They killed billions... or maybe even more

They killed billions... or maybe even more...

Other urls found in this thread:,_rights,_and_sentience

He Killed Billions.

Do you count the number of livestock that have been slaughtered for your daily meals? The number of insects that you've trampled upon in your lifetime?

He also probably fucked their corpses afterwards, so its okay

Try hundreds of trillions, plants, animals, insects. Literally every living thing on countless worlds.

I like how they usually gloss over that.

>⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

but how

In the great meme war.


Did nothing wrong.

If they were sentient I would.

>if they were

There's no solid proof that the planets they colonize have life on them or have to have life on them. All we have to go off of is Earth and the planet that was visible in Jungle Moon. Two planets out of potentially hundreds. Those could very well have been the anomalies, and Earth was saved. So really only the one planet proven to lose all life.

But it will aaaaallllllll be okay in the end because they will cry about not liking being tyrants anymore, apologize to Steven for being mean, and make a pinky-promise with him to never ever colonize a planet again.

>inb4 "They live a long time so they should just stop reproducing"
>inb4 "They should put other species above their own and allow their society to grind to a halt for our benefit."
>inb4 "BUT THE CASTE SYSTEM" when we've been shown that some gems are in fact superior to others
>inb4 "MUH FEWSHUN" despite the fact that fusion has been portrayed within the show to be dangerously addictive to the point that that is all a gem can think about and will do anything to continue fusing up to and including betraying their beliefs
>inb4 HFY fags start saying conventional warfare could wipe out a species with access to orbital bombardment, paradox free time travel, superhuman physicality, and wonder materials
>inb4 HFY fags then go on to jack off to the human empire built on the Authority's ashes which is the exact same thing except with humans doing it for resources

Or the number of breads you’ve eaten in your entire life?

I would love to see a non-gem, non-beast alien show up, but Jungle Moon was probably the best chance for that to happen and they squandered it.

Why kill billions when you can kill... millions?

let's assume one animal killed per meal, and that's being dramatic, it's probably less than that. Let's assume that you eat meat only twice a day (personal habits may vary) So at two meals a day, 365 days in a typical year, that's 730 animals per year, and again, that's an exaggeration, as each animal killed will feed more than just you. So over my 27 soon to be 28 years of life, 20440 animals is the upper end of the estimation, and is a gross overestimation.

The insects trampled underfoot? that's trickier, but let's assume you don't go out of your way to kill them. you can plug in a number per day into the calculations of 365 days in a year and years you've lived. in the end though, insects outnumber all other species 10 to one if I remember right, so their deaths don't impact the environment as much unless you're poisoning them, but that's a tangent.
Let's assume you eat the recommended 6 bread servings a day. 6 times 365 times years lived gets you the number. for me, 61320. This is again high end estimation, as many folks will eat less than the daily recommended.

Their society has already ground to a halt. The rebellion helped push their technology forward in leaps and bounds and fear of further rebellions kept that going but their society has stagnated to atrophy as a result. Any dissension or deviation from the norm is crushed, all original thought and adaptability dies with it. All that power, all that potential and they don't do a thing with it except procreate. Stagnation is the only possible outcome for an immortal caste-based society where the limitations of your caste are engineered from your creation.

They don't do anything except make more and more increasingly shit gems that go nuts or can't do their jobs properly. Not even the Diamonds are immune to that, half of them are a fucking washout, so that incompetency is endemic on every level of their society. Their expansion has no real goal or purpose, and they're doing a pretty bad job with the territory they govern currently. Do they have any enemies? Are further rebellions ongoing? Anything to explain their current behavior or vague goals? We don't know. Sugar and her crew sure as fuck don't know.


>muh animals
Animals aren't sentient, humans are.

>and make a pinky-promise with him to never ever colonize a planet again.
>never ever colonize a planet again.
>mfw this is a very real possibility given the way the show's writing is going.
Even peaceful space-faring civilizations wouldn't make promise that mind-bogglingly stupid. It's never a good idea to have all your eggs in one basket.

If you can argue and justify that it's ok to consume or wastefully destroy something based on an arbitrary characteristic by which you define it being inferior to you; then that same applies to any being that can claim, by any other arbitrarily defined boundary, superiority over humans or other sentient beings to destroy them for their own reasons.

>Animals aren't sentient, humans are.
>Animals aren't sentient
Oh boy, you opened up a MASSIVE can of worms that was better left sealed. I'll just post this link add that you'd probably would have avoided the issue if you researched the term you're using.
