Agnostic atheism is the ultimate redpill. Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't!

Agnostic atheism is the ultimate redpill. Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't!

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explain to me belgian waffles then.

No, realizing religion is necessary is.


No it isn't.
Civilization will not attain perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest.

more like fagnostic amirite


Realizing the historical and prophetic accuracy of the bible and resurrection of Jesus Christ is.

The most peaceful countries in the world are the least religious and are only getting what shat up now because of religious extremism invading their countries. Religious literalism can't coexist with logic and rationality. It can't coexist with human progress.

>not being a gnostic
keep combining words user, one day you might make the right combo

This seems like an admission that some things aren't explainable by science.

Sounds so epic bro. Tipped my fedora to you.

Science is constantly disproving and correcting itself.

That is the point of science.


The word is "inexplicable". Based Trump will stop this mongrelisation of language

It's called dialect. The English language is always evolving. It is already a mongrel language.

>Trump will stop this mongrelization of language

That's right and he'll do it bigly. Many great great things coming. Beautiful things happening, you won't believe I'll tell you. There are people saying this is going to be fantastic amd you know what folks? This is why I say;
Make. America. Great. Again.

>The most peaceful countries in the world are the least religious
[citation needed]

agnostic lol, "dude I dunno" what a heroic worldview. very brave.

Absence of proof is not proof, absence of evidence is not evidence. That isn't how science works. The burden of proof is on you, now prove god doesn't exist.

Isn't that an actor playing a fictional character?

Pic related is about as valid as that.

>Egyptian sun parable
>Historical and prophetic accuracy

>"All of the above" is always right

Read Aquinas' Summa and then talk.

>yes goy,there is no god! You killed him!
Truly a bluepill



This format is illegitimate. Saged and hidden.

Why do Christcucks get so triggered when someone says they don't like their religion? Are they insecure because nobody believes in their bullshit anymore?

reductio absurdum
>writings of Aquinas and Agustine based from Aristotle and Plato are just explaining the unexplainable
Suck my ass, pleb

More like the ultimate bluepill.


Jew worshiper

Which god?

Explain how the tides go up and down.

>I've never read the bible
>In Greek or in Hebrew
>my understanding is based on terrible translations
>and YouTube vids
Cool story bro.

how lazy can people get

Say you wander through the desert and you find an iPhone. You've never seen anything like it and its design are so finely crafted so you can read "iPhone" on the box and see it had a design. Then if you look to the simple sand around you will see a grander design outside of your comprehension to the atomic level and beyond.

>yfw "I don't like your religion" always comes out as "you're a fucking retard if you believe this lol"
>"hey why are you mad" :^)

Faith in nothing is the same as faith in god. No one knows but I certainly notice atheists are usually cunts.


You can't be both an atheist and agnostic...
Agnostic is believing that God cannot be either proven to exist or proven to not exist therefore god is unknowable...

An atheist is someone who believes blindly in something they have no proof of

Agnostic atheism is just a Lite version of edgy atheist fedoras.

Agnostic theism is superior. It shows you want there to be other aspects of existence to discover and explore them.

No. It's inexplicable.
evolving is not the same as retarded.

You should worship me as your god because I'm real and your false god is not

kek that pic

I am an atheist because I believe in none of the gods said to exist up to now. I am agnostic because I don't count out the possibility of there being something bigger out there, but currently no credible evidence supports its existence.

>the unexplainable

Sounds like God to me.

This John Green fag pisses me off and this pic particularly. Holy shit he legitimately sees people and bonds as disposable in nourishment as cereal. He gets his wholegrain crunch, shits it out and moves onto someone else who will grow tired of him. Atheists worship themselves and their governments. They get completely closed off in spirit from any moral expectation or paradigm. What besides FEELINGS is left when good and bad are just subjective?

Gnostic/Agnostic is a state of belief
Gnostic is knowing with full certainty, Agnostic is without full certainty.

Agnostic Atheist: Someone who doesn't believe in god/religion but isn't 100% sure.

Just because you want it to be true doesn't mean it is. I'm not going to waste my time pretending to believe in something just because it sounds nice. And believe me, I've tried.

Wrong. An atheist merely lacks a belief in God but yet may not make the claim "God 100% doesn't exist". I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't believe in God but I'm not saying there isn't one.

The Bible never says how Jesus looked like exactly so there's zero problems with this kind of renderings or with trying to find Jesus' actual face.

