Yo whys the black one got to be associated with dirt?

Because it's where you should be pickin cotton ya fuckin nigger now get back to work

Realistically speaking, could they (without the use of Captain Planet) beat Aang in a 5 v 1 fight?

Wind, Fire, and Air! We may look bad, but we don't care

Is Aang limited to not using the avatar state then? If not he curb stomps them.

Also what age? Adult Aang is definitely stronger than 12yo Aang.

How did they fuck up a show about shamans summoning a powerful elemental to fight human corruption?

Reminder that Kwame is the most powerful Planeteer.

Realistically he should be, but they always gave Ma-Ti some new retcons (brainwashing, telepathy) to try to make up for his pathetic power. They eventually dropped Ma-Ti to focus on Wheeler and Linka more.


Being able to rip the fucking earth apart > telepathy

Am I the only one who thinks that having fire as "good" while having radiation as "bad" is contradictory? Fire can cause very severe pollution depending on what/where it burns, and regarding radiation, controlled amounts of UV is required for plant life, human life, and the breakdown of many volatile chemical pollutants.

Wind and Fire heed my call!


Storm, Earth, and Fire!
Heed my call!

Wanted to post this. God main girl was hot.

At least it's not another black guy with electric powers.

Let owa powas coom-byne!

What is it with niggers and electricity?

"Dis Deadly as fuck Cheese Puff"

He could potentially cause heart attacks too I guess. And he did have control over animal life and change emotions in humans. Kinda badass.