I will most likely get nothing but hate- and shitposts as responds, but still:

I will most likely get nothing but hate- and shitposts as responds, but still:

Do you guys really just hate every non-white person in your country, like they are all illegal immigrants who only commit serious crimes and live on welfare?

For an example: I was born here but my parents are from turkey. I passed the highest school degree you can archive in this country and im studying law and doing pretty well and i distance myself from all these degenerate things you guys hate, i did it even long before knowing this website.

I also feel embarrassed everytime when i see turks and arabs acting and speaking like complete retards. In fact, i got bullied by turks and unironically defended by germans when i was a kid, so i can understand your hate in general and would support the idea of getting rid off these kind of immigrants.

But i can also confim that im not the only one, i know pleny of people like my kind living in this country.

I also respect all opinions of yours. I wouldn't even mind sitting with a Neonazi on a table as long he doesn't physically attack me.

So how does my future look like or whats my judgment according to kek?

Also feel free to derail this thread into a hate thread, you know the rules, so do i.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking roaches.

You have to go back

Hardworking and decent people are more than welcome to live here. Nothing more to say.

Meine Eltern sind Deutsche. Aber wen interessieren solche Kategorien heutzutage noch? Jeder in Deutschland geborene Mensch ist ein Deutscher. Und lass dir nichts von einer Bande Internetidioten erzählen. Sei stolz darauf, dass du zwei Identitäten hast und zieh das Beste aus beiden Welten.

in my province we have Flips, Sihks, and Chinese

You get between 25-50% quality guaranteed from flips in whatever Job they are in as compared to whites doing the same job. They just dont give a fuck and cant learn the same way.

I dont have a problem with the sihks, they mind their own business, never stray from their own social circles and I generally get along well with my Sihk coworkers

The chinese are the worst. Theres a reason why "chinese" are synonymous with shit. Everything they are or ever will do or be will be shit. We tried to install pipe we got from China and it BROKE whilst welding it together. And the pipe was supposed to be able to stand high pressures. So we had to scrap all the steel that was labled that it came from Shanghai.

Thats a good point actually



Do you feel offended?
Do you want to kill me now?
Well, I guess you're cool then.

Civic nationalism only works in countries created as multi-ethnic societies with strict hierarchies that eventually result in a ruling ethnicity. See: the history of the ME.

Germans deserve their own ethnostate. They've existed as a distinct people with their own states for centuries.

Rebuild the Ottoman Empire if you want or contribute to Turkey. Nothing will change the fact that you are not German.

achieve *

i blame auto-correct and israel

Well France is another toilet where so many terror attack took place. But people care about such shits more.

I don't even take this serious, if i see stuff like this i just ignore it.
No ending up in jail for life because of this doesn't seem clever.

No, only muslims chinks slavs niggas and from our colonies not h8 but I don't like peruvians ecuatorians and bolivians and maybe colombians


When you (or those on this website) play with ethnic nationalism, do not be surprised when the ethnic nationalists come for you.

Honestly, it's like we have to relearn these lessons the hard way every 50 years.

I think things are more nuanced desu I can see the benefit of a mono-culture based on ethnicity, in terms of social cohesion but I'm not a white supremaciast, and I would not advocate for the deportation of non white people from my country for example.

Immigration was one of the key factors in the Brexit vote, and this is partly because traditional white working class communities are most likely to be impacted by mass immigration, in terms of employment opportunities, competing for housing and other public services. This is something that my fellow country-men have not had a say in, but which has been implemented by successive governments.

Phenomenoms such as Brexit and Trump are indicative of a push-back against the political elite, which helped to implement policies which alienated many white folk.

I hate you and you're not even ruining my country.


and from the "white" people british frogs portuguese germans and anyone from a country who belongs to Russia in the cold war

I don`t mind people of different races, because there is plenty good individuals. Unfortunately when put into a collective it is never a good thing. Look at turks in Germany - they whip out 100 000 strong march with turkish flag, praising the inbred manlet Erdogan. Muslims are even worse. No matter how many good individuals there is, eventually they WILL fuck the country up when their number, there is not a single exception in history, not one.

I would not mind minorities, but every single time they try to impose the way of life they ran away from, and thus the safest way is to oppose them from the beginning.

