would be all kinds of loopholes to get round it. Just relax drug laws across the board, stupid people fuck up? They fuck up. Not my problem, not your problem either.

this. search terrance mckenna theory on shrooms and how it helpe us to evolve by us eating them in places where it was wildly grown from cow manure (india, west of asia, etc)