The Incredibles 2 trailer leaked

The Incredibles 2 trailer leaked.

Get it while it's hot.

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I don't love how Jack Jack is less of a baby with powers and more of a tiny person who is a baby with powers

But the Bob parenting angle is interesting
I'm just wondering how the other characters are going to spend the movie
Hopefully it's a cool and interesting thing

So that leaker from a while back was right.

Looks like they're going to be using Jack Jack's shenanigans to avoid spoiling the actual plot as much as possible.

Was that some motherfucking Bob Odenkirk

Great, so just like every mainstream media protag male he's a stay at home father while the wife does exactly what he did in the first movie.

Fuck this.

>gurrrl powah
>dumb, frustrated, incompetent male
Seems about right for current year +3

Remember that what he did in the movie was unsustainable and had to change for the plot to move forward; that's what made it interesting.

If they're smart, they'll do the same thing with both him and his wife in this film. More likely they'll only do it with just Bob, but we can still hope.

This stay at home Dad shit sucks. I wanted a superhero family. Fuck this.

Pixar trailers always look like asinine bullshit, but the final movie (most of the time) ends up being marginally better.

I dont know why but the trailer has a weird blur in the middle and the frames seem to be skipping. Here's a better version that was released from Pixar.


> leaked
On the day is was intended to come out? What a scandal.


>They're literally just remaking the Incredibles 1 but switching Bob and Helen's roles

Looks like the leaks were legit.

scientifically engineered to trigger Sup Forums

Oh, uh, hey, did she get... thicker?

Its a neat twist, giving Helen the mission while Bob stays at home, and inevitably goes in to save her. A inverse of the original
Yeah its starting to line up. Not sure how I feel about it

>Its the role reversal but without the engaging drama and action equally presented for both characters.

A story about the struggle of modern man, trying to find a new identity in a world that no longer values and where little or nothing of what they believed to be fundamental remains so...

Hope is kindled, this may be good.

Bob's probably going to go in and save her just like she did for him in the first movie.

Why did they cast Mike as Mr. Incredible?

>"Couldn't have done it with out you, partner"

I give less of a shit about it being Mrs. Incredible focused than I do about the fucking baby getting massive amounts of screen time.
We get it, it was a funny gag with the baby sitter and jet engine thing.

>Incredibles: Bob sneaks out to do heroics as a sort of mid-life crisis situation that gets in over his head
>Incredibles 2: We have no idea what Helen thinks about the new job beyond both of them knowing and Bob doing parenting while she does heroics
Similar story beats, sure, but it's not the same. Helen didn't have the same desire to be a superhero again like Bob did. We don't know her motivation.

Is it just me or are the models really orange? They seem to have a lot of warm blemishes and its making them look a lot squishier. The first Incredibles looks better than the new one, somehow.

>by Disney
>there's a woman with tumblr hair
>plot is about mom becoming super-famous and dad staying at home

They gave it the Star Wars treatment didn't they.

That's pretty much what I thought. The Jack Jack stuff is easy material to get families and kids hooked on the trailers, while the actual plot involving Helen is kept under wraps.

We know all the story beats already user from the leak. There is gonna be a complete lack of conflict between the two of them because Bob is "trying to make her happy" and she's "trying to be happy"

It's not on the same level of intrigue as Bob living a secret life that is fulfilling him and paying for his family, and Helen becoming aware that something is up but being too afraid to address it or question it.


It's the orange lighting I feel like they're going for the Orange blue color composition

I think we all knew this wouldn't be anywhere near as good as the original, and personally, I was content with how the first movie ended.

Different lighting techniques and showing how the technology's advanced

why is the baby a floating ballsack?

This trailed pleased me greatly.

Anyone else think Helen looks really good in that costume? Shades of gray suit her well.

Oh, hey, "shades of gray." I wonder if that's supposed to be a visual metaphor.

Oh look, another sexist movie no one is going to call out portraying the father as a bumbling fucking idiot that can't control a baby

Wasn't the first movie basically all Bob-centric? I don't feel the spotlight being on Helen this time that much of a cop out. Could be a chance to red pill women or they could shit the bed as most Pixar sequels but i'll give it a chance at least.

Well to be fair, this is Jack Jack, who is fucking OP

>Not realizing (the trailer) is mirroring the first movie by having bob and helen switch roles
>instead just bitches about feminism
seems about right

what leak again?

The dumb dad trope is at like 20% capacity from what we've seen so far and the baby is literally uncontrollable and omnipotent so I think Bob gets a pass here

Helen's sponsor corporation has a villain who uses mind control technology. She uses said technology to control Bob and Frozone

Also how did the Winter Olympics not use Frozone as their big advertising push?

but that's different because the based man was the one having fun
fuck this pandering stupid sjw libcuck soyboy numale bugman snowflake shit

I fucking hope that they have changed Voyd's design,

she looks fucking ugly, especially with that god awful colour palette
>beginning: the movie takes place immediately after the first movie. the underminer is defeated by the family within the first 10 minutes, never to be mentioned again. violet's love interest is zapped MIB style and forgets who she is because he saw her without her mask

>city arrests them after seeing the damage caused by underminer, assuming they did it. back into hiding and staying a motel for the time being. frozone comes to them and mentions a tycoon played by bob odenkirk.