Mohammed war ein psychisch kranker Feldherr und Vergewaltiger.
Wieso ist es als Moslem das Höchste, so zu sein wie dieser pädophile Bastard, der vor 1500 Jahren die Welt in Angst und Schrecken versetzt hat?
Überall wo diese Brutalo-Religion den Ton angibt, herrscht tiefstes Mittelalter.
Schwöre deinem Glauben ab, fang zu denken an.

Most american post i've ever read

No, I treat everyone nicely until they prove they deserve otherwise.

Everyone is equal until they fuck it up.

lol you made me use google translate you faggot

I'm an American and I hate Turkish people too. They are nothing but two-faced vermin. I beat one up once in high school.

I just don't like trashy people. Every race has them. Its something you have to learn how to deal with, in the right way, or you'll get labeled a racist for the rest of your life. I have no problem with poc as long as they are decent and respectable human beings.

Most muslims don't give a fuck about this.

You only see the triggered ones, don't forget that most muslims in EU are 2nd or 3nd generation and still mostly uneducated. They would react to this like if you insulted his family.

Go to Turkey and you'll see people say "what ever nutjob" and go on with their lifes.

I don't hate or even dislike anyone based on skin color or national origin. I grew up in Phoenix with a large minority population and it honestly never came up. In the absence of a virulent multicultural push, we all just naturally got along.

Things started to change in the early 2000s, when culture started to become more important than nationality pride. Mexicans were "proud" to be Mexican first, then came American pride.

So, when the immigrant has more pride in their country of origin than the country they're living in, tensions rise.

This change seemed to happen suddenly, at least here in Az.

If someone moves here, and want to be an American, and is proud to be an American, I can care less what they look like.

Das meiste ist bestimmt nur Shitposten. Ich bin z.B. ziemlich Links aber trotzdem hier. Die Sachen die mich unendlich aufregen ist, dass man keine Wahl hat eine normale Partei zu wählen, wenn man z.B. ein Globalisierungskritiker ist. Da bleib dann nur AfD, und ich kann nicht Grüne oder so wählen. Theoretisch gesehen ist man irgendwie als Nationalist abgestempelt, wenn man gegen offene Grenzen ist, und dann macht man halt Witzchen drüber. Dasselbe passiert sicherlich auch woanders, da scheinbar auf der ganzen Welt die Parteilandschaft ähnlich aussieht.

I don't get why Turks, Arabs, Niggers, Spics, Chinks, etc all immigrate to the Western World, then talk shit about how the country they immigrated to doesn't pander to them.

If I was to pack my bags and go to Mexico today, will they accommodate me the same way as a beaner in the USA? I'm in Southern California and it looks like fucking Mexico city.

Hah calm down buddy, you almost got your quads thats too bad.

It's not because some mediatic salafist go crazy after words of drawing that we actually care about it.

It's just like those youtube video where you see some redneck piss or poop on a qu'ran. I mean for most of us it's just bad for you because we think you'll go to hell for it but then we don't give a fuck about crazy hating people

We hate your people & we hate your religion, it is not compatible with Western society. Your people are barbaric and your religion is barbaric too, you guys are pretty much modern day savages. Why do you choose to come to a country that does not want you here? You come to a country that is run in a way that contradicts your 'religion of pigfucking.'

Stay in whatever hell-hole you came from bro, if your parents immigrated, why don't you go back to a country that is for muslim goat fuckers?

>So how does my future look like or whats my judgment according to kek?

Actually pretty good, desu.
If you don't screw up in your Staatsexamen, you'll ride the diversity carousel and get hired in any administrative position of your liking.

What Kek does not will however:

The enormous shift of ethnic Turks and their never ending persecution complex, ironically jackbooting their eternal enemy, the eternal kurd.
Ironically enough whilst both groups have been granted german citizenship after Schröder's abysmal legislatur.

What Kek also does not appreciate is the stillbirth of politicized Islam and major muslim voting blocks.
If this trend continues we're heading for the ice berg.

Germans have been sold the lie that nothing is ever going to change. Now we outright have an "Islam Conference", an undersecretary arguing for the benefits of child marriage, and a buttload of converts and third generation terrorists travelling to countries, they originally fled from.

