Why do farmers always vote Republican?

Why do farmers always vote Republican?

Just a guess, but they probably don't think other people should get free stuff from their hard work.

Nice picture.

Because they haven't lost themselves up the asshole of urban modernity.

Surprise surprise, crackers are retarded and vote against their best interests.

they're promised subsidies because votes in less populated states count for more than those of nigs in states with large Urban areas.

Because democrats keep whinging that theyre racist incest pigfuckers and they keep bleeding them dry for benefits that go to city dwellers.

They don't, in many places the democrats subsidize farms.

Depends on the crops I guess.

How is voting democrat in their interests? They get none of the benefits while their country gets filled with forigners and sanctioned aids spreaders.

They have to work for a living.

Democrats support estate tax. Democrats enact regulations that harm ranchers, especially cattle ranchers. Democrats enact regulations that increase the cost of and cost to operate chemicals/equipment for farming and ranches. On social issues rural farmers and ranchers are at odds with Democrats, especially on gun rights.

Etc Etc etc.

because we want to be LEFT THE FUCK ALONE. Fucking degenerate queers step foot on my property I'll bury you in the neighbors yard


The benefit from illegal labor theoretically. In many states they're also for subsidies. It's why farmers in states like Wisconsin and Iowa have historically voted blue in the past.


You're alright, Sven. I hope you have an escape plan.

Not true.

Farmers and other people from the rural segments have always tended to favor Republican, or in the case of the pre-republican times, towards parties that have a lot in common with *some* of the modern Republican platform.

A good example of this would be the Jeffersonian Democrat-Republicans vs the Federalists. Much like modern republicans, the Democrat-Republicans favored the Articles of Confederation, Low Taxes, Small Government, and Individual Liberty (neocons have largely abandoned most of this in practice, keep in mind). Their base of power tended to reside out across the countryside in the agricultural communities.

The Federalists (IE: The modern democrats/liberals of the age) were in favor of the Constitution, a super strong centralized federal government, relatively few personal liberties, they opposed the bill of rights, and wanted to tax everything that moved. Their domains of power tended to be the large cities (New york, Baltimore, Atlanta, Richmond etc etc)

Fun fact: This is the reason why the constitution was ratified. It was quickly and randomly called to a vote and pushed forward as quickly as possible because the Federalists had their support bases in large cities, and they knew it would take a lot longer for the Democrat-Republicans to ride out across the countrysides and spread news to their people.

Exactly this.
Isolation turns people into paranoid psychos.

Republicans support agriculture subsidiaries

>they're promised subsidies

It's this. Farm states have representatives that lobby hard for subsidy and legislation that pads their business. Making the comment at totally, utterly ironic.

Iiterally this

>Why do farmers always vote Republican?
Because the act of growing things inherently makes you a fucking racist