>tycoon wants superheroes to be legal again and uses resources to persuade world leaders to sign an initiative. he enlists elastigirl with his technology to record her doing good to change public perception of superheroes. tycoon's sister makes all of her technology and she makes a new suit

>tycoon believes frozone and mr. incredible are too high-risk after running damage analysis, so mr. incredible is at home dealing with the kids.

>violet's love interest forgot who she is so she thinks he flaked on his date with her

>jack jack is manifesting powers again including going into another dimension and walking through glass windows and walls. really funny scene with him beating up a raccoon and dad finally sees he has powers, but doesn't tell mom because she's on her mission

>main villain is named the screenslaver. can control people with hypnosis by hijacking tv streams. elastigirl thinks she figured out who it was and put the guy in jail but the guy has no idea what she is talking about and no memory of what happened after she takes off his goggles and realizes there's hypnosis screens inside

Please say someone will storytime the Incredibles comic.

>tries to falseflag
>can't avoid typing "UGH"

Do tumblr roasties always behave like cavemen?

>There is gonna be a complete lack of conflict between the two of them because Bob is "trying to make her happy" and she's "trying to be happy"
No, if we go by the leak, we can assume that Bob is forbidden from being part of the team because he's too "destructive" in his powers, while Helen is more flexible. Nothing about motivations. We don't even know why Helen chooses to do it without Bob.

>It's not on the same level of intrigue as Bob living a secret life that is fulfilling him and paying for his family, and Helen becoming aware that something is up but being too afraid to address it or question it.

We don't know the story, though. We have a leak and that's it.

You can make any story boring in a leak. You can make a terrible story sound amazing in a leak. Hell, there are multiple factors that can make a great movie despite a weak story if you go by that route anyway. It just feels like people are shitting on it too fast.

>Violet's love interest forgets who she is

>No Timeskip

I really hope there isn't some stupid drama between Bob and Helen over her going out and saving the day while he watches the kids, especially after what happened in the fucking last movie.

Helen's power are about as safe as you can get.

>You can make any story boring in a leak. You can make a terrible story sound amazing in a leak.

Shill please end yourself.

Seems boring as shit desu

The originals look like sculpted clay but the new ones, although accurate, look like standard animated Disney models

You need to use similar lightning to make a comparison.

Oh come on, after all the times leaks have come out for these various movies that end up either being true or false, there haven't been people immediately going "This is going to be INCREDIBLE" when it ends up being a piece of shit?

There's always a chance that the inverse is going to be true, too.

Regardless, I don't think that they'd wait 16 years to tell a story they don't believe in, especially since they were very fast in releasing Cars movies when those were selling well.

the most underrated comment. otherwise this trailer...would honestly piss me off.

>Do tumblr roasties always behave like cavemen?
Why are you away from your home board, faggot?
Fuck off.

This legitimately looks like absolute shit.
It also looks like it's just the first movie but with Bob and Helen switching roles

What the fuck happened? Holy shit I didn't think it was possible to be unhyped for Incredibles 2 but here we are.

This sounds lame. how do they not know jack jack has powers? they saw him use it

No, they really didn't. Jack-Jack was so high up with Syndrome that none of them could see anything that was happening, and then he returned to normal by the time Helen got thrown to catch him.

Chill out, it'll most likely be good.

but the house was totally trashed from the babysitting, in ways that only someone with powers could have trashed.


They just assumed Syndrome did the trashing.

>they saw him use it
when? they didn't see jack jack transform in the jet scene, and believed that the babysitter wnt mad.



But the babysitter left all those voice messages. Sure she was pretty vague about what was going on, but things should have added up at that point.

>It's not a time skip

I was hoping the 1st trailer was just establishing that the family establishes that JJ has powers and nothing more.

>establishing that the family establishes...

I've been drinking too much tonight it seems

Nope. They really didn't suspect anything in regards to the baby. EVERYTHING about Jack-Jack's power-trip eluded them through stupid contrivance.

>Pixar will never catch lightning in a bottle again.

At least toy story had good sequels.

Coco was good tho

>The guy bringing Elastigirl back is just a waifufag shoutout to Sup Forums

Who wants to bet

funny how jack jack is literally the only reason to watch the film. I wonder if he'll stick to one power by the end.

Not feeling it, honestly.

I wanted to see the whole family come together and fighting crime. You know, the story the ending of the first one hinted at.

I just noticed a difference in animation styles.

It was particularly noticeable with Frozone.

>They're LITERALLY doing the stay at home dad meme.

Fuck this going to be another Monster's University, wasting another perfectly good sequel opportunity on half baked ideas!

>anime poster


I know it's wishful thinking, but I hope the sequel spurs a comeback of Mezmerella art.

fuck off

you first

Okay I went back through the trailer and saw a better scene with similar lighting. Though I still prefer the older models though

>Mr Incredible spends the entire movie babysitting Jack Jack doing slapstick shit.

It's too predictable it's gotta be a falseflag

>Obligatory grocery store scene where his kids cause wacky antics
>Scene where somebody doesn’t know how to change Jack’s diaper, and he runs around nakes

>At least toy story had a good sequel.

three's ending made up for it, plus it was overall fun and imaginative. Who killed your parents?

Was Coco any good? I've pretty much given up on Pixar at this point

Mom: Breast cancer
Dad: Drug overdose

oh shit

I liked it, but I'm Half-white half-mexican


It was really good. One of the few recent good movies from Pixar. The colours are gorgeous as well.

t. U.K. Fag