>Every french and german flag is a Mohamed Mohamed the thread.
What goes around comes around i guess.

I'm not racist in the Sup Forums sense.

I'm more racist in a biological sense.
I just don't feel comfortable around some ethnicities no matter how nice they are. It's like they are too different and I feel uneasy around them and engaging in small talk with them seems forced.

It's biological and I have no control over it.

It's nothing personal.

That said, I think the Sup Forums kind of racism is retarded and some ethnicities have it harder than others. I'm for affirmative action and all those programs but I am against mass immigration because it dilutes the cohesion and cultural identity of our countries.

you are basically a byzantine that speaks turkish and converted to islam, you are ok in my book.

greeks on the other hand are basically just albanian orthodox

Ich weiss genau, was du meinst. Ich fühle mich auch links, fühle mich aber vom ganzen Verhalten der aktuellen Linken dermaßen abgestoßen, man ist politisch irgendwie heimatlos.

Yes because most of them who come here and demand we treat them as if they're highest in the chain and have no respect for my country or it's people

We should never have to accommodate you if you treat us with disrespect, you should be kicked out, it isnt and never will be your country

They are more gypsy than anything.

No. I generally find there is a correlation between darkness of skin and how much I dislike the individual though. Whether or not this is just because I hate blacks or because as a whole, there is a negative correlation between civility and darkness of skin.

That said, I hate those who stand out. I do not mind a dark man. I mind a dark man wearing a Hijab. I do not mind a Chink. I mind a Chink dressed in a kimono. Those that represent cultures and ideals separate from the normal threaten society and create turbulence.

That does not stop me from recognizing there are those who rise above their station and act civilized. Those are the ones in which deserve respect. There must be a fine line tread between those we hate and those we don't. Think of it like a general rule, then some variation within. While people x suck, if we were to destroy the normal and leave behind a fraction of the population redeemable, then they would spread their redeemable genes around among their own (Very important) and leave behind a race of redeemable. In that way, we would quickly have a wonderful population regardless of race. Once the trash is culled from the darker skin tones (And perhaps in the case of the black man, culled all together) we would see true peace.

That is not to say the whites do not have their own trash long since needing to be taken out. In fact, they will likely stand with the less civilized, painting targets on their back and making their own extinction more inevitable. In that way, only the non-degenerates may live and form a true master race among whites.

TL;DR- No one race is inherently bad, but whites are superior. By culling the bad from each race, we can live in harmony with true equality. So long as we allow trash to exist in any race, it will lower the general opinion of that race. Only once we have cleaned up the degenerates can things be better.

What ever boy, I was born in France and can feel my french heritage. I went to school and been through litterature studies, cinema and photography. I'm a just a regular arty fuccboi who happens to be the son of muslim immigrants.
The people you hate are the same people I dislike. They are uneducated people who can't get up on the social ladder because they stay in there old fashioned culture. The one that their parents brought to the country with them but it got crystalised.

Go to turkey and you'll see a lot of progresive people too, but the ones in Europe are ignorant pigs for most of them

>I'm for affirmative action and all those programs

Could you please elaborate, why in an egalitarian society there should be any need for discriminating against race and active interference in hiring and education outcomes?

Özgür what are you doing here?

I would like to say that whites became the most prolific and advanced civilization because of it's geographical resources.

Personally speaking, I will shit post about every race I can think of on here, but at the end of the day, only the black nigger is my enemy. I hate niggers to the bottom of my heart. They are soulless demons that have been loosed upon the world. I would happily pitchfork little squealing nigger babies into a molten furnace all day long as my job if I could, then lay in bed each night thinking about how I have made society that much safer one dead nigger baby at a time.

You have to go back.

God's human body is non-white.

Just a reminder.

i don't. 8% of blacks voted for Trump, and most blacks didnt vote at all.

they have my respect and admiration.

Europe is our homeland. If you want diversity go to America or Canada. I will stop hating you when you leave.

> hardworking and decent people
> turning their homelands into shit

Nah, i dislike failures of every color equally, prideful failures even moreso.
Often enough whites are more prideful i find, but they're not alone.
Bottom line: No, race doesn't matterr to me, you're trash because you're trash or you're great because you're great, you're not trash because you're a turk nor is anyone else great because they're white.

