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>The Times of Israel

uh Supes has always been Moses 2.0

I thought he was always Jewish? Can't wait to read about the bris.

This wouldn't be such a bad thing if Bendis wasn't gonna have The Kents going to Temple and having Stars of David around their apartment, but you just know he isn't gonna be subtle about this. He's gonna make it as hamfisted as he possibly can.

You mean Jesus right?

Well DC wasn't going to last the year anyway so may as well go out with a bang

I never knew he was Jewish at the start; knew the writers were, but huh.

He wasn't Jewish at the start, though he did have a lot in common with the New York progressive jews of the era, values wise.

Jesus was Jewish.


>DC not lasting the year

What did he mean by this? Does user have a little bit of butthurt over Marvel Comics still failing miserably?

Everyone always freaks out about these articles, but they're just opinion pieces by Jewish writers who hope Bendis will do this. Yes, he said Superman is an important Jewish icon, but he's never said he's going to write about Superman's bris.

For the record, I took Superman and AC off my pull list because I hate Bendis's writing. I'm just complaining about the antisemites on here who are foaming at the mouth for any reason to complain about jews.

This. DC Comics is doing very well.

I'm OP, I just don't like Bendis as a writer and this sounds like exactly the sort of thing he'd do. Ain't got no problems with Jews and there's no frothing in the thread.

This. I guess Martha could be jewish but religion doesn't play that much of part in Clark's life.

Oh boy here we go

10/10 clapped for 5 hours after exhibition
>Because i'm jewish, and I feel for the minorities

>Anything made by Jews is automatically Jewish
I guess the theory of relativity is also Jewish eh Bendis? You utter piece of dogshit.

>will start drawing new comic books with the iconic superhero

LOL yeah seems legit

Are Jews the more overrepresented minority in the media?

Bendis, you are NOT Mel Brooks...

Superman was never THAT Jewish though. Like he always sees himself as Clark Kent, not Kal-El, and relegates his kryptonian heritage to a little display in the antarctic. For the most part Superman has almost entirely assimilated into Earth's culture. I mean that is was super progressive back in the day but given the current overton window shift it's actually super un-woke, I'm surprised DC doesn't ramp up the foreign-ness of Superman for diversity points.

Those two statements are very different though. American identity and Jewish identity aren't the same things.

Wait he was made to be space Moses, but Superman was never actually Jewish.

Gays and blacks are

Close, but it’s homos followed by niggers. You’d think they were 30% of the population.

Oh, so you're saying Jewish people can make things that AREN'T Jewish? That they're just normal people and not everything they do revolves around Judism?

Whatever you say, you crazy Sup Forums racist, you!

>Superman starts spouting OY VEYs and other random Jewish phrases like every character Bendis gets his grubby sausages on

I don't care if you make Superman Chinese so long as you get the character right.

No, he was never Jesus, that was twisted later on, he was always Space Moses.

I'm as wary of ((them)) as anyone else, but Superman was created by Jews based on Jewish myth with a Hebrew name.

And Bendis was not the first time to draw from Jewish lore.

Somehow now it's a big deal?

Do people even read comics?

FFS Just look a him, he's an Ashkenazi Übermensch.

Also, Jesus was a jew.

Kal El is a hebrew name?

>Also, Jesus was a jew

No he wasn't you fake news sprouting faggot

Both can be defined as "agenda" for their period in time, but biased arguments usually overlook one and go apeshit on another

That's my point. Pop culture icons follow political trends. What is so tragic or unpredictable about it?

We literally had, last year, protests screaming "Jews will not replace us" on public streets.
The fuck people expected?

>patriotism vs racial nationalism
Totally the same thing.

I don't know, you tell me.

Ok, king of the Judeans.

Jesus was hebrew.
Yes there is a difference and yest it matters.

Ultimately, it's fiction and if I find it well-written I'll enjoy it and if not I'll just shrug and go find something else.

>First chapter is nothing but the detailed genealogical tree of his jewish family
>Calls himself King of Jews
>Not Jew
>Black people, Jews and white people are only allowed to be when i say so

Homosexuals and transgenders.

He wasn't a Jew in the sense of the religion.

I don't recall Bendis saying he'd literally make him jewish. I do recall that interpretation cropping up constantly. Link?

He hasn’t even Started writing and he’s already injecting his religious views into for fucks sake he’s not nearly good enough to do it subtly either

Actually he was, but then he got feed up with this shit, then he made some white collar enemies, and then he died because of his bigmouth. But ta-dah, it was part of the plan. New religion worldwide, so long suckers.

Get with the story. It's a really popular one.

literally "the voice of god"

he was

you're too

He was, that's why he didn't like the pharisees,

Also, secular jews are still jews.

It's not a religion, it's a race/ethnicity that HAS a religion.

>it's a race/ethnicity that HAS a religion.

No wonder every single tribunal on Earth hates this fuckers.

How would Superman have gotten circumcised, though?

It gets worse

Jews have on their record
>Family issues
>Religion issues
>Ethnic issues
>Territorial issues
>Cultural issues

It literally can not be fixed. Shit is fucked.

Jewish Israeli Law pretty much shats all over the right of self determination and the employment of the inner laws of a country in which a crime is commited by a jew.

Holy Shit.

Aren't jews in even smaller numbers?

And way more over-represented?

Ya know as long as they don't make him actually Jewish I like the idea of injecting a few Jewish ideas into him.
I don't like the idea of entrusting said injections to bendis

He wasn't

I would be fine with this, if it was written by anyone besides Bendis.

>"i feel for the minorities"
>racial nationalism

>Yes there is a difference
like what?

Good luck circumcising him.

Just imagine Bendis drawing the same way he writes

I could be wrong. And, correct me if I am.

But didn't the Kents celebrate Christmas?


>I could be wrong. And, correct me if I am.
>But didn't Bithiah and the Pharaoh who found Moses celebrate Tekh?
Your point?

Learn something new every day.
Does Zod mean anything? Or Zor-El? I'm legit curious now.

how would the rabbi mutilate Clarks penis?

>be born on different planet
>don't have a single drop of jewish blood in him
I thought jews had that thing where you have to have Jewish blood in you to be considered a true Jew
otherwise you're just considered a faux Jew unworthy of salvation

Nah. Conversion’s a thing.

Will he start complaining about the Holocaust now?

that's just an orthodox Jew and israel thing

It's Bendis so it's going to be bad, the real question is what flavor of bad.

El or L means god, it's semitic in origin, Elohim means something like "God's kin in Hebrew, you'll notice that most Angel's names end with "El", so everything that ends in El can be ascribed that connotation, like Zor-El.

Superman is literally an angel from God.

Everything else, like Zod, I don't know, I'm sure we could find more parallels in Superman's roots.

You'll remember Superman in his origin was angry and anti-establishment, fighting for social justice, ring a bell?

>don't have a single drop of jewish blood in him
You can't see, can you?

No it's not. It's how he says.

>You can't see, can you?
oh vey, I forget that everyone is a Jew
my apologies

>racial nationalism

No, I'm serious, are you familiar with the term crypto jew?