What are the odds we'll get to see cartoons aimed at adults that aren't stoner shit in our lifetime Sup Forums?

What are the odds we'll get to see cartoons aimed at adults that aren't stoner shit in our lifetime Sup Forums?


Ren looks fuckable in this pic.

It'll come out and Sup Forums will bitch that the writing isn't perfect and studios will agree to never do it again.

Ask Japan or Europe.

There's no sustainable market for that.

Watch Bojack Horseman.

Let me stop you right there

This, there's plenty of anime! Plus, there are all sorts of indie movies released every year.

Hopefuly Netflix might start to think there is some sort of sustainable market for it.
Say what you will about Rick & Morty but at least it's not a "sitcom satire" and not just stoner comedy or cheap grossout. Yes there is some of it but it's trying to do a bit more, and that might give some people ideas, and Netflix might buy them since they seem to try and get all the material they can.
So who knows, it might happen. it's probably not likely that we'll ever get adult cartoons that aren't comedy but there's a remote possibility that someone gets a clue from the rising popularity of anime...

Venture Bros has been out since 2004

Fuck off.


Kickstarter maybe, that's how LastMan started

>What are the odds we'll get to see cartoons aimed at adults that aren't stoner shit in our lifetime Sup Forums?
We kind of did.
It was canceled because drug use hysteria about an anti-drug episode... which was the last one.

and retarded people upstairs in the office thinking daria was a better choice

No u

Fuck john k

i already did.

>hurr duurr ive never seen it but its bad because uhhh sad

go to bed stimpy

And this are the only correct answers.

America hasn't gotten past the animation age ghetto, so outside of very niche self funded projects like Netflix in-house shit you're out of luck.