How do you feel about this ?

how do you feel about this ?

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It's always a white conspiracy. OY VEY

More than ever, we need all the subversive, parasitic kikes gone.

I'm telling you jews it's impossible to get a ROI from beaners

I remember how cocky mexicans were getting last year. They were becoming more brazen. They are the decedents of slavers and heart eaters. Fuck them.

Not surprised.

Feels good man
Let the merchant be the best ally of Mexico for once


oh great, now they're turning to the synagogue for help, fucking morons...

Trump is run by (((them))).

(((They))) will placate the Mexican's anxieties only to stab them in the back and steal their doubloons.

>Mexicans look to Jewish groups for help

Good goys

Mexicans are fuckups, but American Jews are retarded so they'll probably help them

They're 85IQ Spaniard rape babies, whose "culture" is the worst leftovers from borderline nigger Spain.

go back to hiding behind your wall and chick points

>mexican intellectuals don't realise the alt-right are the new jews

g-d bless taco goys

>mexican intellectuals & jews
oy vey

Oh cool, another jew thread, perfect. Do any of you anons have that one picture of the three different kinds of jews? It's one of those pictures where they all hold a flag, but one looks like an uberman, and the other two look like subhumans/turks.

time for Kristallguact

Yeah you notice the whole "LA RAZA RECONQUISTA DE AZTLAN" shit hasn't been as loud since Trump. Now the Mexicans have switched gears and now say "WHY GRINGOS NO LIKE US? WE DO NOTHING WE GOOD PEOPLE RACISTA MEAN GRINGOS!"

It's the other way around. It's ALWAYS the other way around.

jews look white. mexicans look like taco shit and taco bell.

It'll never work. Just pay up Paco.


amazing since he never insulted mexicans.

doesn't (((haim saban))) own univision?


good thing they can make pinatas because its the only way i can pick up clues about their culture.

looks like donkeys are less important right now compared to trump deporting them back to their own countries. good to know.

Who's directly above mexicans on the totem pole or privilege? The jews will point them there.


I think now they are going full "oy vey why do they persecute me so" mode

That's so fucking great

Nothing makes me want to build the wall more than when a spic calls me a gringo in my own country.

There will be not Mexican-"Americans". Get the fuck out of my country if you put your shit country in front of my glorious Republic. My family had to learn English when they came here, so will yours. America is a English only country.

Mexicans are not mudslimes, they are Christians who can blend in well with America. These aren't fucking Syrians or Somalians. Stop bullying them


Thanks fvm it's my OC

Fuck Mexicans. As long as they are guaranteed to vote blue and vote for more handouts while driving down wages and committing disproportionately more crime, they are not welcome in America.

>pinata with severed head of the President-elect
>President elect is the attacker
These libshits have no respect for the office of the President.

no really some one pls help.

Remember Mexicans were naked Indians sacrificing each other before the white man civilised them and housetrained them

fuck off wetbacks, I'll never help you. WALL

Why are American liberal jews such shit?

I mean there are many prominent conservative jews in our politics, but in general jews here are very liberal.

why do your brothers hate the countries that let them in so much?

Thats would be the most busted card in rogue and druid

oh god damnit



isn't there always a price for jew help?

That's the kind of picture I'm looking for, and it's of kikes too, but nothing like the one I need. It's not your fault, user, but it's just a slap to my face when i've been hunting for this for days.

It was (((the plan))) all along.



>why do your brothers hate the countries that let them in so much?
That is the nature of the jew and why they must all be expelled. A fact as consistent as gravity for the last 2,000 years. Asking a jew why they do these things is to ask a scorpion why it stings, it is in their nature.

Good gringos. We already started Phase 1 for the creation of Tacosrael.

Redpill me fellow Chilean. Is our country ruled by the jews too? Are our politicians are meme? Are our banks jew property?

>pretending they were not together before

oh the media...

Obviously the goyem part is the joke. But Israeli Jews are clearly superior to the subversive part that got left behind in the west.

How have Mexicans been attacked by Trump?

i have no fucking clue
but our politicians are boring as shit so far and banks are probably jew property

Yeah I know that's cool and all, I don't really care about all of that. I'm just looking for it because it listed the names of the three different ones, and I'm trying to bring this up to this chick who's jewish and I'm trying to get with. DESU if I just had the names that'd work even easier for me.

Smart strategy

We'll now give them billions of dollars in aid for them to steal central America

Crafty beaners

>That is the nature of the jew and why they must all be expelled

Don't the Zionists want all the jews in Israel though?

problem solved?

The Jew is actually naming itself.

What a time to be alive.

Sheet, we are fucked then. By the time we notice them it will be too late.

they hate collective will because a society with actual values trumps their financial concerns, so they seek to ruin and disable our cultures

I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore.

We are fucked anyways, we have a fucking SOCIALIST PRESIDENT

>white replacement is okay so long as it's not Muslims doing it

Hello Jew


>but our politicians are boring as shit so far and banks are probably jew property

I thought the Maronite Christians from Lebanon were the SA equivalent of our jews? ie they controlled huge quantities of money and used their influence to their advantage?

Like slim in mexico, shakira the singer, and tons more.

I thought I remembered hearing in one of my econ classes that like half the Brazil stock exchange was owned by Maronite Christians.

I think the same is true for Indians in SE Africa, and the Chinks in SE Asia.

I think the Heebs just picked the correct area to dominate.

Certain people just tend to dominate certain areas.

Maybe it has to do with the Phoenician Mediterranean roots or something?

>I mean there are many prominent conservative Jews

Who are every bit as cancerous

Of course. Mexicans are jewish puppets

they still getting deported

and they're gonna like it