The Great Meme War of 2016

WTF i love Murdoch Murdoch now.

Other urls found in this thread:

who post traumatic meme disorder here?

Few complains though:

1) they didn't make anything including Trump. Didn't shown him riding an Eagle or some shit like that like in "Hold Back The Night"
2) they didn't include Milo

the whole video seems like its missing some parts. I guess its because they had so little time in their hands?


>2) they didn't include Milo

Milo is a degenerate race mixing Jew.

One of your agents, Russia?

>Milo is a degenerate race mixing Jew.
Are you a retard?
Watch this episode of Murdoch Murdoch:

it even starts with Milo and their view on him

someone fill a DMCA claim for Mega Drive please

who troll the troll trolling trolls?

They got a shit tonne of flak for that video.

You're only okay with race mixing because you're a product of the mongol hordes.



I've had so many arguments with people about the accuracy of that poll.

it's literally the little poll that could, and did.

is that Mook?

What is this? Is it mook? Is there are video? Sauce?

>posting that garbage

based murdoch murdoch

>gay buttsex
Let him fuck all of the gay niggers he wants.

I love the LA Times/USC poll because it was simultaneously so wrong and so right

Yeah you are a retard
You dont even know what the fuck is a racemixing.
Gays cant fucking racemix because they cant be pregnant --> cant produce children of a race mixing

Fucking idiot kill yourself.

>literally defending a gay dude having sex with black men
welcome to /nupol/

who is that woman supposed to be?

Was waiting for Murdoch Murdoch's response to this.

Always really liked his work. Surprisingly moving.

And the Meme Wars... I mean it really has been intense, from the incredibly disheartening events in Cologne on New Years and how depressed everyone was over it, leading up through Brexit and now this.

this guy needs some love

It's best waifu Murdoch-Chan

>Yeah you are a retard

At least I'm not a Russian.

Nice try obongo.
>literally defending a gay dude having sex with black men
>welcome to /nupol/
Yeah? Im very logical person and know the meaning of terminology of alt right.
Im not a retard that blames people for something they dont really do.

Kill yourself.

oh fuck. nothing better than a new murdoch murdoch

time to go incognito

trump won.
now you redd1tor niggers can go back to r/the_donald and stay there.

murdoch-chan sounds like she's fat irl

oh snap.

Using his fingers.

Its like Asian men are lesbians

You sound like you're Russian clay IRL.

Its amazing

I'm so happy that tracking polls are the most accurate. It's going to be amazing to see an election with daily tracking polls in every swing state

Its cheaper its daily its accurate

I got a little misty eyed desu senpai

I often get misty eyed from this guy's videos. He's good at this, honestly.

I cried...

I will never stop!

It's great. Should have added Kayla and the leaf girl

It was the least accurate poll in the election. It showed momentum shifts well, but it was really wrong at the end. Sure it called a Trump victory, but not in the way it happened. The poll's problem is that it tried to overweight hard to reach groups and that introduced a ton of error.

I do agree that cohort tracking polls in swing states would be very interesting.

Hello r/asianmasculinity!

wat is this

Not bad.

Are we reliving the great wars of the last century through memes?

I can't wait until we get to the Korean War so we can kill some gooks.



But they can't user. In their blind devotion to invading us to cause havoc they disregarded the most important and life ruining fact of all. Now they're stuck in here with us, and will eventually become like us just as we did, and so many before us.

>Don't forget user, You're here forever.

>crossing the continuity line over and over again.

For fucks sake man.

I-I-I love it

Esoteric Kekism

Not including that kike faggot is a good thing, faggot.

Every fucking thread.

This is fucking amazing. I wish I knew how to make such videos

i honestly want to see a full 90 minute movie of that meme war

Murdoch is usually hit and miss with me but this was solid

I am really happy to have ended up in this of all possible timelines

Maybe because he is a jewish faggot and maybe because he stands for individualism?

>i am the program

my niggas

>2) they didn't include Milo

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped