Daylight Savings

is there any point to it or is it just another autistic white people thing?

White people do weird things to win wars

It worked against the critics


It has to do with farming and crops

sound fukken gay 2 me

It was done as a way of maintaining daylight hours during the dark times in the year for farming.
Now days it's just kind of kept up to make sure it isn't dark at 4pm. I suppose it's not really needed, but it's nice to have in all honesty. People closer to the equator don't get it because they get more sunlight and less deviation from parts of the year.

it addresses a real problem. the further you live from the equator, the more the earth's tilt affects your sunlight hours.

in the summer, people like to stay out later and play sports or whatever, so it makes sense to move the clocks ahead. but if we leave them there, kids go to school in the dark in the winter mornings.

DST sucks but it is nice in limited ways.

and the farming argument is no longer part of the issue, and never really was.

White people have a thing called a "start time" at work. There are things called "timetables" in white countries. Daylight saving time helps us keep to these times but have some extra daylight during times favourable to people

In Britain we are told its mostly for scotland now so that kids aren't walking home in abject darkness which could be dangerous.

yeh nah seemz prety gay if u ask me . . .

>tfw you wish we could go back to Roman temporal hours rather than standard fixed length hours.

Only an Indian would take a blanket and kill his family with smallpox

do you think there is a reason why rational things seem gay to you

It has nothing to do with farming. It has to with industrialization, which is when we started do ing it. You see, we used to have to use whale oil lamps and shit.
Farmers have never needed artificial lighting to farm.



you are pretty lame as far as australian shitposters go.


It's fucking gay and I hate it.

We don't even do it here where I live.

absolutely gay

I hate it, fucks my sleep pattern up since I work nights

Also, ironically the Injuns are the ones who do use dst.

Ok, I googled it guys.

DST was started during WW1 in Europe to conserve electricity usage in the evening. It was originally called "War Time' in some areas.

I don't know why people say it is for farming. Farmers usually hate DST because it means they have to wake up an hour earlier to feed their livestock.

The great thing about Perth is no DST. Possibly the only good thing about Perth. Maybe I will move there one day.

Why do Indian people have extremely poor time keeping skills?

Queensland master race checking in - feels good to not have DST

The old Indian is very lucky that he had blankets.

Dont be soft you fucking mongrel.

Its to do with working on farms and to allow farmers more light. Which could be seen as a stupid white person thing since only whites work.

Whether its still relevant to this day and age is another question.

What are you fucking gay or something m8? Fuck off cunt.

It was made to keep business hours during daylight and not waste precious daylight hours before businesses open. Feels good to be a working man pol

>the wise old blanket ass
>stupid white men

The old indian is stupid. The white man is cutting and sewing, he is pulling the blanket over his head to block the sun since it moves in the sky.

come to queensland white man

Its stupid and makes no fucking sense.

If you are really a farmer and have no concept, or even care what time it is, you still get up when you need to, and stop working when you need to. Saying its a specific time, doesn't make it more or less relevant to what you need to do.

It doesn't even make sense to office workers. Who cares about putting an hour one place or another? What, is it just for your feels?

Its dark when I go to work, its dark when I get home. That's just how it works. Shifting an hour in either direction is fucking pointless. I think Arizona doesn't even do it.

Its a totally worthless gesture.

It exists today for one reason and one reason only. Golf.

So I guess we should just let the sun come up at 4 in the morning?

DST was first introduced by the central powers and later the entente to save energy during ww1.
the shit some anons write here...