Most satisfying moments thread. As a Pymfag I can't get over this sequence of events. FUCK you stark...

Most satisfying moments thread. As a Pymfag I can't get over this sequence of events. FUCK you stark, and FUCK you to anyone who can't get over the slap hers round the world when it was blatantly made clear it supposed to be unintentional.

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While not excusing domestic violence and acknowledging that Hank is not without his own problems, I still have to say, Fuck Off Tony.
Tony Stark ladies and gentlemen: He caused two Superhero Civil Wars, let the Skrulls take over, and put the Extremis Virus in San Francisco's drinking water (yes some of us still remember Superior Ironman) all within the last 10 years of comics but lets ignore that and keep shitting on Hank Pym for shit from the 70s. Son of a bitch is lucky RDJ is so goddamn lovable or he would have been fridged years ago.

Marvel actually has had to periodically fridge or reboot Tony in some way every ten years or so. His bullshit is remarkably consistent.

Wasn't he replaced with a younger version of himself at some point in the late 90s? Because he was working with Kang or some shit?

>anyone who can't get over the slap hers round the world when it was blatantly made clear it supposed to be unintentional.

>actually believing Shooter when he blamed his artist for going off-script

I guess people really want this to be true.

Don't forget the whole Illuminati thing with blowing up planets. Something that Pym could've easily have figured a solution for.

Speaking of RDJ, he may still be the biggest star but he's no longer the most popular. Cap 2 put Evans on top.

Yeah, last time he had to have his brain rebooted because the first Civil War made him so unlikable.

The Crossing, yeah. Then there was the mind reset sometime after Civil War, then he 'died' recently.

It kind of undermines Hank's argument when he is 90% overwhelmed by a genocidal robot he created.

why is tony a ghost here?


wasnt he under the influence of the pym particles and he coudnt get back to normal size and she was being a bitch

Seeing Norman suffer is always good.

That issue was the only good thing about that whole damn maxi-event.

Not quite sure about those specifics, but he was the target of a prolonged campaign intended to drive him insane. It's not like he was having a bad day and slapped his pregnant wife across the room (*cough* Peter Parker clone saga *cough*), but when Pym hit Jan he was literally going through a mental breakdown caused by one of his enemies fucking with him over an extended period of time. He's not like Ultimate Pym, who slaps Janet for mouthing off, but everyone treats 616!Pym like he comes home every night to play punching bag with his wife.

It’s eerily similar to Rightclops killing Prof. X. It was done in a moment when his mind was being overwhelmed yet literally no one gives him the benefit of the doubt. Eveb though several heroes at this point have been mentally overwhelmed and driven to hurt and kill innocent lives. Even though fans irl see the moment for what it is.

BASED Big Dick Pym BTFOing Dicklet Stark!

Believe it or not people like Han Pym exist(Not Super scientist superheroes)

but people who hate themselves and others but still want to go good for the world even though they hate it

Now that's not fair. Pym particles can make anyone big.

Yeah, it's so dissonant that it comes across as a naked narrative push, whether intentional or not. Other characters get mind-killed, tricked, deceived or otherwise pushed to commit heinous acts - no skin off their nose.

A man literally being driven insane lashes out once and for 20, 30 years writers keep pushing the idea that he beats women.

"Hey, did you know Hank Pym hit his wife?! Let's talk about how Hank Pym hit his wife!"
"What, like Peter Parker?"
"Hank Pym hit his wife!"

"Okay, let's talk about how Cyclops murdered Professor X!"
"You mean after the Avengers shattered the Phoenix and he eventually was host to a force too powerful for almost any mortal to control?
"Yeah, so Cyclops is Hitler!"
"Wouldn't the Avengers, who didn't want to kill Wanda after she killed several of them and broke reality, give Cyclops the benefit of the doubt? Wouldn't the X-men, who have made alliances with murderers before not all turn on Cyclops for losing control of a power he never wanted nor was capable of controlling?"
"Hank Pym hit his wife!"


Bendis put him in a coma to replace with his OC but Spencer wanted Tony.

Shut up and go get cucked by Big Jim again.

>tfw Tony has been canonically cucked about 4 times now
>all of them were his close friends
Why he’s still sticking with them is beyond me...


That’s just Stark trying to get over getting cucked by Rhodes & Rae, Ty & Rumiko, Happy & Pepper and Rhodes & Danvers. The man has moves, but obviously is lacking the equipment to make the women stay.

Its also noncanon

>but when Pym hit Jan he was literally going through a mental breakdown caused by one of his enemies fucking with him over an extended period of time.

That extended period of being manipulated by a villain didn't start happening until after Pym was forced out of the Avengers, and Jan had divorced him.

Years later, there was a retcon blaming all of his breakdowns as a side-effect of Kang making a failed attempt to brainwash him, but that was overturned within 2 or 3 years.

For Hank Pym, this was sort of a generational shift in writers. In the 1980s, they tried to just move past it, in the 1990s, they tried to retcon it, but by the 2000s, it was the one thing writers and fans knew about Hank Pym.

Cyclops' in-story treatment by other characters isn't that out of order, though. He'd spent years becoming more and more militant and extreme until he'd hit a point where most of the things he did with the Phoenix power didn't strike people who knew him as being out of character for him. In the immediate aftermath, his lack of remorse for anything he'd done, and celebrating his 'win' would cement the negative opinions of him.

Cyclops DID won in the end, user.

That's the point, user. He took over the world, and took away humanity's ability to defend itself from him. He killed his mentor. He tried to destroy the entire world, before he's defeated. He became the kind of monster he used to fight against. But he got what he wanted, so he considers it a win, and shows no remorse or regret.

It's like so many readers wanted more mutants as much as Cyclops did, so they can't see why all the heroes consider Scott to be a bad guy for his actions, and no-one believes he would have acted at all differently without the Phoenix Force.

X-Men fans have also been conditioned to forgive monsters their whole lives by decades of Magneto redemption stories.

Peter's rematch with Tombstone in Spectacular Spider-Man.