Trump rapes the climate

G-Guys, I'm fucking scared right now. I knew Trump is a climate change denier, but this policy is basically all about bringing back jobs in the coal industry. He'll completely fuck up the environment.

I don't want winter to be a thing of the past in a few decades, not to mention all the other catastrophical side effects of global warming

Any thoughts on this?

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And the energy that will stop being produced for the factories in Chyna and Mexico is completely green of course?

Nah, but he'd add to the pile

We were fucked anyway. Maybe the feedbacks won't be so bad...


Think about climate change like stacking damage
1 or 2 hits we will survive
3 or 4 and we will be facing extinction

Current timer to end of the world by contamination
75 years aprox.

the middle east will fry. jews and muslims will be a thing of the past mostly. try to think about the big picture

they say if the temp goes up just 2 degrees in the middle east next summer a shit load of them will die

stop being so selfish OP

> Fuck solar
> We're going to build more coal
Trump noooo you were supposed to SAVE America.

States, not the federal government, make purchasing decisions wrt. power generation.

Popular support, particularly in the most populous, energy consuming states, will cause those states to pursue green energy agendas. The federal government is irrelevant.

What Obama tried to do is (illegally) use the EPA to punish states that don't reduce emissions (read: continue burning coal) in spite of the fact that the population in those states might favor coal burning. While the SCOTUS has halted the implementation, Trump would scrap this.

Fundamentally, two major forces are at play that make *any* federal stance on clean energy / ghg emission totally irrelevant:

1) states, driven by popular opinion, will continue to pursue low-ghg generation

2) coal is already in many places less economical than green alternatives, like windmills. The trend will continue, as solar and other alternative sources become cheaper and cheaper.

Hooray state's rights and popular opinion. OFC if global warming alarmists really practiced what they preached (instead of insisting the federal government did everything for them) they'd be going vegetarian, consuming less electricity, and avoiding cars, but that's neither here nor there.

i hate to break it to you but that coal most likely won't be going into power plants.

climate has always changed
co2 levels used to be 700% higher in the distant past- yet it didn't lead to runaway warming
co2 is not a problem, it's the 4 billion other pollutants we dump
not one nickel of carbon tax will be spent planting trees or hemp which would absorb co2 (the supposed problem)
carbon is the most common element in the universe, we are carbon-based life forms
a carbon tax is just a huge $ grab, it won't stop the slow death of mother earth. Try taxing plutonium and mercury for starters, that might help

Listen to this Canadian.

A rare leaf in the pile.

^ watch that OP

> they srsly believe in human caused climate change

Give me a break!

>co2 is not a problem, it's the 4 billion other pollutants we dump

why dont people understand this?

>fuck up the environment
how fucking retarded are you

> Pollution isnt the problem it's pollution!
Uh wat.

Maybe Austria can cancel out the net effect by completely eliminating its energy usage. And since you're so concerned about the survival of the species, you can start the energy-free movement yourself. I'm sure you're willing to make that sacrifice for the rest of us. Right?

coal is bad because it usually has mercury and other shit yeah
in the 70's the Canuck govt would subsidize solar panels for your house, but not these new self-proclaimed enviromentalists we have in power now

Look at the energy they have in Chynah, in Mexico, Saudi Arabiya, I mean yuge huge problem. They're laughing at us, they laugh... I mean they have so so much energy and we have nothing, none, look at Chynah

co2 is not pollution, it's plantfood dumbass

Trump's energy strategy is designed to leverage all forms of energy simultaneously. From the short to the long term. And then tax those to rebuild the grid.

>but this policy is basically all about bringing back jobs in the coal industry.
Awesome. Simply awesome.

t. organic chemist

I couldnt give a shit less honestly. Ill be dead before its a real problem in the US and I dont plan on having any kids. So bring the jobs back in droves. Fuck this world

The plants are full and telling us to please stop.

This is a low-energy post. Good for environmentalists, bad for the meme economy.

Hahah if it was illegal then it would have been struck down by the courts. It was illegal, it was the only solution to this problem: the most carbon intense states were run by people who thought science is a conspiracy. Lol goodbye America I can't wait for the next superpower

read a botany book and come back please


As a person alive in the 1990's, they've been saying this shit for years. You can live in fear if you'd like, but it's more likely that these "green" companies and their politicians just want a slice of the energy sector's pie.

> if it din happen over night it's wrong and a conspiracy
Meanwhile, CO2s up and so is average temp

> Okay.

Never met a funny German. Always mopey. There's a German at work who gets freaked out if you ask them how they are. I'd hate to be German

The end of times is great for business.

>Git yer anti-apocalypse umbrella here! Yessir, this here's assurance 'gainst all kinds of apocalypses, from yer Biblical kind to yer singularity kind to yer pissed-off Mother Earth kind! Keep the 'pocalypse from rainin' on yer head! Only $999.99!

>I'll take a hundred!

Okay. I'll be sure to relay that to the next German I meet.

See guys. Germans are never funny

Welp guess it's time to start investing in more inland beach real estate.

whoa there with those edges, you edgemaster

You'll quit giving a shit when your power bill halves.


