R1a Are some Slavs genetically related to Persians?

When looking at the R1a group, it is clear to see that it is very predominant in Persia and Middle Europe among Slavs. However, whenever we look at more subgroups, (r1a1) we see that specific group being more prevalent in Central Europe but not in Persia.

Does Sup Forums have more info on this? Are Poles and other slavs related to Persians and the > Aryans.

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Another pic related.

Possibly, but Persians from long ago may have looked more white. Your map though looks more from Pontus and the Caucuses, while once part of Persia were not the persians directly. Unless my history is fuzzy

Arent Slavs related to vikings or something?


Not really, the genetic maps show that the people of Scandinavia are in fact very distinct from the rest of Europe.

What is sarmatism

Why are we so populated with this haplogroup, but Serbs and Croats aren't, I thought we we're rather closely related?



Found something on the eupedia.

>The last important Slavic migration is thought to have happened in the 6th century CE, from Ukraine to Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, filling the vacuum left by eastern Germanic tribes who invaded the Roman Empire. The main lineage associated with this late Slavic migration is Z280. Interestingly, neither the Czechs nor Croats carry much Z280 (their R1a is almost exclusively M458), which strongly differentiate them from their Slovak and Slovene neighbours.

yup, we wuz shah n shiet

Yet there are still part of the same group, the R1a, correct? So although there are minor differences, we still belong to the same haplogroup that germans for instance dont belong to.

Speaking very generally and very broadly, R1a seems to have a high correlation with satem Indo-European languages overall.

> Thats right, so now, it is important for us to understand the differences between all the subgenres of that type.

Pardon the greentext

Yeah, sure, I just thought that it was interesting enough to post in this thread.

The only thing that connects Eastern Slavs with Scandinavians is that Vikings founded Rus. But they were just a very small ruling elite.

it was, thanks Z280 bro

muh haplomemes


From wiki:
>Sarmatism (or Sarmatianism) is a term designating the formation of the dominant Baroque culture and ideology of the szlachta (nobility) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Together with "Golden Liberty," it formed a central aspect of the Commonwealth's culture. At its core was the unifying belief that the people of the Polish Commonwealth descended from the ancient Iranic Sarmatians, the legendary invaders of Slavic lands in antiquity

Our nobility believed in 16th to 18th century that we are descendants of Iranians. They also made some values important for being Sarmatians like: freedom, bravery, hospitality, nurturing tradition and being religious, but it went bad and they became xenophobic, superstitious, arbitrary, rowdy LARPers that lived beyond their means.

>R1a Are some Slavs genetically related to Persians?
Well, we are both Indo-European. A couple of pagan Slavic deities are supposedly of Persian origin too. But I'm not sure how closely we are related. Russian language has quite a few words derived from Sanskrit, for example.
>Arent Slavs related to vikings or something?
Our northern population has plenty of Finnish genes, but not Scandinavian I think.

IIRC, most Asian R1a is Z93, which is around 5,000 years old. Its more-European brother, Z283, is about the same age.

>tracing human history and migrations through unique polymorphisms is a meme


>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

Ah, so there is some historical context to this as well. Interesting that they thought to be superior.


Slovene also has some similarities with the hindi.. I can understand a few rare words.

Genotype does not equal phenotype, or in plebeian terms, your genetic haplotype does not give you your appearance.

Also, Iran is a crossroads of cultures, and have many many many haplotypes. Just because there is some r1a does not mean you should expect cultural similarity or appearance.

Here's an example. The Sup Forums quadroon of muhherrituge! He is r1b, but he's also a nigger on his recent paternal line, and looks like a typical quadroon mutt.

To further illustrate:

Haplotype map that includes Iran. R1a is not a particularly large factor.

yeah... not hindi lol. Sanskrit.

slovene and sanskrit both have dual form, 6 cases, neuter, F and M gender.

a list of similar words:
Slovene - Sanskrit - English
sem - asmi - I am
si - assi - you are
je - asti - it is
sva - svaha - we two are
sta - sthaha - you two are
smo - smaha - we are
ste - stha - you are (plural)
so - santi - they are

videti/vedeti - vid - to see / to know
dati - dá - to give
živeti dživ - to live
znati - džnja - to have knowledge of
stati - sthá - to stand
piti - pib - to drink
vprašati - praš - to ask
padati - pat - to fall

the mindfuck are the following...

veda - veda - knowledge
mati - mátá - mother
brat - bhrátá - brother
smrt - mrtju - death
dan - dinam - day
noč - nišá - night
kosti - asthi - bones
noht - nakha - nail
usta - oshta - mouth
nag - nagna - nude
vrata/dveri - dvaram - door
pena - phena - foam
med - madhu - honey
šola - šálá - school
svoj - svaja - one’s own

enaintrideset - ekatrimšat - thirty-one
dvaintrideset - dvatrimšat - thirty-two

ogenj - agni - fire

>A couple of pagan Slavic deities are supposedly of Persian origin too
Actually there are many paralells between the Indo-European deities. Zeus/Perun/Perkunas/Thor most likely originated from the same ancient Indo-European deity for example.

