Are you movingtheneedle, Sup Forums?

Are you movingtheneedle, Sup Forums?

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Pretty much a hashtag to flaunt people are only buying books not written by the creators that hate the customer

I still occasionally buy comics on Comixology. That counts, right?

I have 40 some titles on my pull list, if that's what you're asking.

Isn't that what always happens anyway? I mean, people usually don't really buy shit they don't like.

>sjws and sjw marvels dont even read it

comicsgate btfo

>people are only buying books not written by the creators that hate the customer

Not really, since some of them bought Waid's Captain America on d&c's recommendation.

Yeh which fuck waid at this point. I did pick up zdarskys books because of him though, glad it got better

Is EVS up to some shit again

I just his video on this last night. I'm a little unsure about what this whole thing is trying to mean. You're buying comics that you like? Or are you buying comics that you don't need to like, but politically agree with?

Anyway, I'm going to keep buying comics, but I'm not really interested in this twitter thing.

God, comicsgate really is a bunch of babies. Is anyone forcing you to buy comics you don’t like? Grow up. Get a spine.

Lol nigga feel free to get upset, i read the first two issues of spectacular and dropped it, saw he got better and picked it up from there. Just cause iceman got cancelled your faggot ass didn't need to sperg.

But how else can I harass the creators if nobody has a list of them to "blacklist"?

Long story short, diversity&comics' "insider" said that without proof that his followers buy comics his complaints are just as irrelevant as those of sjws, so d&c encouraged people to post their purchases on twitter with #movetheneedle.

They shouldnt be ruining our comics in the first place, get cucked. I hate when people say to use the “use your wallet” excuse, because weve stopped buying marvel and they still stubbornly reguse to budge regardless if sales are beyond terrible because they pissed off all the readers away

What even is this response? What is your point? So you do like comics? One you thought was bad ended up being great so you did end up buying it? whatever comicsgate point is, it’s not clear.

Please tell me this is Riri.

You'd be surprised.

Then move on to who is making comics you want to read. Or, make the comics you want to see. Like the rest of us.

I do, but that doesn't mean i cant complain about the stupidity and pandering thats ruining characters i like and the industry at large.

>Long story short, diversity&comics' "insider" said that without proof that his followers buy comics his complaints are just as irrelevant as those of sjws, so d&c encouraged people to post their purchases on twitter with #movetheneedle.
Hey, that's not that bad. Might do it for the bants.

Whats wrong with you not liking something and informing others how bad it is before they get fluked to purchase it? Do you ask to suck the cock of the restaurant chef too when you catch him spitting on your meal?

Yes it is, and i implore someone to show this to bendis

i'm out

regardless of ideology d and c is a funny guy

his channel is good for drama and a laugh

>whatever comicsgate point is, it’s not clear.
What's confusing to you about it? Comicsgate is pretty simple. The idea was started because creators and producers in comics saw fit to belittle and insult their customers, and instead chose to pander to people who never had an interest in comics, and still don't have an interest on comics. Comicsgate is about respecting the people who pay the money to keep the business afloat.

Supporting your LCS and the industry is great
That said D&C is a dumbass who does more harm than good
His audience cares less about comics and more about outrage

No, it doesn't. The only thing that counts is buying floppies from LCSs. Anything else is basically helping the SJWs to win.

Harassment comes with the job, grow a pair.

>how dare these people buy comics they like
>like ugh frickin' babies!

>funny guy
He's juvenile
If he was any dumber, he'd be illiterate

He sent his followers to witch hunt Graham and Busiek
Fuck him

Ok, here is where your movement is failing. When I see comicsgate interacting w creators on twitter, it’s with slurs, memes, photos of ben and Jerry’s ice cream? (Seriously, whoever it is worth the daffy duck green lantern avatar on twitter, slow down dude)
All it does is make those who you want to listen, ignore and block you. You need to act like adults if you want the quality of your comics to improve.
Being honest here, if you want people to listen you need to not be an asshole. And if anyone of them are being just as immature back, then those creators and fans are both getting what they deserve. The rest of us know how to change and support the entertainment we want.

