Reboot: The Guardian Code

How was this considered acceptable?

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Let's keep this negativity train a rollin'.

This looks like fucking shit.
I wish I had died before this came out.

I hate it and I wish you died too.

Why must we suffer both?

Came to Sup Forums just to make this thread but you beat me to it.

I don't think words alone can express my extreme distaste for all this.

Yes. I am not out of hate yet.

We could have been free from all of this.
Why does it have to be this way?

Are the original characters even in this?


Do you not see megabyte in the op image?
They mentioned they will use other characters, but not at what capacity

How is it the visuals look worse now than they did fucking 16 years ago?


>I wish I had died before this came out
I agree, worst possible timeline. wanna make a suicide pact?

It's the right thing to do.

Things to Remember
It was originally pitched as a true sequel but nobody wanted to pick it up
New guy pitched it as a teen drama suddenly lots of channels showed interest
Nobody in the original staff was happy about this

Only now do we truly understand what Megabyte meant by "a fate worse than deletion"

Why make a suicide pact if you can make a homicide pact instead?

>all those dislikes
Top kek, hopefully this fails so bad that it scares away company from ever making this teen drama shit in favor of an actual action series or a continuation of a beloved older series ever again.

All you needed was a damn recap/introduction episode to set things back on track. Bob being a gaurdian sent to protect the system, and has been tasked with containing Megabyte who has now become a new type of virus and he is cut off from getting back up. End the episode on Megabyte being driven out of the Principal Office but escaped with something that allows him to rebuild Silicon Tor. Bam, fresh start.


The one small thing this new show seemed to nail at least.

This disgusts me.

If only Megabyte would stick his blades through one of the users an announce the Users as being false gods.

Okay I just took the time to research and figure out who was responsible for this hot mess because of how mad I am. I grieve for reboot and the rest of you who had to see them shit all over your favorite series.

So Michael Hefferon who was actually around in mainframe's hayday was interviewed awhile back, and said no one would buy the concept for the original show. So he effectively made the choice to allow this steaming pile to be made and slap the reboot name on it for a quick buck. Who cares if im shitting on the fans expectations? Its already bought and paid for.

Director is Pat Whilliams, he's mostly a noname outside of cool runnings. He seems to have had a hand in degrassi the next generation, so theres your scenario. These are likely the two candidates most deserving of sending your bags of shit to. Maybe the director is just doing his job, but my money is on michael. Fuck him. Fuck him for selling out. How could they ever think this shit was okay?

considering your fetishes, im shocked anything disgusts you

I don't know who you think I am.

a pervert

I asked this in a previous thread but did not get an answer. Is the original Reboot on Netflix or at least coming to it at some point?

>All you needed was a damn recap/introduction episode to set things back on track.

So basically, you wanted the thing to have Reboot's usual style of intro?

>Hex looks fine
>Literally everything else CGI looks worse than the original show, especially Megabyte.

I mean Hex is best girl, but even she can't save this travesty all by herself.

never watched the original but this looks like code lyoko

This is the kind of shit I would expect to call Bob "Bon"

If only Bob was here. Bob was big, Bob was strong, Bob was... blue.

Best comment here.

>Mostly live action stuff
>trying to be power rangers, but with none of the fun
>the government vs the god-hacker plot seems to have no connection to the teens
Heres a recap of the whole series in 3 minutes, in operatic form.

>Hex actually looks alright
Is Hex going to have to carry this bitch?

>implying that's Hex

Watch that be just the form another hacker takes after "rebooting" into cyberspace.

I guess?
Noy likely the one you're thinking of I imagine.


I love how Woolie celebrated getting blocked by the shows Twitter because he kept shitting on them

How? How is it this looks better than everything we've seen for Guardian Code?

I bet they won't even let Megabyte rock out.

And another piece of my childhood destroyed.
Going to go hang myself before some fool tries to reboot Exosquad.

There's a thread on Sup Forums where the art book of the original show is being dumped if anyone was interested

Oh god, all the fun is just going to be replaced by badly written teenage angst plotlines.

And somehow it looks worse than early 90s CGI! Goddamit.

>Looks like shit
So did Reboot

>not linking to it

No it didn't.

>Show is now about le epik hackerz

What I loved about the original Reboot was how it took place in what many could see as a mundane computer. How something as simple as booting up a PC game put a lot of lives on the line as the character combated both viruses and this eldritch god of a user that they can only hope to push back, but never defeat.

This just feels like a shitty code lyoko.

Jesus, I just saw the trailer. It seems like they're going for a Code Lyoko style of "humans going into cyberspace" with Power Rangers. The voice for Megabyte is fucking lame; it doesn't have the same presence that Tony Jay had.