That said immigrants are a lot easier to remove than common trash, so be wary of that.


None of the retards on this site are actually racist. If they are, they definitely don't make it known in their lives outside of Sup Forums.
People come here, and since it's all anonymous they don't feel like restraining themselves and once one person uses a word the hive mind kicks in and everyone uses it.
There really was a time when Sup Forums was not just everyone saying Nigger, Faggot, Kike etc.
Now that's every other word, in most threads.
If Sup Forums suddenly wasn't anonymous anymore, we would rarely ever see racial slurs and other socially unacceptable words tossed around.
This place is mostly for those who are weak in their real lives, to come and raise some hell to feel good about themselves and get a few keks.

idk about everyone else but i only judge on if their nice or not. assholes are assholes reguardless. there's not a lot of whites where i am and everyone around this place is any random race imaginable. most people are super nice btw too i guess.

>He believes God has a 3rd dimension representation
>Not knowing that God is an abstract figure that rules every matter so he could be anything and anything

I think most people here would accept a decent and respectful person as you describe yourself, but you also have to understand that being part of a group that behaves itself in a very different way is a burden you'll have to carry, because people can't treat you like a special snowflake before knowing you.
Small price to pay for getting to live in a better society, if you ask me. Although the "better society" bit won't be valid for long, since we're talking about Germany here.

Lel. I'm in the exact same situation as you.

Parents from Morocco.
I'm halfway studying to become a surgeon

Just dont care about the others mehmet.

>first, most of the locals will be pissed that you are better achieving than themselves (because how can a dirty foreigner be better in school/life than themself).
Dutch people always ask me what i'm doing, after they tell me their son/daughter is studying art or history, thinking i will answer with something that is below that of their childeren. When i tell them im in docschool they almost drop their jaw, thinking of how such a sandnigger as myself will end up higher in life than their stoner kids.
>second, the only way to convince others is to show results. Your doing good, keep on going
>third, speek proper Deutsch, dress accordingly and act ''normal''. Rest will follow

People will just hate you because you're a turk. They will even hate you more when youre doing better than them. Laugh at it, cause its pretty fun
>pic related

>Do you guys really just hate every non-white person in your country
yes,and worse bc theyt are historic

You broke the 4th wall, buddy.

>studying law
every single time

Selection of geographic location is not a sign of intellectual success?

I'll answer as honestly as I can and not just for argument's sake.

Races are not equal.

It's true that affirmative action is unfair from a logician's point of view but I think there is a lot to be gained by establishing(with our help) a black middle class that could act a sort of buffer and antipode to the black ghetto culture.

Let's face it...blacks don't integrate as easily as others( our fault and theirs) but instead of demeaning them constantly, I think we should help those of them that are looking to better themselves.

>Do you guys really just hate every non-white person in your country
Yes. Goodbye.

>found the grill

kill yourself and take some untermenschen with you

Fucking cuck.

Just about every other country and continent exists for non-whites, they should stay out of my country.

ruhig bleiben hans. Denk auf deinen blutdruck


They didn't really do a selection tho.

Africans didn't chose to live in a desert, they didn't really know anything better.

Was it not available for blacks to migrate? While the science is a bit murky, I do believe the hominids started out in Africa, and from there branched out. Would it not be that blacks were the biological failure in that of all the races, they were the least prone to risk and therefor did nothing to better their station? At the very least, it would mean that the blacks were subpar to any other race, in that all other races at least originate from ancestors willing to take risks for a better lifestyle, and perhaps that is why Africa is still so far behind.

Though I don't disagree that whites had a lot of advantages, it would be unfair to state that it was solely due to the resources that whites succeeded. After all, was any race leaving Africa incapable of picking out the European area and settling it? It was due to intelligence, as said. Even then, it came down to usage of resources too. If we stayed hunters and gathers like the Bhutu tribe out in Africa (Or something similar to that name) then it would of never mattered. But it required intelligence to both pick and use the resources, and that combined with having resources made whites the best.

>I mind a dark man wearing a Hijab
Lol gay

Listen here turkroach I'm about to tell you the full truth. The foundation of the events you're describing is tribalism. As advanced as humans have become we still thrive on a tribal society. To put things short, you're either part of the tribe or a threat to the tribe. As long as you choose to be fully assimilated within your country's tribe and relinquish all active interests to other tribes you will be fine.

