Why do fans of this show defend their actions?


What i dont understand is how die hard fans justify writing off the gems for more townie shit

Yeah if people want slice of life bullshit without superpowers or villains they could watch Clarence.

I'll never defend the lack of sympathy given to Lars in that episode, and how everyone sided with Ronaldo. As someone who gets incredibly anxious about photographs being shared of themself, I could completely understand his perspective, but I guess self esteem issues only matter in this show if you're a girl or a manchild.

Because they have no friends with that kind of personality.

Exactly, Steven, Pearl and Lapis are also terrible beings.

Do you think this show might have fared better if it was on something like Netflix or something that was much friendlier to more continuity heavy shows?

They always defend townie shit with some pseudo intellectual cringy rant.

Probably why Sadie got all pissy about Lars hanging out with the cool kids and why they avoid Ronaldo. But the cool lids are terrible as well after the good lars episode.

It was a really embarrassing photo too, and Lars has specific issues about how people see him. He still tried to only rip out his face. But I guess that's some sort of justification for Ronaldo to throw Lars to his death.

Would've been better if Lars punched afterword giving him a black eye. Then with Sadie after the beach episode he quits working at the Big Donut to avoid her and his parents warn her to stay away from their boy. After that have him just take some time to himself mellowing out by hanging with the cool kids without Steven around.

I dont mind SOL, but i want it about the gems and not the awful human characters. I honestly dont see how thats so hard to ask considering the crew obviously wants to do more SOL and te gems are the main characters.

The only human characters I can tolerate are Greg, Lars, Connie and Peedee.

Lars always gets shat on for having normal human reactions.

lemme guess

Its a SJW vibe episode right?

Connie is among the worst, shes either extremly dull or a total bitch who takes up too much attention. Fuck her. The only humans i like are greg, andy, dewey, and priyanka

I don't. Which is why I hate Ronaldo. I just like Sadie because I want her around my dick.

Naw just a stupid episode.

>I just like Sadie because I want her around my dick.
My nigga

Okay, can't disagree with you there about Connie even though I still like her. I just don't like how she was so excited to go into space or how she said it "Steven and Connie in space!".

Just don't let her trap you on an island and almost get you killed by some gem monster broski. Enjoy your boob job ;)

I don't defend their actions, I really loved the concept of the show and I was bored sick with like the last 50% of episodes I watched.

Ah okay, just seems like the reasonable fans who don't agree with or excuse their actions are drowned out by the aggressive fans who defend everything in this show.

Crazy people are much more vocal than normal people.
Normal people understand the show is flawed but like it for what it is or don't. Crazy people feel the need to shout their opinion to the heavens and if anyone disagrees or believes something contrary they need to explain why their character is blameless.

Sadie being sentenced to life in prison when?

There is a reason if when he loses his girlfriend because of that plan to solve that Pizza VS Fryman thing, I didn't feel any sympathy for him, even if in that occasion he himself didn't do anything to deserve it. It was karma, plain and simple.

Lars should stay the fuck away from Sadie and chill with his gem harem. Sadie's poison.

Ronaldo could have get better, if his brother hadn't thought that rekindling his delusions to keeping him happy was a good idea.

I'm more partial to Emerald for Lars, but your second point stands.

And Lars eventually hating her.

>Sadie fans: No she isn't! Lars was the one who always used and mistreated her if anything he's poison!

>tfw Larsadie is designated endgame

Sadly he won't hook up with Emerald or any of his crew members. It's going to be toxic and clingy Sadie. Also, I hope Mystery girl rejects Pearl after learning she only like her because she resembles Rose. To really let her have it let Mystery girl get with Dewey.

It hurts so much. All the human/human relationships suck so much. Connie is trash too. Why is Greg the only guy to get a gem waifu?

Greg Lars and Connie are relevant to the story

All the other humans and episodes about them are pure filler

>we'll never get silly episode plots like about a homeworld gem getting lost in a human city because muh steven perspective
I fucking hate this show

Malachite is literally less toxic for the two involved then Lars and Sadie, she literally said he just hooks up with her in private and acts like he doesn't know her in public, and she kept him stranded on an island for days just to fug.

Steven is a terrible mc. Clarence, KO, Craig, Tiggy, The Bears and Gumball are all better than him.

Then tried to justify her actions making it worse

Greg is the most easygoing guy with one of the biggest hearts. It's a shame he doesn't have more gem waifus.

user, I have bad news.

His scene with Blue Diamond was cute. Too bad she put him in a zoo immediately after.

His bosses didn't like him and they shot him into space?

Never cause SJW pandering

>The last remains of Zuke STILL refuse to leave, because Sugar has no discipline or integrity.

Haven't seen the show past season 3 but good lord are the diamonds some underwhelming villians

that's because the show has no villains :^)

I'm pretty sure I remember plenty of people condemning everyone's actions when this episode aired. Lars was a pansy faggot, Sadie was oblivious, Ronaldo, good god Ronaldo you crazy bastard.

but sure, go on about your imaginary "fans" to make yourself feel better.

Kindly go fuck yourself good sir. There were only few rational fans who had a problem with what those two did. While majority of fans were justifying their actions. It's like Mable fans from Gravity Falls still not accepting she's not all that great. Or back to Steven Universe thinking Lapis did nothing wrong.

>Hur dur I'll ignore all the morons who justified it while focusing on the minority who condemned their actions

Don't be such a cherry picker, user. OP just asked a question. Do questions bother you?

I haven't seen people defending them..
Hell I haven't seen people talk about that episode at all.