That's called agnostic

Agnostic atheist is an oxy moron

>pretending to believe
>I've tried.

Sounds like you definitely succeeded in pretending to believe something.


I don't believe in god. I am an atheist. Being agnostic doesn't negate the atheism.

But do you believe that no God can possibly exist?

It's either a tautology or oxymoron, your pick.

>Doesn't understand the word agnostic.

>The most peaceful countries in the world are the least religious

Define (((Atheism)))

Except I don't believe in "nothing". I believe in the physical, observable universe. That is not nothing.

My mind would be put at ease knowing that someone's potentially protecting me, or at least overseeing everything. If there is, I won't fight em, because apparently they're all-powerful and I know I can't compete with that. I don't mind religion, but I can't help but be bothered by those saying the Earth's only 6,000 years old. Like they know what a lightyear is, right? Because even light needs time to reach your eyes to help you see things. So if it's a lightyear away, that means you're technically seeing what happened a year ago. We have telescopes that can see way, way beyond 6,000 lightyears, so that kind of shuts down the creationist young Earth thing, don't it?

But seriously, there's nothing that will ever disprove of divine intervention. Forget "what if God was one of us", what if God was a box of Honey Smacks? Seriously, if they're all knowing and all powerful, surely turning into a box of cereal isn't beyond their ability. They could be anyone, anything, anywhere, anytime, and all at once. It's power beyond being able to truly accept it, and in turn comprehend it. A comprehensible God is not God.


If you can't believe in some sort of greater power, then how can you believe in anything? Plus everyone worships something, even if you don't call it God

That's called Gnosticism, the opposite of Agnosticism.

You don't believe in that. You know it is real. Believing is something that comes with not being sure.

Gnosticism is the ultimate redpill

Yeah it does an atheist is someone who believes there is NO god at all

An agnostic thinks god may exist but is smart enough to realise an atheist believes there is no God which they can never prove therefore an atheist has faith that Gods not real exactly like a Christian believes in God only reversed

The only things I care about are my immediate obligations.

it's immature, sure

I strive for tranquility of mind, and to do what I can to advance humanity. There may be only eternal oblivion, but it's better than worshiping a god who put us here for his own amusement.

The problem with atheism is its too simple. It falls apart almost immediately. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.

Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It is merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen, for physical or chemical reasons, to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But, if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes itself will give you a map of London. But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to Atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an Atheist, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I cannot believe in thought: so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God.

Atheists fancy themselves very intellectual yet their arguments are very unsound and contradictory. They have absolutely zero spiritual imagination. By spiritual imagination I mean imagining a demensional and timeless spirits beyond our own world. A lamp casts a two demensional shadow of me, a three-dimensional object. What am I a reflection of?

I'd reference Aristotles book "on the heavens" as a good idea of what I mean by spiritual imagination for an adult mind, as the easiest jumping off point.


Then they don't believe either, what they believe is that they do not know.

No. Gnostic is knowing, you don't believe in something you know, you know it.

I believe in the observable universe. The world around us. It's here and actually real. What's nice is there is always something new to learn.


Obligations do not imply will though. What do you love? Not like you love mommy but at your core.


No. Why do people keep saying this? You don't believe in the observable universe, you know it is there, you have observed. You don't think the Universe is a real thing, you know it is.

All of em.

We'll wait.

What are you talking about? Are you saying I "know" god is real? You know my thoughts and feelings better than I do?

Islam and Judaism sure are necessary.
Oh wait, all religion EXCEPT those. Gotcha.

>those saying the Earth's only 6,000 years old
literally only autistic protestants think that


I'm religious myself but it's like you're not even trying.

Like pol will swallow this.

I like you

my nigga

Haha you believe that the physical world is real?

Wow what a ground breaking lilttle religion you got there

What are you talking about?
You said
>I believe in the universe

You know it is real. Knowing and believing are two completely different things.

I don't believe in god but I'm open to any evidence suggesting one does exist

Nobody except leftist middle/high school teachers and their sheep-minded students actually like John Green. It makes me sick how he uses his historical education as a vehicle for his leftist propaganda.

>Not realizing that the concept of god is a contradiction, and therefore demonstrably non-existent.

It's been explained several times in this thread already.

Gnostic = believe with absolute certainty

Agnostic = believe but are open to being proven wrong



I would "bone" her.

t. Mohammad

How do you "know" it's real?