First of all, thanks a lot for your reply.

> a black middle class that could act a sort of buffer and antipode to the black ghetto culture.

This might cross you the wrong way, but I think it's credulity on your part.

People will internalize their success in a system, where affermative action is recognized as a reasoned program. Which is saying the government acknowledges the need of furthering special interest groups, which have the odds unfairly stacked against them.

This narrative only furthers the inner-city culture, which will externalize their situation.

For the point of bufferzone.
Dude, these people jump ship the very first instance and never come back to turn the hood around. And rightfully so, they accomodate their family in suburbia with better live chances and similar cultural norms.

It only casts doubt on everyone who could have done it by himself. So in the end these programs sow distrust between individuals, no matter the color, and concede defeat when it comes to social norms.

Just leave

> Do you guys really just hate every non-white person in your country,

The problem is whites keep Germany going, increasing number of Muslims will destroy it.

You're the enemy, it's regrettable. Blame the kikes for pushing us to the brink. The world isn't fair, you didn't chose to be a weapon designed to destroy western civilization but you are.

When the time comes, flee ... don't get suckered into fighting.

>turks = byzantine but greeks are not

You are somewhat right, but you are completely ignorant to what really matters, which is the fact that your people don't belong here.

Still I think those tribes could not get out of the hunters/gathers phase because of resource and climat.
Climat and land is the base of any civilization, because it shapes the culture and culture is how any civilization evolve.


Need to transpose genital mutilation and suicide bombings to make it right.

This .

If looked at through Darwin's eyes, they should be extinct. In fact, I would argue, the only condition responsible for their continued existence is slavery. If they had been left completely on their own, the Africans (save northern African), would be well on their way to being a field of study.

1. Are you a mudslime?
2. Do you believe in implementing sharia law?
If either of those answers are yes, then pol hates you.


We hate the worst of every culture because they propagate the stereotypes and honestly just make things shit for everyone else

no, I have plenty of immigrant friends.. its just the mass scale demographic shifting imports that make me nervous about my future grandchildren's well-being.

family and education are the only ways to gaurentee peace among all factions in the end.

Dutch passport
Dont have a morrocan one
Cant kick me out

Nonetheless, your gonna need us.
The population is getting older and older, paying for them is also getting more expensive.
You need the hands

GDP equals production functions etc etc, you know what im talking about ( i hope)

>the state of this thread
Jesus christ the lefty shills are still out in full force.

You're not going to change Sup Forums you faggots.

They only study the things that they think will make them money. They're not interested in anything else like being educated to become a scientist.

Luckily most fail miserably.

No problems with hard-working, good people who immigrate legally. It's those who are not all of those things that I dislike.

>you need the hands

That is a completely artificial situation, instituted and encouraged to bring about a servile and ill informed population. I hope you can see that.

who cares about islam


Turks drink, fuck, curse

we are counterfeit muslims

I really hate turkish turks m8

i also hate turks in europe leeching off the system

well done not being on of those and good luck in your studies

gib hagia sophia tho

No, we don't need you replacing us, the Dutch people. Without us, there is no Dutch nation. Same goes for the other white European countries. If we are not there anymore, what's the point?


If you are Muslim then yes OP you deserve death, if not then who cares as long as you don't commit crime

No, we need honest hard working people assimilated into society without allegiance to forces which seek to destroy us. Even if you personally add some useful economic productivity, what you add in nepotism to other Maroccan's and destruction of social cohesion almost certainly undoes most of that gain.

Add to that the mass number of Maroccan's on welfare and in crime and it all goes to shit. One Maroccan criminal can wipe out the work of many honest people.

Japan will do fine, western Europe is going to go to shit. White flight is on the horizon.

Your future is probably filled with fighting, Germany-Turkbro. The current situation in Germany cannot be sustained. Quite frankly I blame the Germans themselves more than anyone else. It's their own fault they have a bad immigration policy and can't control their borders. Chaos is coming, and you may not have the good fortune to get to pick your side. In the end blood will tell.

Kek has no judgment. He's not that kind of god. Post the frogs and you will always have a place at his table.

The human garbage you send us because you didn't want them in your own country cares about islam unfortunately.