Mfw it just NOW occured to me the fantastic four are Earth, Wind, Water and Fire

>mfw it just NOW occured to me the fantastic four are Earth, Wind, Water and Fire


Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

>The Legend of Sue Storm

Eh, i'd watch it. For the hot Sue/Johnny twincest


wait which is Reed and Sue respectively?

Sue is wind, Reed is Water

Ultimate ff played with the idea for a bit. Nothing came out of it though.

Right, someone draw Sue Storm with a bald head and air bender arrow tattoos.

Yeah, I never bought into that. Reed and Sue aren"t really liquid/gaseous, and more importantly, it doesn't add anything to the franchise.

But user, it's THEMATIC. Didn't you know? Themes and motifs are way more important than compelling characters, an interesting setting, or tight scripting. It's all about preaching vague philosophy to an audience that could not give less of a shit.

All good, I only noticed a few years ago, too.

You know what's even worse? Those four "elements" are called elements only in the most classical, non-scientifical way possible. Isn't FF supposed to be about superscience? I mean, I know not everything's scientifically accurate, but Earth, Fire, Air and Water is just some early fuck-up on the classical philosopher's part that keeps coming up somehow. I don't even mind much if it's in a comic about magic, or druidic rituals, but keep it out of my !!!science!!! comics.

Didn't Marvel 1602 point that out?

Not sure of the issue but Sue once disguised herself in public, instead of simply going entirely invisible she made her hair invisible to go punk.

To be fair, it's not THAT much of a fuck up, since they do match up to the states of matter; Earth=Solid, Air=Gas, Water=Liquid, Fire=Plasma.

But yeah, the franchise is supposed to be about campy bullshit super science, and unless you're gonna play it that way, maybe you wanna stay away from classical symbolism.

...It was created in the 60s. And not by scientists. Chill out.

It was just a basis from which to create 4 characters with different but thematically unified powersets. Its not some philosophical statement or genuine belief on the part of the creators.

I don't believe for a second that the classical elements were a part of the FF from the start, as you seem to be implying. If it were, they would've lined up better.

Water is Namor

Lee said the powers came after personalities once, but the FF was clearly mainly Kirby's creation, and given his interest in mythology its not much of a stretch to think it was one element he considered.

And they seem to line up pretty well to begin with:

>Fire: Man on Fire
>Earth: Man made of Rock
>Wind/Air: Invisible powers, which can exert force which is felt but not seen
>Water: Reed's fluidity.

Of course all this is more of a footnote in the FF's creation than a core element. Fundamentally it doesnt change anything weather it was always the intention (though given the similarity I doubt it was completely a coincidence) or projected onto the characters by later writers.

Well I have no evidence, but it does sound like something Stan Lee would do. Start from a simple stereotype and go from there. You have four characters, one of them is clearly the fire guy and the other the "earth" guy.

But water flows, like rubber.

And invisible = wind

Reed is formerly Chuck

Oh for Pete's sake.

How in the heck is Reed anythin' like water? That makes no damn sense. Water can change it's state and become solid, fluid, or gaseous. Reed can stretch, which is NOTHING like anything listed. That's why we call him STRETCH! This Grant Morrison gobbldy gook has gone too far.

>though given the similarity I doubt it was completely a coincidence

It was Morrison in his 1234 story tryin to come off as smart. Ol' Jack an Stan would have spelled this out if it were the case. Back then everythin was literal an said on the page. If this were the case, Reed would be a water man and sue would have wind powers. Guess what, they don't. You guys keep tryin to fit squares inta round holes! Revoltin' if ya ask me!

You're the first one to bring up that stoner. And I specifically remember Reed turning into a more liquid state to escape a containment tube once, I think it might have been during the byrne run.

>Reed turning into a more liquid state to escape a containment tube once

It's almost like he can stretch himself so thin he can escape the tightest confinement. This is like a person arguing that silly putty is water.

>Sue is wind, Reed is Water

You must be kidding aren't you

Grant Morrison introduced this dumb ass concept in 1234 and ever since other retards like to say it like it's brilliant. It was a stretch back then, like it is now. But you know this board. What Morrison says is law.

A lot of comics have pointed it out.

Who's Grant Morrison?

It's literally only been brought up in 1602 and 1234. The fuck are you talking about?

He literally says something about "altering his molecular cohesion" or something like that. Figured that fit the
>change it's state and become solid, fluid
thing, not saying he BECAME WATER or anything. I'd be the last one to take anything from morrison into account, but the parallel with the four elements makes sense.

It was brought up multiple times in Ultimate Fantastic Four, where it was combined with the Chinese elements to have Doom be Metal and Swamp-thing be Wood.

If you're willing to argue this, you'd have to be willing to state that clay and silly putty are also similar to water. Which no one would ever do. The guy stretches. He doesn't become anything close to water.

wind is not force fields and invisibility, you fucking drooling special ed retard

Reed is not water, in fact he is solid

It was referenced in the Mystic Arcana recap page

But since Mystic Arcana was never referenced again it doesn't really matter

jessica alba is so fucking sexy

>It was a stretch

The first time I heard about it was in X4 by shogun Yoshida, actually.

>I doubt it was completely a coincidence
No it's just a coicidence and you are trying to make connections where there's none.
It's just human brain trying (and failing) to make sense of the world.
That's why everyone and their mother predicted 9/11, why people believe Nostradamus' prophecies and why there's so many conspiracy theories out there.

iirc, they took it a bit further and had doom as the chinese metal element because ellis has some retarded ideas

I bet she regrets having a kid with an ugly dude

>retarded ideas
well it WAS the ultimate universe

Doom should have been the one to get no powers at all, as his "thing" has always been will to power.

Nah, something Stan Lee would do is hear this idea, and THEN say he came up with it on purpose. All while Jack Kirby shakes his head in the background.

Well, it could have been HEAVILY INSPIRED by something I don't know about.

I think you mean Man-Thing

Yes. Yes, I did.

Reed might fit Wood better than Water
He stretches his limbs like vines, he can harden his skin like wood.

Namor can be Water