Episodes everyone hates except you

I genuinely, unironically LOVE "say uncle"

Other urls found in this thread:


>the abbreviation of Say Uncle is SU

Upon retrospect, it's one of the better episodes. And at least it's not Rocknaldo.


>Episodes everyone hates except you
all the episodes of Adventure Time after whatever arbitrary season dumb anons say it died

This was actually the only SU episode I had genuine laughter at.
Not to say that SU doesn't have other strengths, but this was the only episode without that comfy-tumblr-play-it-safe-cutesy sense of humor.

Say Uncle was a really fun and unexpected episode. Also, fuck what everyone else says, Uncle Grandpa was a really good show.

I liked this episode. It’s random mission sorta reminded me what I liked about old Spongebob. People shit on it a lot but I thought it was fun and kinda hilarious.

Only tumblr hates that episode. It was a fun one shot comedic episode, and considering how the show tries to balance that sort of stuff with the actual story/drama stuff it even manages to be better then the average comedy/townie/filler episode.

For some reason, a decent amount of people seem to hate this episode for being "mean spirited" and having the Eds lose.



I hated the Food Chain episode, but 'll admit. That is one of the coolest songs from the show.

The ending is top-dollar.


Wait, people hate this episode?

People don't like the Food Chain episode?
Is it just tasteless plebs or?

I'm almost certain this episode had universal praise when it aired.

Wait, since when does anybody hate this? I thought the consensus was it was better than it had any business being

I didn't even like UG and I kidna neutral SU but I loved every second


Lots of people hate anything Uncle Grandpa related. It tends to get lumped into the "lol randumb" category.

I'm With Stupid seems to get flak but I always thought it was a great and memorable episode

delet this

Tumblr threw a huge fit over it, mostly cuz UG was in a dress. The other part is people think UG is ugly and "lolrandumb waffles xd." That said it was a hilarious episode.

Funny. I don't remember anyone hating the episode until Mr Enter put it on his shit list

I wonder which has more porn?

>people that hate episodes because 'a bloo bloo character was mean and got shit on'

I wouldn't say I love the episode, but I appreciate the message it's trying to tell that even if you try to right by someone, life will still decide to fuck you over for no reason.

People hate this episode? Apart from the somewhat forced furry acceptance bit at the end (that no one is gonna take to heart anyway because even furries hate furries) it was a really fun episode

Uncle Grandpa in general. God what a waste.

I agree with the ones who disliked this episode, however Pearl was quite funny in that one. People complained she acted too much ooc, but i don't see it. She is normally the most "logically thinking"one in the group, thus when a reality wrapper nonsense freak appears, i can see her freaking out

>it was bad because he was never the real Skinner, I was lied to
And I just got done watching it just to make sure my younger self wasn't just enjoying it. It's still a good episode. The concept of Skinner being a fraud works for his character and no one else. I don't think there was much backstory to him other than serving in Vietnam and being a principle that lives with his mother. He was a bad boy who had nobody but himself, joined the army and looked up to the real Skinner who set him straight, then became a mama's boy and lived out the real Skinner's dream of being a principle. I guess its all in some way of honoring the guy and doing what seemed right. There's really nothing controversial about the episode, it just seems like a normie reaction based on popular opinion. No was should feel like they were betrayed because of who he was before the war, the fake Skinner was and still is the same mama's boy and principle in all the episodes before this one.

So you're just not even hiding the fact you're baiting.

>The concept of Skinner being a fraud works for his character and no one else.

It could have worked for Apu, Smithers, Moe, Krusty and Flanders.

Thank you.

I don't think the townspeople would care about Moe or Smithers. And Apu, Krusty and Ned already had a well established backstory dating back to their childhood. Skinner has everything, or nothing much really, for that kind of plot to work around him. He served in the Vietnam War, he lives with just his elder "mother", he's well known as the principle of Springfield Elementary, and he can steam a good ham.

what kind of shit tasting user hates this ep

Yuuasa is the most brilliant animation director working today

Honestly the entirety of that episode is really good. The only thing people complain about is the ending which is weird because the Eds always lose so them getting fucked over by Jimmy isn't really that out of the norm.

Uncle Grandpa in general desu

People hate the food chain episode?

>I don't think the townspeople would care about Moe or Smithers.

Its been a while since I've seen the ep, but did anyone really care that it was Skinner? I seem to remember like one, maybe two people shown being distrusting of him now.
That could have easierly been done with Moe and his barflys or with Smithers and power plant workers

>And Apu, Krusty and Ned already had a well established backstory dating back to their childhood.

Yeah, on looking it up that's true of Krusty, but Apu's childhood and pre-US life (other then a brief throw away joke) wasn't referenced in any serious way until a few months after the Principle and Pauper aired.

As for Ned's, he was given a bit of backstory the year before Principle and the Pauper, then a year after it, that backstory was ignored in favor of a joke that pushed the episodes plot.

I didn't really like it.
But I wouldn't say I hated it. I just thought it was kinda "muhh"

Oh yeah and just looking it up, the Pricipal and the Pauper was a hold over from the year before, so it would have been written and made at the same time, if not before, we were being given small glimpse into Flanders and Apu's life