Absolutely. It's interesting to see the changes they went through in different cultures, though...using your example, the Thunderer was the "high-god" among the Greeks, but in taking that position, they gave him a name related to the chief god of the urpantheon, Dyeus Pater, or simply syncretized the two.

Actually you should look not into words( wich can be borrowed) but into grammar
And funny enough - slavic languages (especially no latinised ) are closest enough in terms of grammar ,wich means it is direct descendant

Are these parallels also present in other cultures?

The closest relatives of the Ruriks are found in coastal Finland and Russians have a lot of finnic admixture.

>direct descendant

More likely cousins with the same ancestor.

No they aren't, Igor. The Slavic languages, like the Celtic, Germanic, Italic, etc., share a common ancestor with the Indo-Iranian languages, that language being Proto-Indo European. Slavic languages are NOT descended from Sanskrit. A better analogy would be to say they are cousins.

People forget that Europeans or white people or whatever you want to call them once spanned far outside of modern Europe. The Tocharians and Sogdians were white, for example.

slovak is bretty close too
>smrt - mrtju - death
smrť - death
mrtvy - dead

Actually Sanscrit is dead for 2500 years since Panini grammar.And if you look at it you will see that many rules work in slavic languages too

Reminder that you share 99.9% of your genes with other humans.

No one said it wasn't dead, they said it wasn't a direct ancestor of Slavic languages, which it isn't. Read up about PIE, it's pretty interesting.

That in no way suggests Slavic languages are descended from Sanskrit.

What's your point? We share 99% of our genes with chimps, hell, we also share 50% of our genes with bananas.

>paternal haplogroup is e1b1b1a2*
>maternal haplogroup is H.

Am I white Sup Forums?

what’s the Sanskrit’s ancestor language?

Rigveda, the oldest form of Sanskrit?
I can’t find anything older..

How come Slavic is so mysterious, I mean if anglo says he is from somewhere, he is from somewhere, if germanic says he is from that mountain, he is from that mountain, if kangz says they are from gods and sheeet, they are from there, why no one really knows about Slavic that much?


I did.But slavic languages have more common with sancrit than with every other IE language family
wich is very interesting because Sanscrit is dead for 2 millenia and Slavic languages is alive and changing for a 1.3 millenia


I think it's because Germanics, Iberians, Celts, etc. were all attested to in antiquity. We know where they lived 2,000 years ago, what people they came from. That's not the case for Slavs, at least in the mind of the average Anglo. I have no idea where Slavs were living 2,000 years ago or even if they existed at that time.


I1 and I1a are Viking.

Don't beg it.

We are the true Vikings.

Odinists can go fuck themselves, if they aren't of Viking blood.

WPWW 1488

Yes, we do, because most of our DNA is virus junk. But do note that the DNA of bananas codifies trees, not the banana itself.

And it's not that weird that we share so much with chimps because the only thing we don't have totally in common with them is our brain.

I1 is pre-Indo-European.

They wouldn't even know about Woden without R1.

Slavs are the least documented group among the so called "barbarian" enemies of Rome. Shit just wasn't written down.

Are you butthurt because you belong to haplogroup E?

Bulgars confirmed superior Tatar horseback archer genes. Slaveshits btfo.


How the slavs end here?

It must be. Everyone knows that those who find dick measuring contests retarded have small dicks.

Visigoths probably.

Don't be upset tuga. You are still my irmão even if you are haplogroup E.

Isn't basically the same thing as himmler/rosenberg nordicism?


The birth place of Vikings is Norway and Sweden. E.g. Nordic Countries

Not Western France, or Scotland or you silly newfag.

>L2R Genetic MAPS

Haplogroup I1 is the most common I subclade in northern Europe. It is found mostly in Scandinavia and Finland, where it typically represent over 35% of the male Y-chromosomes. Associated with the Norse ethnicity, I1 is found in all places invaded by ancient Germanic tribes and the Vikings. Other parts of Europe speaking Germanic languages come next in frequency. Germany, Austria, the Low Countries, England and the Scottish Lowlands all have between 10% and 20% of I1 lineages.

Noob, you are NOT Viking.

It's the same in all Slavic languages.

>tfw i can understand almost everything

Yeah, that's the point. Our languages are very close to each other.

If we look at linguistic evidence, it is generally assumed (centum and satem languages) that within the Indo-European languages, the Germanic, Celtic, Italic (Romance), Anatolian (Hittite), Lusitanian, Greek, Albanian and Tocharian languages form a single branch, and the Slavic, Baltic, Iranian, Armenian and Indian form the other, more conservative branch(es) of Indo-European languages.



uhm, surely you are kidding right? this phrenology tier

>weird homoerotic Viking obsession

I want you to do something. Not for me, but for yourself.

Replace "viking" in your weird little rants with "mailman."