Stockholm syndrome.

Check Shillbook, Reddit, the wiki and YouTube. There were a hefty amount talking about it. Most got threatened, down voted, blocked or muted. It was beyond idiotic...

That explains it... -_-

>and te gems are the main characters
When was that? Whenever an episode were about a gem it was mostly used to show how Steven handles the situation and gives his life changing insights in being a retarded faggot. WIth a few exeptions almost none episodes feature the gems as main characters(or sometimes at all). Hell, some townies are more main charactery by now then the original trio.
It might sound like I'm hating SU, but the real tragedy is that I like(ed?) it.

It's been a while

Connie should have been Stevens human anchor. Instead she got more and more involved into gemstuff to the point where it is sometimes implied or at least it looks like Connie seeing herself as mc in a magical adventure novel she would be reading, while not even being called out for it.
Though Garnet, or rather Ruby and Saphire, were never called out about their toxic codependency either.

And I forgot image like a dummy.

Every one of you SU autists can go fuck yourselves I'm sick and tired of every single SU fag over exaggerate and make one big fucking fuss over each character or a episode.

There's no denying that Lars was acting like a total ass in the past but he's got a reason to be, he's insecure and he takes it out on others who he can find someone apparently weaker than him.

Ronaldo can be overly enthusiastic and obnoxious but he isn't the "worst" tell me one of the things he's done to make him the "worst" admittedly he was overbearing in Rocknaldo but that episode was made for a reason the why he was acting towards Steven is exactly how you faggots are acting towards Rebecca and the SU staff just because you didn't get your way.

Well know this, this isn't about you it was never about you it's not your show and Rebecca' and she can do whatever the fuck she wants it's her show and her life and faggots like you have no right to tell her as such and if that's the reason you find Ronaldo to be the worst then congrats you're all fucking Ronaldo cuz that's exactly how you degenerates are being.

Time and time again in the series itself Ronaldo doesn't mean to act the way he does and it shows he can feel remorse and apologize for his actions and he generally cares for people like PeeDee and Steven.

I never seen so much irrational autism every single one of you SU fags should just fuck right off and kill yourselves.

>Ronaldo can be overly enthusiastic and obnoxious but he isn't the "worst"
>this isn't about you it was never about you it's not your show and Rebecca' and she can do whatever the fuck she wants
You can stop posting anytime you want, Matt Brunnet.

>I never seen so much irrational autism
Me neither, until your post.

>Me neither, until your post.
Then there's this autistic piece of shit.

Confirmed for confusing 'characters I want to fap to' with 'characters that are relevent/great for the story'.

Different user here...

You niggas are the autistic shits. Especially You should learn to use grammar, it'll make your autism-riddled post slightly more bearable.

One huge thing that bothered me is that in terms of "training" Pearl gave more of a shit about training Connie than training her waifu's son. Realistically (from season 1 they should've been training resident retard steven) shouldn't all of the gems been working hard to train Steven since he's ROSE'S SON and is a goddamn crystal gem instead of giving cryptic advice and running off to ignore the ever living shit out of him let him figuring things out on his own. Also if we're going by the fucked writers standpoint, then Pearl could've tried living an even creepier fantasy of fighting alongside "rose" with not!waifu steven then we could get a retarded song about how much Pearl wanted to bone Rose but has to settle for steven.

This show had potential but, it's just a disappointment now.

ffs matt you're never gonna get rebecca's fujo puss this way, just admit the show's shit

>Different user here...

>>You niggas are the autistic shits. Especially (You)
You should learn to use grammar, it'll make your autism-riddled post slightly more bearable.

Oh please prove me how wrong I am I'm sure your side of the autistic argument it's bound to make a lick of sense if you can't then kindly fuck right off and come back with a post I might take seriously enough

Because they're terrible people defending terrible characters.

>please prove me how wrong
You went on an autistic tirade on how Ronaldo was not the worst, even when nobody suggested that. The guy is hardly a relevant character now after Connie took the monopoly on Steven's human side, nobody seems to care about him now
You went intermediately all defensive, trying to blind Sugar and her crew to criticisms, as "she can do whatever the fuck she wants", heavily implying everything on the show is flawless and no one can Why you call everybody else a "SU fag" when you seem to be the biggest SUfag on the thread?

Go back to twitter, Matt. You have an shitter show to defend now

>even when nobody suggested that

That's funny how you've describe because "nobody" seems to talk how he's constantly the worst throughout the media Youtube, Tumblr etc.

Nobody seems to care about but is somehow is eager to to see his face his smash or killed off the premise that's certainly nothing to care about.

>heavily implying everything on the show is flawless

When did I said I'm talking about how Rebecca does things is no expense of fun and it's literally her life not and yeah it's it's not up to fags like you whether those want an episode that expands the lore and not another filler that is something we have no control over

Everything I've said and posted is not an insult but a fact and that's still a trend SU fags going on about so far you haven't convinced from your point of view and your response is rather half assed.

Nice pic btw it suits you and represents how you degenerates are.

>throughout the media Youtube, Tumblr etc.
Then go to complain there. This is Sup Forums, who cares about other people say there? Try to find someone with an opposing opinion to argue, of course it will be "fact" for you if you engage with people who don't care about the issue.

>that is something we have no control over
Then nobody should have an opinion of anything that they have no control of.

And talking about fun, Matt and Ben thought it would be funny to have an episode about Steven shapeshifing into a bottle for an full episode while the entire town drank him. Sugar told them to fuck themselves.