Why was this movie shit, again?

Why was this movie shit, again?

I forgot it even existed

Long, unfocused, muddled story with a boring world and characters.

I can tell you why, if you want my opinion. I firmly believe that this movie was changed a lot in production. I think it's obvious that they had a few basic fundamental ideas during the creation process, but nothing was completely realized or fleshed out. That's why the movie has a few scenarios that go somewhere and quickly end, they are remnants of ideas sewn together. Overall the film is okay, but very messy and off-balanced. This film is also kind of a clone of Ice Age 1, but not as good.

the scenery was top notch tho, best cgi water and trees in a cartoon

It feels disjointed in a "it's sort of intentional, but also half-assed" kind of way.

Felt like a tech demo that had a few rough ideas pasted in. The stylized characters on the very nice but realistic environments didn't work.

heard it was unnecessarily brutal.

Pixar sohuldnt release two movies in one year. i felt satisfied with Inside Out, even though it was quite boring.
Also this dinousar design.. yaugh.

it's their most clichéd movie ever.

absolute madasaurus

yeah, the ending is fucking bleak for no reason

At least the dinosaur family starved to death that winter

lol wut?

first part of the movie was super boring, and I felt bad for how the dad died.

>Beautifully rendered scenery
>Characters look like they're from The Far Side

It's not bad, it's just way too sad and not in a "tearjerker heartwarming" way like usual Pixar, it's just bleak. The environments were beautiful and I actually appreciated the more deliberate pacing but in the end the tone is just wrong.

>Changed directors twice
>They spend years on it´s development, all of it to get made by scratch again
>Since they needed to realease it, they needed to make the plot quick, hence, they ripoffed tha Lion King plot, but way weaker
>They made the designs shittier, pic related was the beta design, which looked way better than the actual movie
There you go

That's a big thing to say, since the Lion King is a rip off of Kimba itself... and as far as I know, Kimba's story is based on Hamlet. The rip off of the rip off of the rip off. Wew.

>That's a big thing to say, since the Lion King is a rip off of Kimba itself.
Lion King was more a rip off of Hamlet than Kimba really all it got from Kimba was a small handful of aesthetic references.
Also Atlantis was not a ripoff of a Nadia at all the presence of a magic jewel and atlantis is not enough to make it an obvious reference let alone a ripoff, it was however an absurdly obvious ripoff of the original stargate movie.

Yes, but at least Hamlet Kimba and the Lion King were well executed, unlike the good dinosaur

What happened was Bob Peterson, the original director, was struggling to come up with a third act and the story was never really clicking.

Like the original story put a lot more emphasis on the dinosaur farmer society with a bunch of different herbivorous dinosaurs working together like an Amish commune. Arlo was a teenager/young adult dinosaur voiced by Bill Hader who wanted to leave the farm and explore the world and had an interest in "bugs" (Cavepeople, who all had a insect tribal paint motif). Spot the Caveboy was named that because he dressed like a ladybug.

I get the feeling that the photoreal environmental detail was an intentional choice of style over substance as they just couldn't figure out how to get a story out of their "Dinosaur Western" premise even though an obvious solution presented itself in just making a movie about the T. rex ranchers that were objectively the best characters in the entire film.

Kid wasn't cute enough

I firmly think Arlo was supposed to be washed away in the flood that killed his father.

Instead he's just such a tard that he runs into the river.

No B plot, which is strange for a pixar movie. Every single scene is about these two characters only and it gets boring.

pixar sameface kid?

When I heard the premise I thought it was going be about what the world would be like if human civilization continued to advanced, but dinosaurs were still there.

Mediocre story & visuals, and an annoying main character, no one gives a fuck about a spic who breaks into grave sites to steal a guitar. Oh wait, wrong movie...

GD, it was either the creepy triceratops or the clashing of cartoonish dinosaurs in the amazingly real landscape. The story was about on par with Lion King, designed to capture the imaginations of

Easily the ugliest designs of modern pixar. Speaking of which why is every pixar child now some moon faced troglodyte they're fucking ugly that kid from Coco looks like he got hit with a frying pan as he was being rocketed out his mother's snatch

Miguel looks appropriately cute/ugly for a 12 year old kid. Spot just looked like a fucking gremlin thing.

and Riley looks like a pig

Oink, Oink!

The designs are ugly as sin and look like they were drawn by a retarded child.

It's the opposite of shit, it's one of the best animated movies in recent memory. But for today's modern audience it's too "sad" and "cliched".

dont know about sad, but my dude it is cliche af

There's a difference between a simple story and being "cliched af".

>T. rex ranchers that were objectively the best characters in the entire film.

This. The ranchers were great. They should have had a bigger focus.

tries to be funny and sad at the same time, also I fucking hate the whole dog thing

>tries to be funny and sad at the same time

i'll better avoid this movie then. sheesh, what fun times, pixar making turds!

>ripoff of the first stargate movie

THANK YOU. Everyone says Nadia, but it only has a few aesthetic elements in common. Whereas it is incredibly similar to Stargate; the protagonist is basically an animated version of Daniel Jackson.

you are not missing anything good, trust me about this

He says, posting a picture of its protagonists tripping face.

Main character is a pussy, took sympathy on a rat that was starving his family out, and thus let his dad die.

Ugly character designs, generic and emotionally-manipulative plot, poor pacing, isn't anything that had potential in the first place.

All I know is I get creeped out when Spot pulls that bugs head off.

>seeing that bug twitching right before its head is pulled off.

>make a dinosaur cartoon
>herbivore is yet again the protagonist
>have annoying shoehorned in human child

Nearly the entire plot of Atlantis is lifted directly from Stargate, it is an almost shot for shot remake.
>Opens in new york where a young blonde, bespectacled archeologist presents a lecture regarding a radical theory.
>In the back of the lecture hall an elderly woman watches him
>He gets laughed out of the building and the woman approaches him and tells him that she believes him and will offer him a job
>Is brought to a secret facility where he is asked to translate a ancient text
>When he does so he realizes it proves his theories correct and is told that an expedition is already being planned to the civilization that produced the text
>Joins colorful team of mercenaries on expedition
>Finds civilization is still alive
>Is introduced to daughter of local chieftan
>Has scene where he goes swimming in cave with chieftans daughter in cave and finds plot relevant cave carvings
>Chieftans daughter has plot significant necklace
>MC and chieftans daughter fall in love
>ancient evil awakens
>it turns out mercenaries have ulterior motives
>MC convinces them to help the locals
>ancient evil stopped
>MC decides to stay behind and to tell his benefactor that he was right

Pixar had what they thought was a strong concept but no real plot to go along with it. In the end, they wound up trusting the concept enough that they put the film into production anyway in the faith that the plot would work itself because the concept was so strong. This is basically what happened before with some of their other films.

In the end, the plot never came together, they switched directors, and the original central concept of the film wound up being hacked down and shoved to background of the film because of the competing visions, It wound up to the extent that it switched over to being a "boy and his dog" story. Not the Harlan Ellison version of course but the generic coming-of-age type we've seen before.
