The Wicked + The Divine

Every ninety years, twelve gods return as young people. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are all dead. The year is 2014. It's happening again. It's happening now.

New style recap page

Vol 1
Vol 2
Vol 3



oh yeah McKelvie is back










My favorite arc. Gets to some pure superhero action.





This arc is very superheroy








so new comics tomorrow




















all those panels






so the specials, if i go by publication the first one is right after this volume. should i just post it at the end or save all 3 of the specials for their own thread once the main story is done? i figure that people might not want that extra issue after a whole volume


I'd say do the specials. I feel like the help heighten some of the mystery and suspense.



*After each volume. Should have specified.



Thank you user for this and archived topics. You brightened my day.


It'd be neat

bringing up that Persephones powers don't work on here is probably important







The middle of the issue in the middle of the arc in the middle of the series









i'm sure someone can explain this stuff better because i know nothing




My experience with Nergal ends with Grim Adventures.

That said he is a dork in it.

yeah so Watchmen influence













