Has the Punisher ever killed cops?


This happened in my neighborhood a couple weeks and it got me a lil agitated, a trigger happy cop killed a kid backing out of the driveway. Then the cop got away scot-free and quietly quit the force.

I'm wondering has The Punisher ever pulled a Chris Dorner and killed corrupt members of the government? I would like the Punisher a lot more if he did and would make military/cop worship of him ironic.

I think he's killed crooked cops before. Dunno about corrupt members of the government.

He once wiped out a whole police force besides one guy.
They were all dirty.

>Call officer to prevent someone from killing themselves
>Kill that person

Fucking incredible. And yes, he's killed corrupt people on the police, and government. One of the more famous issues has him killing an entire precinct, and leaving only the one clean cop alive (who was hilariously trigger happy, but didn't actually do anything illegal).

Oh yeah. The famous "It's Wednesday" page.

Hilarious how police worship a character that would kill them if they caught them slipping. Also post some Punisher kills cops comics.

>Then the cop got away scot-free and quietly quit the force.
>quit the force.
That's the real tragedy. Guy didn't do anything wrong and shouldn't have lost his career. That video makes it fucking clear as day that the fucktard kid was aiming for him.

He wasn't aiming for him, clearly he was shot causing him to spin out of control.

If he had done nothing wrong why did he quit his job?

Because assholes don't want facts, they want to bitch. And if they don't get the results they want, then the department and that officer has to deal with retarded bitching forever. That's just how the world works today.

Al Franken didn't do anything wrong either, but he still had to resign from Congress.

Al Franken raped people

There was that subplot in Punisher Warzone where Frank kills an undercover cop.
He feels so guiltridden that he walks up on the family's doorstep ready/willing to let the widow to shoot him down in revenge.

Why wouldn't they? Most of them aren't crooked or trigger happy.

people laugh into anything that lets them feel better than someone
the possibility that someone may have done something bad, maybe, means they will hound that person forever because it strokes their ego

truth doesn't fucking matter anymore.

Proof? Cuz all I'm finding is accusations and allegations.

Lol his identity wasn't even revealed, no one would have possibly hounded that cop. How is that justice?

Hovering your hands near someone's tits as an obvious fucking joke is rape?

Christ Al-fucking-mighty.

Cunts like this

Frames had a couple people say he was inappropriate one in a while, most of it was tossed. what wasnt was barely worth a frown

and wanna like this go "OMG murderer rapist child molester. I don't know any facts but I have to jerk off to someone else's undeserved humiliation"

And you have just proven exactly why the officer had to quit even though he didn't do anything wrong. Cunts like you. You are the fucking problem.

>his identity wasn't even revealed
That's the best time to leave; right before they find out your name. It's almost like it pays to be proactive.

>cop shoots someone 13 times after killing someone


What a compelling and well-worded argument.

Literally samefagging again, the poster count went from 9 to 9 with this comment

What? Allegedly he shot twice then fired 11 shots after the car started spinning. Are you insinuating that all 13 shots were unnecessary and that the kid was somehow already dead before he opened fire?

I knoe right, why didn't he just delver a heartwarming speech while the music swelled

It's almost like people want to respond to posts replying to them numbnuts.

Posting 4 different responses to one post pretending to be different people is samefagging, faggot

You're implying all four are the same person yet have no proof.

1. Poster count did not change from 9 after they posted
2. Poster count did not change from 11 when you posted this. So more Samefagging.

Or there are 10 people other than you that you're talking to, and no one else wants to join this shit thread.

>Poster count did not change from 9 after they posted
You are aware that some people actually reply more than once in a thread right?
>Poster count did not change from 11 when you posted this. So more Samefagging.
Why the fuck would it when I'm replying to your post that was in turn replying to mine? Are you dense?

It's not worth it. I'm pretty sure we're being baited.

>2 responses
>poster count stays at 11
We get it, you're a samefag

Oh! He's a phone poster! Okay, now I get it. We've been talking to someone who's genuinely retarded.

Keep being paranoid and mobile shitposting m8. It's probably one of the few joys you have left I'd guess.

>Samefag saying We're
>Poster count stays at 11
You must have multiple personality syndrome, huh?

Huh. My department would've indicted him, desu. The only times we can open fire on a driver of a moving motor vehicle are if they're shooting at us/a civilian, or trying to hit you and you have no room to move out of the way (basically an alley).

It's funny how everyone slaps on the news police stories that are either debatable or false, but shit like that gets covered because the kid is white.

>11 posters still

because Frank is still a criminal mass murderer and cops worshiping a criminal mass murderer isn't a great look

I'm pretty sure that this has been brought up in the comics. The brass doesn't like Castle at all, but opinions among the beat cops are mixed. Nobody worships Castle, but there are quite a few cops that like what he does. Which I'm pretty sure is what you'd find in any demographic.


Crooked Cops? yes definitively.
Actual legit good cops? not that I'm aware of.
and I'm pretty sure he killed several foreign government people and one or two leaders, he did some wetwork with Nick Fury after all.

He slaughtered a shit-ton of Russian soldiers in MAX.

In War Zone, the whole plot starts because Frank kills an undercover cop by accident, and it completely fucks him up.