What we could of been

What we could of been...

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Keep dreaming, cuck.

Instead now you have this.


>could of been

Less than 60 years ago a Swedish coalburner was enough to cause a race riot in Notting Hill.

We have to go back.

>Be German
>Like and respect Britons
>Even be kind enough to let 200.000 of them flee Dunkirk
>They destroy your entire country and incinerate countless families

Pls Germanbros do not fall for Anglo trick again!


>Be German
>Invade country whom you know are allied to Britain
>Why are you warring me britain?
>we dindu nuffin

>Fighting for Poles whom you hate and commit crimes against just because they're in your island now.

Why are Island niggers so hypocritical?

That is irrelevant you daft cunt. Countries cant just go around invading countries. Fuck off back to your little stormfrint circlejerk and wank to your little fantasy about how good little germany just wanted to fight off the ebil jews but got backstabbed by Britain. You people are fucking delirious

>"let us" leace Dunkirk
>muh Dresden
america pls leave

>Countries cant just go around invading countries

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you a free example of 'Island nigger hypocrisy'

They weren't countries at the time. Just un occupied landmass. Now, when you start invading your european neighbours that have existed for hundreds of years problems arise

having colonies=/=invading countries


sounds gay

British apologists are the worst.

>that homeless guy's reaction

>They weren't countries at the time
Of course when you say its obviously true, not like those bloody savages had any semblance of sovereignty whatsoever

it has to spell "Deutsch-Britische Freundschaft" with an "e"

Never in this world will the ARYAN ally with the thieving, filthy, disgusting ANGLO rats.

What have germans ever done? You're fucking shit on the bottom of our boots.

Sylvester Stallone? Is that you?

Cucks. That's what you could have been.

Eat shit, kraut.

actually its much worse

Prepare for the final BLITZ that will utterly wreck your country beyond recognition, anglo filth.


Since when did stromfags care about shitskins?



You dumb fuck.
Before it was colonised it was owned by shitskins

mfw I am politically diametrically opposed to fascism

mfw I just want the west to be strong and have identity again

mfw I post horrifically fashy and racist shit ironically and it makes me kek hard

mfw I come to these threads just to see cool fascist sculptures and iconography.

>prepare to be beaded

Do you actually believe that? Who in their right mind would live in Canada? You conquered empty land. The Indians were in America and below.


they saved indians from the pakistan people
what was a mistake because indians can't poo in the loo and pakis can

Can't Aryans and Anglos work together to exterminate all the sub-humans first? After that is done we can decide to keep working together or have one glorious fight to the death.

No they didn't they made things worse by giving Paki's there own country. Now India and Pakistan are more likely to go to nuclear war than American and Russia. It's ironic that most of the Rotterham rapes were committed by Paki men. "You reap what you sow" as they say.

>could of

>implying india and pakistan wont wioe eachother out and the fallout won't fuck over china
You have to think ahead

>tfw no freundschaft

all this shit happened after they got their independence. gandhi was a crazy asshole and he was like ''i love britain'' and then suddenly he was like ''i hate britain i hope they surrender to the nazis''
just like gandhi from civ.

We got this freundschaft instead :)


>People can't change their minds when they're wrong

Ghandi was right distrust the British and right to think India should remain wholly intact and deal the muslin fifth on their own. Pakistan and Bangladesh are "countries" that should not exist.

Yeah that's correct same as in German. Was konnte von gewesen sein.