Now realize how fucking stupid it is to treat an occupation as an ethnic group.

When you're done with that, deal with the fact that the only reason you I1 people even know about Woden is that we taught you about him after kicking the shit out of you so hard that you literally have no idea what language you even spoke before we came along and Germanicized you.

>muh vikings

Fucking cringe.

Afgan girls. The left one can always be considered as a local in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus

Slavs were one of the last groups to arrive in Europe. Pretty much every group lived around the Black Sea and the Steppes before moving into Europe.


tajik grandma

> Wants to be Viking.
> Trying too hard.
> Can't choose Genetics, deal with it bitch.
> Viking is an ethnic group, not an occupation.

We don't choose our family. Tough luck R1 boy.

I1 is Viking, R1 is not. Look at the genetic maps. You will never be us, you just want to be me. Sorry dude!!!

That's why most of the people in Sweden/ Norway are I1? 45% of males have I1, and only 10 - 20 % have R1, sounds like someone is a little stupid, and maybe even a bit of a sand nigger.

RUKI law is beter for separation

All human accomplishment is concentrated in the R1b area, R1a indoeuropeans were their retarded cousins who mixed with Dravidians and Finns.

>still obsessing over mailmen
>still angry at being cucked by Indo-Europeans
>thousands of years later

So what language did you speak before we taught you ours, again, O Mighty Mailman?

> bait so much

If you do not know how much the Poles influenced philosophy, symbolic logic, maths, etc etc. you're an inbred retard.

>Haplogroup I is the oldest major haplogroup in Europe and in all probability the only one that originated there (apart from very minor haplogroups like C6 and deep subclades of other haplogroups).

It is thought to have arrived from the Middle East as haplogroup IJ sometime between 45,000 and 50,000 years ago, and developed into haplogroup I approximately 40,000 years ago.

It has now been confirmed by ancient DNA test that Cro-Magnons, the first Homo sapiens to colonize Europe 45,000 years ago, belonged to haplogroups BT, CT, C, F, IJ and I. The I1 branch is estimated to have split away from the rest of haplogroup I some 27,000 years ago.

> Haplogroup R* originated in North Asia just before the Last Glacial Maximum (26,500- 19,000 years before present). This haplogroup has been identified in the 24,000 year-old remains of the so-called "Mal'ta boy" from the Altai region, in south-central Siberia (Raghavan et al. 2013)

>b but I thought there will be rapebaby jokes.


>pasta from Eupedia
>ignoring the rest of it where it points out we Indo-Europeanized you

I'm only semi-kidding.
You can't deny the Slavic and especially Baltic languages are either a lot more conservative or are closer to Indo-Iranian than Germanic and Italo-Celtic languages seem to be, both at first glance and further deconstruction.

Thats true, again Polish is a great example of this because it makes sure that certain genders are not represented and cannot be represented when it comes to certain professions.

Are you off-duty cop?

> Nothing notable of your R1 people.
> You just Jelly bitch.
> Came in claiming to be Viking, now realizes/ admits that he is not.

We taught you the post office protocol, and to send and recieve mail noob and we created most of the internet for that matter too.

Check the current I1 maps of America.

kinda, but it was in 16th, 17th century soooo we are the real hipsters, also there might be some scythian genes here

All slavic languages have that

Vikings left R1A in western Scotland.

Vikings were mongrels, they got off their horses and became sea nomads.

Your lack of distribution in Sweden and Norway, clearly shows you are not as supreme as you believe yourself to be.

> pasta from relevant sources to my argument, is tasty and relevant pasta.
> do you not like the taste of being proven wrong?

WPWW 1488

>nothing notable

We literally taught you the languages you speak, how to make metal and what the fuck to do with horses and cattle.

You owe us pretty much everything, including your gods. Who did you honor before we taught you? No one fucking knows. :)

>still obsessing over vikings
>projecting said obsession

This is sadder and sadder by the moment.

>current I1 maps of America


Please, post one.

>speaking a language we taught you
>honoring gods we introduced you to

Like I said, sadder and sadder.

Of course, because Persians were white.

Modern Persians, aka Iranians, have interbred with Arabs, so they're not so white anymore, but it explains why some minor ethnic groups in remote enclaves are surprisingly white.

R1a1a here with 0.2% east Asian and 0.1% North African from my eastern European dad, am I white?

Not only with arabs but with wast amounts of turks


> We're older than you. Therefore, our languages supercede yours.

Do you not know how this works?

Who did you honour, the sand? What were your gods, the sun and camels?

Yeah it is sadder, and sadder. You came in claiming to be Viking, and are now changing the subject.

Deal with it, you are not, and never will be viking.

Will post when I find it, geneaology company has changed their layout. Post quotes and sauce, all you've done is trash posted about nothing.

bitch newfag wannabe.

The Arabs left a fairly minimal genetic imprint on Iran, Iranian men were fucking Elamite and Mesopotamian women for several centuries before they showed up.