We were probably fucked anyway.

The thing that depresses me is knowing that so many people really don't care.

He's not a climate change denier, he thinks that climate change isn't created by humans. It's not entirely retarded and there's evidence for it. I say it as someone who believe humans are worsing it.
This said, the worst case scenario if he gets 2 terms he will raise america's emissions by 16%. I read it on a reliable source but I forgot it. You can find it online. I was scared too

>Get economy going, muh environment.
>Huge job explosion, industrialization 25.1.
>Get a "white kids" programm going because you need the workers.
>US with 600 million population
>Everybody else butthurt in 15 years because "muh environment"
>War with the US
>They flatten everything, population reduced by 1-2 billion
>Foreign economy crashed
>Only the US now "damages" the economy
>get rid of the "damaging" part after the war
>Climate stabilizes, population reduced, US rules

France, Germany and Russia should join too in case France and Germany get the right government elected (or forced to "elect" euheuhh)

Anything can be considered a pollution agent. It's just something that isn't supposed to be there and is doing harm

Excess co2 makes the greenhouse effect too strong, making the planet warmer

Yes, I make most of my long-term decisions based on a $45/month upside that would be mostly eaten by my provided as extra profits anyway. Good point.

> Posts a meme in response to scientific literature
> Believes what they read on the internet


> I say it as someone who believe humans are worsing it
> someone who believe
> worsing it
Fuark you're hard to read without cringing

Climate change being changed by humans is givi g our existence an awful lot of credit. Despite our current population our earth is BIG. We arent that impactful. Should the methane in the ocean overturn, overnite we would see 50x our impact and it would barely dent

99.96% of the atmosphere is NOT co2
0.04% is
4% of total atmospheric co2 is manmade
All human activity (wars, factories,cars,etc) is resposible for 0.000016% of the atmosphere , but supposedly it overheats the other 99.99994%

>only data they have is a 0.4 degree Fahrenheit average temperature increase in 100 years, which is massaged anyway
>not finding that a dubious reason to raise energy costs by 500%, forcing billions of people and their businesses to suffer, and in some cases even costing lives
>America is a net consumer of carbon when you factor in plants anyway
Climate change is a hoax meant to make you poor, miserable, and cull the population

Environmental sexism is real

> earth is BIG
It really isn't.

I bet you calculated that on your complex physics model that ran on a supercomputer for a week and was based on millions of real data points hey

> no,no it's just common sense why would I need maths?

We maybe do not have enough impact to actually destroy the planet. But we can still make life a lot harder in here

unless you can somehow force Africa and Asia to stop increasing emissions increasingly every year, which you probably can't without WW3, we are doomed regardless. Might as well preserve our economies so we are more prepared to deal with the changing climate and the troubles it bring rather than delay it 25-40 years and face it destitute.

You think the energy bill only effects on of your costs?

I want nuclear power to make a comeback

especially thorium

>entire world at night
I call bullshit

(((Citation Needed)))

Global warming affects both hot and cold.

you neo-malthusians have been proven 100% wrong for a century now. When will you give up? When will you realize the opposite of what you predict happens? When will you conform your ideology to reality?

What the fuck how does shithole third world Brazil have a slightly better understanding of climate change than burgers? The US has fallen far. First country to put humans on the moon but can't understand dem climates changez because muh edumacation ain't so good anymore

I didn't realise we can't plant any more trees

Okay, fine. Just remember it's a magellan map and most of the north/south is meme space.

GiS says vostok ice core data

Once the ice caps melt, the white snow/ice won't be there to reflect sunlight.

Less snow=less reflection=more heating=less snow.

We will reach a point where if a critical percentage of the poles is gone, they will keep melting.

>pol is redpilled on everything
>except climate change

Dilbertman makes a good argument on why the problem might not be as big as the liberal media makes it to be. Please educate yourselves anons and don't fall for the fear mongering.

>Hasn't heard of clean coal technology.


do your own research lazy (((ass)))

Hasn't heard that clean coal technology isn't viable yet and maybe never will be

You can't patronise people over things you don't know

>tfw he couldnt have got elected if he advocated nuclear because everyone gets their info on nuclear from the simpsons

Pretending we're going green won't fix a thing. Climate's already fucked, and China+India alone, if everyone else disappeared, would fuck it.

You need to talk to the manufacturing countries with triple our population about green policy, not the service industry USA.

this user is right:

Coal isn't just used for power generation, it's a required ingredient for steel, and if Trump is planning on pursuing a protectionist policy with regards to cheap exporters of raw materials as well as renegotiating NAFTA to get rid of the Mexican loophole (which makes basically any tariffs/anti-dumping laws the US puts in place extremely hard to enforce, i.e. you ship Chinese steel to Mexico, run it through a polisher and now the steel is a Mexican manufactured product with a Mexican certificate of origin, meaning it's pretty much exempt from tariffs/additional fees beyond customs duties due to the free trade agreement), then the US is going to have a much higher steel demand which will need to be fulfilled domestically, which in turn means you need much higher coal production if you're unwilling to import coal. And yes, that is a big thing. Steel is the second-most important commodity after oil; probably 50% of the US economy uses it as its primary resource.