With all the crap being done by Slott, Waid, and Rivera you bet.

New vid with ya boi.


i need that juvenile shit thats like a stupid chat in highschool, dont really need any hypocritical rhetorical arguments. its just comics, not complicated "mature" media.

>He sent his followers

I don't see where he says it though.

How many fucking times do we have to repeat ourselves
We hate this guy almost the same way we hate SJWs
They're all outragefags in the end


>He sent his followers to witch hunt Graham
Eh, while I like Graham, he's not spotless. Doesn't deserve a witch hunt thrown at him but he certainly holds views that I can understand would draw the ire of the types of outragefags that D&C shills tend to be.

>and Busiek

Is the joke here that Chad Comic Connoisseur doesn't exist?

D&C called him one of the roots of SJWs in Marvel

Jesus christ, it's like the fourth one in the last 24 hours. I think Slott is just baiting him at this point.

I don't even know what this thread is about

Strip Panel Naked
Strange Brain Parts
Earl Grey


>Ok, here is where your movement is failing.

Never said I was taking part of it. Nothing wrong with boycotts, Comicsgate is just Occupy-levels of embarrassing one. SJW comics are already doing financially bad so its quite pointless to make a big fuss about them anymore. Only thing a person needs to do at this point is to write down the creators of these godawful comics and then tell their friends never to buy from these hacks again, don't have to make a fucking "gate" out of everything.

Have any of them written articles for TCJ?

Nobody who actually reads comics cares about your videos man
You even admitted your comic videos get less views than your bitching about Twitter videos so we definitely know you're gonna radicalize over the next few months

This is the only good thing to happen with Riro.

Remember to #MoveTheNeedle, my dude.

Lets see those sales number changes next month

>oracle was a great character, stood on her own two feet

> social media post in OP
Please fucking kill yourself


Normal people don't talk like this.

Pssst they don't actually want politics out of comics or for comics to be better. Most of them don't read, have never read, and probably never plan on reading comics. They just want nonwhites and women to fuck off. They'd gladly ignore or swallow a comic like Alt Hero. They're probably the ones that whine about fake nerd girls and then not know what Kamala's powers are or how complicated it is when comics are made behind the scenes.

D&C is particularly salty because he wants to make comics but the industry won't take him. He knows he's burned bridges now so all he has is fanning the flames and hoping alt right dumbasses pay on his patreon.

I just want to read classic stories about Spider-man lynching niggers like a superhero, not sleep on his girlfriend's couch.

this was funny once. . .maybe. . . but it was a long time ago and its over.

he isnt a critic, is like a beacon or a MC
he willingly spergs out for a laugh and makes sjws/sjw comics look funnier
nobody cares about his preference and he hasnt ever strongly pushed it

from my observation, there're three types of his audiences. actual old decrepit comic fans, alt-right memesters who dont read comics, and naive teenagers who has consumed more manga than comics.
im a foreigner, not american, dont respond to any of his call cause it doesnt really function for the good of my life, but he also has audiences like me. ive once talked with a polish anime fan on the comment section

That looks like Tiffany Fox from Enemy Within.

Then Marvel will eventually die or they will change, how are you this fucking stupid?

>Recommending Waid's Captain America run
Is there a bigger retard than D&C?

They havent changed in years buttmunch, just because they may change in ten years isnt an excuse for there current turds

How? Busiek is unofficially DC exclusive since more than a decade.

EVS needs to work on getting his art back up to snuff instead of the visual diarrhea that he's been putting out lately.

Then they'll go under. Again how are you this fucking stupid? You already don't buy the comics, this is your simplest option as to how you can change them, the sales are in the toilet, they're unlikely to intentionally go under. You have two other options, you can become a writer or editor at Marvel and change the culture, or you can purchase Marvel from Disney outright and take full creative control of the IPs.