Oh oh ohhhh ohhh oh oh

Oh oh ohhhh ohhh oh oh
Oh oh ohhhh oh ohhhh uh ohhhhh

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Journey to bear kingdom made no sense to me. For most of the time the animals seemed to be less organized and the bears were much more wild, except for that one that hated birds. The Kingdom just came out of nowhere and there was way more interspecies cooperation than in the earlier Alpha and Omega installments. Still better than Family Vacation though.

Jesus fuck you actually watch the movies?

Well, thanks for reminding me that Caramelldansen exists, I suppose.

Yup, all of them. The biggest disappointment is that they never do the terrible howling music in any of the sequels, however they do repeat the train car scene of the first movie but this time with a bear cub taking a piss.


why are you watching that shit?

They want to fuck the female wolves.

They might just have kids; they love these damn movies for some reason.

They get brought up often enough around here, but it didn't seem like anybody had actually watched them, so I wanted to see what they were like. It's not quite "so bad it's good", but there's some funny moments. It's alright for if you wanna watch some garbage with friends.

Why would you "watch garbage with friends"? Why would you watch garbage at all? Ever?

What else are you gonna watch with friends? Good stuff? That's boring.

things are enjoyable because of their lack of perfection

>good stuff is boring
Wow............. I don't know what to say to that.

No, good stuff with friends is boring, there's a difference. With good stuff you want to pay attention, so there's almost no point in being in a group. With bad stuff you laugh at the silly shit together and talk over it whenever you want.

Okay, got it.

You sound like you hate fun

Anyways who else remembers the magic fountain that hypnotizes birds into dancing

I don't derive fun from consuming garbage. But I do understand user's point

Best part of dino digs.

I don't remember the first one looking this cheap.
The T-rex smile is pure gold though.

That's because the first one had an actual theatrical budget. It still looked bad compared to others movies coming out then though.

>I don't derive fun from consuming garbage.

That's why you're reading Chaucer right now instead of posting on Sup Forums, right?

Sup Forums is not a show, there's no plot. Plus, it's actually.


*actually fun

$350 fine

Maybe if you had friends you'd understand

It's either that or "you must be fun at parties". Predictable.