The Unbelievable Gwenpool storytime

/ourgirl/'s book ends today, so let's read the whole thing.

If you just want the books, have a link:





it comes out on the 28th


What, I thought it was today. Well fuck it storytiming it anyway.














this. don't scare me like that OP








I always liked this art style. Gurihiru are still my favorite Gwenpool artists, but this style is a breath of fresh air.











There's a fart edit of the lasdt panel right?






I could easily see this done animated or live action, it's great



Thank you for the links broseidon










I'm not crying. I swear I'm not.






We will never be free of Exterminatrix Gas, will we?







Finally, people who realize that being X-Men is not a good thing, what with all the wars and extinction events they go through on a daily basis.






Damn it, I miss Cecil being in his original body. I miss Cecil in general - he should have gotten more screentime.


>she just pushes him in
Motherfucking kek






How did I not notice before the little holes in Modok's feet?, like action figures have.


The only comic I really had fun reading in a long time. Western isekai at its most charming.




jesus this is terrifying








In the last issue when Gwen breaks down and starts to cry because she's being cancelled, it actually made me hope that the cancellation was staged, and was part of a story where we'd see her go to Marvel and pretend to be Heather Antos or something to get herself uncancelled, at which point they'd announce the series was continuing in the real world as if it actually happened... I think that would have been an amazing stunt, that you could only pull off with a character like Gwenpool. But I know the industry doesn't work like that, so...