Who wanted this?

Let's see if I mess this up

It didn't look good but megabyte at least didn't look like he had down's syndrome

It looks so... empty.

It's art-style and direction that plays a key role for how a product ages.

I'm just imagining the boardroom meeting
>The characters are all computer programs?
>That doesn't make sense, how are people supposed to relate to those?
>Lets go with Main character, his nerdy friend, person of color and girl.
>They'll all go into the computer and fight back against whiteguy the antagonist and his minions, a poorly casted Megabyte
>Games? Pop culture references?
>That is stupid, no, they'll just go in and fight the viruses in a low budget tron world as untelented young adult actors doing that Iron-man vision bullshit.

will this show have this?

>Widespread internet fundamentally changed society and how we interact and computing
>But rather than explore that from a computer's perspective, let's have the most stock characters ever play roblox

yeah, what's more, they could have just said the bad guy was gonna REBOOT the internet or some shit

That's not an excuse.

Link to the art book:


That'd require talent and vision. The producer in charge of this brand right now literally sounds like MOM I'M MAKING A TV SHOW


I'm not a big fan of Good Hexadecimal, but I appreciate this.

It looked like ass back then. People liked it in spite of the shit cgi, retarded nostalgiafag.

The producer's kid's name is Austin. The main character is a Caucasian kid named Austin. Figure it out.

And the required-to-be-Asian hottie?

Remember: the people who once brought you ReBoot and Beast Wars have been making nothing but crappy direct-to-DVD Barbie movies for at least the past decade. They have long ago lost any semblance of quality control.

>everyone else looks bizarelly off.

>Hex is just fine (though I did like her "protection suit" more)

I thought that Barbie show was supposed to actually be funny.

Life in the Dreamhouse was done by Arc Productions a Toronto based crew and now Mainframe/Rainmaker.

Also it had solid writing unlike just about everything else made for just selling toys.

Damn I miss Dreamhouse.

Part of me thinks that it's been so long that anything is acceptable.

Although I wish the CG looked better. That and not stealing the plot from Super Samurai Cyber Squad.


Dont fuck with me

is that real?

I'm such a pleasure that I'm willing to watch this. Who knows? Maybe it will have more to do with the original reboot than it looks.

I don't like AI girl in live action, though.

Don't kill yourselfs over this user. Stay and talk about it.

Honestly, what kind of system destroys part of it's OS because you win a game?

Are any of the original people actually still working for the company?

Wait, she's alive? I know she left something in the copy of Enzo, but the original Hex is fucking gone, scattered to the digital winds.

Except it is. it's not the fault of the original makers since they clearly didn't want to pull this shitty direction.


OG Reboot at least had the excuse of it being one of the if not the first all-CGI production that wasn’t a short or AMB for its animation flaws.

Guardian Code looks arguably worse than Reboot when almost every other modern CGI production surpasses it by at least a mile.

>It was originally pitched as a true sequel but nobody wanted to pick it up

That's not true. Hefferon lied that no network wanted the show as it was. He never had any intentions of bringing it back. Why do you think the lead character is named after his son, Austin?

First MAHVEL gets shafted for EVO now this. Poor Woolie


>Bob being a gaurdian sent to protect the system,
>protect the system
>not mend and defent
you had one job

What does he have to do with Reboot?

Because nobody from the original staff is even involved.

So did he, and he got sent into the Web and came back to a genocided burnt down system Megabyte didn't even want anymore.

It certainly looks a good bit cleaner than the original series, but that's it. There doesn't appear to be any of the charm or humor of the original, much less the visual creativity that the first show had. It's just some okay CG with a recognizable name attached.

Did anyone else think "Disney Channel" when seeing this?

More of a CN Real feel.

he's an outspoken fanboy of the show

No, I thought of that awful fifth season of Code Lyoko which was literally the same thing this is going to be.

I know some would complain about Daemon being a loose end, but the show really should have ended with this episode.

Considering Daemon ended up sucking, in hindsight, I doubt anyone would care


I dunno, there's a certain poetry in putting them in the fighting game. You know, the one where Enzo lost his eye... much you want to bet they toss that in and have one of the characters (extra dollar says it's the girl) who LOLNOPES Satan?

>I mean Hex is best girl
You misspelled 'Daemon'.

>Wait, she's alive?
it's a reboot. This Hex is a radical man hater, I shit you not.

Who wished on a monkeys paw for live action code lyoko?

why the fuck are they recycling the plot of zixx

also does anyone else here even remember zixx ?