Sony once turned down a chance to buy all of Marvel’s movie rights for only $25 million

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If they did, they probably would've failed at making a franchise. TV industry would've been free of capeshit. Meaning that all those mediocre writers and executives would end up doing real movies instead of being contained in their sub-industry.

>industry would've been free of capeshit
Freaking sony, they even fail at failing.



This. And this:
>To be fair, that was really the sentiment in the 90s, thru the 2000s.
>We forget it today but Iron Man was a fucking risk. X-men were really Marvels top dogs for 20+ years at that point and they didn’t have those rights. Spider-man was big but again didn’t own him. They could easily get Hulk back but his cinematic outing had failed. They had to take characters that comic fans new and love but many outside of comics only had a vague sense of.
>And lets face it, they got lucky. Iron Man had a great cast, a funny scripts(with not a great third act but its forgivable) and some really impressive looking effects. That little teaser at the end was just a throw away thing but it exploded.
>Honestly the whole first wave of Marvel films was a string of luck and skill that got us to the Avengers and then they knew they had a money printing machine on their hands. If Captain America had not worked as a period peace, If Chris Hemsiworth, Chris Evans and most importantly Tom Hiddleston had not fit their characters so well, If Incredible Hulk had been a hit(This is an odd one, but if the second Hulk movie had not been a failure it would have changed the whole dynamic of the MCU and could have easily killed the whole thing. Part of the reason the Avengers works so well is its really the first time The Hulk is amazing on a movie screen).


Sometimes I wonder why Sony Pictures hasn't been closed by the parent company. Sony Music is doing alright, their electronics are doing okay-ish (they still sell loads of TV and hi-fi equipments, stuff like that but they have lost their market for higher-end laptops to Apple and they kinda lost the smartphone battle to Apple and Samsung), the PS4 is doing well.
It's really just Sony Pictures that keeps failing over and over again.


>implying Incredible Hulk's version of Hulk wasn't by far more amazing than the Avengers version
why do people like this exist? you can literally tell that the only reason they say shit like that is because of the Hulk/Loki scene and that 10 second Hulk punching a huge alien aircraft scene
In Incredible Hulk, you have Hulk do all kinds of amazing crazy shit and nobody gave a fuck because he wasn't being funny like in Avengers

It's funny because it's been what? Like 60 years since the creation on those characters? And only recently they're being liked by the people, and Marvel only had to rewrite almost completely those characters for people to like them. They always were bad characters with no charisma, with just a single to none good villain and no memorable or acclaimed story.

That's a surprising case of an underdog beating everyone.

Sony already has enought horrible movies, it doesn't need the MCU as well

Marvel came so fucking close to shutting down, so many times.
They rode the "we're edgier!" wave for so long that they never had their own personality despite the good writers that kept falling on their laps.
At a time they were the Spider-man and Wolverine shitshow. One amazing concept that they just milked so dry it started bleeding. And one happy accident that checked all the boxes for the 90s teen generation.
The Avengers were goddamn nobodies, with their roster full of people nobody liked and couldn't hope to keep their own books.

But yeah. Once more Spider-man saved their potatoes, the Raimi movies establishing "Marvel" as something worth seeing. Then Iron Man was a happy accident, with a good casting choice to deliver on a very mild origin story (and all that's worth telling from the character, really).

Bloody miracle underdog. They're still garbage, but hey, successful is successful.

>all those mediocre writers and executives would end up doing real movies
They weren't really doing them before.

At least musclemen with guns movies had practical effects that were amusing to watch.

The Hulk itself was better, and more comic-accurate.

Norton's Hulk looked a bit too much like a linebacker. I liked uia Bruce Banner, though.

Much like Terrance Howard, if he was less of a bitch and just stuck with the role, his Hulk would have probably improved over time and likely would be playing a bigger part in the Universe at large.

Practical effects died out way too soon.

Hulk is a garbage character for shitty teens.
He has a few good stories, that much is true. But the basic concept is just such a huge "fuck you, dad!" hissy fit for teenagers to masturbate to.

To be fair, Marvel's remaining IPs were worth shit until Disney built up the MCU.

I want to know more about Amy Pascal having a bitch fit and throwing food at Kevin Feige

We've washed ourselves in 'Vengers blood and the Wakandans too

It's because people have been conditioned to think of the Hulk as a punchline and not a character. Which is older than the MCU, but they're certainly exacerbating it.

The only shred of "character" Hulk has is that atrocious romance with Black Widow.

All Feige baby.

This. Lets not pretend they could have made anything close to what the MCU's become

I can never look at this person and not see him as the retarded brother from My Name is Earl.

Don't forget he literally fucked Sony out of Spider-man by banging that Sony lady executive. The guy took one for the team

>Kevin Feige, pussy-destroyer

>same company that thought they could literally make over $10 billion in profits off a few Spider-Man movies are incompetent
I never would've guessed.

Jumanji 2 was a massive success for some reason
Every once in a while they get lucky

It's not really theirs. Sony Pictures is basically the resurrected shambling corpse of Columbia Pictures.

Theyre fucking monsters with billion dollar movie after billion dollar movie. They didn't set the standard but they sure as hell carry the flag for it