
He honestly doesn't look that tough, I think I could take him.

Thats Fifth Column talk there sonny.

Don't say that, that's how you end up frozen and conscious, drifting into space forever.
Stardust doesn't fuck arround.


That guy didn't even try to fight back. I would headbutt Fruit Bar JUST and put a cap in his ass before he could pull any wizard bullshit on me.

Didn't you hear the truth about Stardust? He doesn't actually have any powers at all beyond the ability to, when people are mean to him, run home crying so he can draw a shitty comic about how he'd punish them. Then he shows them and they laugh so he can cry again.

He's not even that tall. He's practically a goddamn midget.

Oh god, Stardust was the Chris-Chan of his era. Suddenly it all makes sense.

Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I'd be more than happy to post the first collection of Fletcher Hank stories. They're not all Stardust, but they're still fascinating explorations into the mind of a writer that was truly one of a kind





>Yeah let me just shoot at the nine-foot-tall demigod that just stepped out of a dimensional portal
Fucking retard.




Honestly if Stardust is coming after you and you have a gun, save the bullets for yourself.


He'd just resurrect you afterward.
Death isn't enough to sate Stardust.


I'm running a superhero tabletop game. If I had a cameo from Stardust, do you guys have any suggestions?

Yeah wasn’t Hanks a complete asshole who regularly beat his kids while drunk before running off with all there money?


Not sure about that first part but he was definitely an alcoholic that was NOT a good father

Optional Superboss Optional Superboss Optional Superboss


Can you imagine that your dead drunken asshole of a dad who you didn’t even see for most of your life got you a dedication and probably a bit of compensation money because of his short run on comics

Straight up insanity


I was thinking more describing him for a short period as he happens to pass through on some mission or other, or they hear news about Stardust doing some crazy fucking shit. I mean, maybe they could get him to help fight the endgame boss who's basically somewhere in the same league. That would be a hell of a showing.

What this guy said.
I would also recommend not making him "beatable" but instead you have to end the bout using another strategy.
>You could use persuasion to convince him you're not a villain.
>You could flee (although this would be near impossible).
>You could try brute forcing him but his spells would make short work of your party so that's probably not a viable strategy. Best case scenario is that you hold him off for 10 or so turns and then he hears another tragedy on the opposite side of the earth and he has to fly away.
It would be a confrontation that would require the players to be at a high level as well as being able to think creatively about going up against someone like him.

Something about this reminds me of Neil Breen films.


Well this just got interesting

Huh, these guys got it super cheap. None of the nightmarish Old Testament punishment stuff.


Their exclamations of fear are so damn eerie.




>super superiority beam









Is it wrong of me to like how grotesque he makes the villains? They look so inhuman, I love it.

I think it makes what he does to them that much easier to swallow. If they looked like a terrified civilian fearing for their life everything he does would have a much different tone. Having them look like this, they're not really people. WW2 propoganda posters did the same thing.


Good suggestions. Does this sound weighty enough for the presence of Stardust?
>A sudden cracking sound in the air indicates the opening of a portal. Alien radiation pours out as a towering humanoid figure steps out. His body is composed of artificial components just close enough to be uncanny, and he stares at you with a gaze that seems to weigh your heart. Despite being apparently material, he has the poise and power of a wrathful angel or old god.




lot of skeleton symbolism in these comics


For a tabletop game, that would be just fine. I've read worse descriptions in actual stories for DnD. Keep it up. Also, I'd recommend actually going through his comics and piecing together bits of exposition to give it that real Stardust feel.
>I can't do it tonight but I'd be willing to storytime the other book tomorrow. Wouldn't be till later (after 7PM).

Jesus Christ StarDust does not fuck around


>For a tabletop game, that would be just fine. I've read worse descriptions in actual stories for DnD. Keep it up. Also, I'd recommend actually going through his comics and piecing together bits of exposition to give it that real Stardust feel.
Yeah, I don't exactly go full purple prose with three drafts in my tabletop games. Just whatever happens to sound cool enough to read out loud. I'll try to take pieces out of the comics themselves, thanks for posting.

No he does not. And its for that reason that if I was a villain, I would avoid him like the plague. Also avoid Punisher, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Ms. Marvel. All of them give zero shits about a "no-kill" policy.
>For that matter, how does Spidey tolerate all the other Avengers given his staunch no killing attitude? Seriously, half the team have a body count in the double digits and he doesn't bat an eye. When Spock was in the driver seat and brutalized a couple of villains (one of which attempted to steal a baby a couple months prior) and everyone jumps down his throat?
>Or is everything I posted above explained by simply stating "Slott is a hack."?


So hes bascially the white guy in niggerwalks comics



Wow...just wow

A Stardust movie that plays up the body horror angle while still having a ridiculously cheery tone would be amazing. Like an R-Rated Captain Marvel movie




thats it, he just becomes a human headed rat?
i'm disappointed



>"Keep thinking, GYP!"

How did Fletcher Hanks get away with this?



This is straight up EVIL!!!!



It would take me a week to explain all the reasons that wouldn't work.


Grant Morrison writes a Stardust miniseries

What happens?


>they'll hang me!
Oh my sweet summer child...


I don't care what anyone says, imprisoning someone for a lifetime of perpetual torment is NOT HEROIC!!! Someone needs to tell that to Flash. Thank god the Rogues killed Inertia and freed him from his unending hell he was supposed to experience at the hands of the Flash.

It would either be hit or miss. IF he had a strong focus for the series and an underlying plot throughout he'll be fine. I'm thinking a 12 issue series split into two halves, with each half consisting of two stories. It's how he set up Batman and Robin and I think it'd work here. That or make every issue a self-contained adventure with the last page or two hinting at what's coming for the finale.

what about those that were inside?
were they just floating around in their homes




>I can use them in my plan to wreck civilization!
Now THAT is what I call a villain.
No grey-zone, no troubled past, no difference in perspectives and point of view. Just disformed evildoers who want to fuck your shit up and steal everything.


so where's the one where stardust fought against the chinaman?

I'm thinking so, which makes it all the more horrifying. I also wonder about the peeps buried in shallow graves. That must be a sight to see



That might be in the second volume, and I'll storytime it tomorrow if people would like.