>t. steel trader fag

> memes and unreferenced random pictures from the internet
> research
You're like an anti-vaccine mom truther who read a couple of blogs on the internet and says "I've done my research". What makes you think you know more than physicists using super computers to run complex models based on millions of data points?

Thankyou Leafbro, I've always said that the whole carbon thing was a bullshit money grab and did little to address actual environmental problems. Such as 3rd worlders dumping shit in our oceans and killing endangered species and such. If demoshits actually cared about the environment he would do something to crack down on these ignorant 3rd worlders who actually fuck up our environment.

This viewpoint is the shit that really bothers me right here.

We are already screwed, but we could ease the transition into bizarro world/chaos if we took a hit for renewable energy. Trump wants to pull the plug on federal spending for renewable energy and then start diving into our own non-renewable resources, which is going to have negative long-term consequences on the "world stage". This is not good

The average person lacks the vision to understand the tragedy of the commons type problem we face here. Things are basically okay now, and so they always will be okay. The "human comedy" is eternal and so try hard libersals are just that, people who are pretending to be concerned with something silly so as to appear intelligent when they really need to get a life. But what they do not see is that the future is in the hands of for-real nihilists with more sinister, short-term designs than "helping the economy" or "bringing jobs back"

Ok then faggot don't cut down the tree in your yard. Oh wait, I forgot lib-tards don't by property, they rent apartments into their late 40's like the retards they are.

Does this mean we need to ship all that ice to the Arctic?

Cool man I bet you've always said those things based on your phd in physics right? You've definitely never just said those things because you're a burger from a hick town and got a primary level education

fucking Shit post! pull your dick out from between your legs and STOP ACTING LIKE SUCH A BITCH.

Very simply:
- you're a leftist
- you don't like it
- therefore: it's good

> don't by property
> retards they are
> don't by
> by
> retards
You can't make this up. You're not even literate and you're calling other people dumb.

great fucking write up!

>Eating economy

better to fight when you still got oxygen to scream for your life.

>implying theres enough nuclear material in the world to power our country for any length of time

> every issue is a binary system where everything right is good and anything left is bad
> nothing's anymore complex than the left versus right binary

>Says the monkey sit under his tree.

Survival is serious bussines around here,
We don't mind a couple of suit's going bankrupt,
We mind all being dead.

i can do math
it is mathematically impossible for 0.000016% of the atmosphere to overheat the other 99.99994%,
never mind all the mass of the oceans and the earth's crust which retain heat over thousands of years
i have a complex computer simulation program which proves i can single-handedly defeat an alien invasion with a crowbar
proof by video game
how do you know that i don't have a string of superfluous consonants after my name?

> Humans can't change climate!
In 10 years less than 1% of 1% of humanity's industrial efforts tore a hole in the ozone layer.

We can absolutely change the world.

yes but you don't understand that no amount of renewable or green energy will help jack shit in a global economy if half the planet doesn't give a fuck and will gladly take in the industry we chase off. How do you propose to make the Chinese or Africans do what you want when they refure to? War? It might work; but I can't see any other way it could happen.

Fuck winter... you want snow move to Alaska you cock sucker.

>tfw trump actually isnt climate change denier
>tfw he just wants to exterminate sandnigs

Lol no, they're telling us
>please sir, can i have some more?

>implying there isn't

>implying there isnt

Perfectly said. Clean coal is good coal.

I can't believe people like you get to vote.

> string of superfluous consonants after my name
I know you don't because you write like having an education is somehow a bad thing. Don't be upset just because you could never get a phd man, it's not your fault you're dumb as fuck. Just don't think you're somehow smarter than people who actually do have degrees in physics.

> it is mathematically impossible for 0.000016 of the atmosphere to overheat the other 99.99994%
Now I know you don't have a degree or even basic schooling.
> 100 - 0.000016 = 99.999984. It doesn't equal 99.99994. Hurrrrrrrrrrrrr

using modern fission technology there is estimated to be enough uranium on Earth to power the planet for 100k+ years minimum. The problem is a lot of countries are still running with old tech from 50s-70s that is a LOT more inefficient, using as much as 100x more uranium for the same amount of energy since building nuclear power plants costs in the billions and normies always cry out against building one.


>co2 is not a problem, it's the 4 billion other pollutants we dump

This. Carbon is one of the easiest elements to strip from oxygen. In fact it will do it by itself under natural conditions.

Lel besides I have to point out,
>omg guys this hole in the ozone layer of greenhouse gasses is going to burn us all to death
>2010s, current year
>all these extra greenhouse gasses are going to burn us to death
>we are afraid of carbon, the most common element on the planet
>so we will tax that carbon as it is the most taxable element on the planet
>and ignore these countries burning a pile of mercury and copper on a pile of tires and corpses
>and drive a shitty electric car
>that stull requires electric plants and would need to increase electricity production tenfold to satisfy electric car fuel demand